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View Full Version : [Suggestion] Better guild & chat system

08-06-2015, 11:05 AM
a guild ally window system:

since some of guild have allies i just want to suggest that can we have a guild ally window system so you can easily join(in pvp) and you can know who is your ally even he got not title.

a guild ally chat system:

a simple system like /party , /guild, /all so you can easily message your allies about pvp , selling/buying items for short communicate with each other

a universal chat system for buying and selling items:

both merchant and players want this so you can easily find a buyer or seller for an item because so hard to find each other even in same map "but" different channel for example same in paradise pier but you cant find each other because of player limit in a map so if we have an universal chat system you can easily find a buyer or seller for an item. ofcourse it should have a limit message like 1 message only every 5-10mins because there is so many players in Arcane Legends
any thought or idea with this?
ign: cantsmile