View Full Version : jort staff brutality

08-08-2015, 12:47 PM
I dunno if spelling of that staff is right as it was my first day on event I looted this lv 15 staff of "brutality"
I know there r these kinds of staff on cs but none is "butality" lv 15 so I guess brutality is kind of rare
Can anyone tell me wht is this staff worth?
If its rare then I hit jackpot :P !!
Ty :)

08-08-2015, 02:15 PM
brutality is the best version of jord's staff. i bought a level 11 one for 130k which was a fair price. you may be able to sell it for more at this stage. check across different levels to compare what people are selling jord's staff of brutality for.

08-08-2015, 07:13 PM
I dont see assault type :o

08-08-2015, 11:23 PM
brutality is the best version of jord's staff. i bought a level 11 one for 130k which was a fair price. you may be able to sell it for more at this stage. check across different levels to compare what people are selling jord's staff of brutality for.

Tyvm for reply and i aIso got lucky
so can my staff be worth 130 k?or more maybe?