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View Full Version : Visiting is now Leaving...

08-08-2015, 04:25 PM
As of today, I've decided to quit AL and finally move on. It's a decision that I've been toying with for several months now, and have never been quite able to do it, but with this event I have come to the realization that I don't actually enjoy playing the game anymore. With this in mind, I've given away to majority of my items, and have now deleted the game. After roughly 2 and half years of playing, I've made tons of great friends, which will be the hardest to leave behind I suspect - (I'll list these in chronological order of me meeting them.)
Lufitoob - My first longtime friend in AL, we met in WT4 or somesuch, and fast became friends, many happy memories with you by my side talking about random cat stuff while trying to stay alive in elites. Part of the cat collecting duo alongside the mysterious Ent, always looking for the lowest level items, yet never too busy to chat in camp :)

The Elite Mafia - My first real guild in AL, can't say we ever were that great at running maps, but, we sure had lots of fun and good times running them which is all that really matters IMO!

Pyrogenie - I chanced upon a Mage wearing a pretty slick looking armor one day and stopped him to inquire about it, and that's how I met Pyro. After that, if I ever had a question about Mage collectables, I'd rush to him since he was pretty savvy about those matters, after awhile we started running maps and such together, which later turned into a friendship spanning several seasons.

The Collective - I was invited to this guild by their previous GM Zuzeq after my break during S4, my time in TC taught me all the basics of the game that I more or less skipped over during s2-3, for that I'll be eternally grateful to the loads of great people in that guild, past or present. (Zuzeq, Keikali, Hectornab, Gorecaster, Socmudd, Geu, Metz, and many many more!)

Arcane Fellowship - My time in this guild was short, but I still met some great people here, a few of them becoming some of the best friends I have in AL. Shoutout to Vys for keeping this guild a great place until his exit from AL. While I was in AF, I met Fadedtwo, Drewzee, and Omnisorc/Madnab, who all made a big impact on my AL experience in their own way).

Drew - Always around for chatting about anime or just life in general, never too busy to hop into a PT and get to farming!

Omninab - One of the best players in AL that I know of, I've seen him play all 3 classes with more skill than I can play one. Smartest potato I know as far as game mechanics go (just look at dat bug list @.@), spending countless hours trying to make the game a better place for all players. Plus, another anime nub!

Fadedtwo/Candylicks - Though I met them at different times, one does not simply split up AL's power couple! When I met Fade he was sporting a sweet Red Arlor set when it was the pinnacle of fortune, he asked me some game questions in PM which somehow led to me recruiting him to my guild (AF at the time) and boy was I glad for it! Fade later left to TC after talking with their members in the forum chatbox extensively, which led to him meeting Candylicks (I assume that's how it went to some extent), which made them one of AL's most prominent couples. Now, fast forward a few months, and there was some conflict inside of TC, which led to Fade and Candy setting off on their own to create a new guild, <Enigmatic>. Due to certain circumstances, I felt that leaving TC and helping <Enigmatic> would be the best option for me. Now, 7 months later, Enigmatic is the top PVE elite guild in AL, and will only continue to grow better! Fade and Candy, truly helped my progression as a player in ways that are unfathomable, I got my first red pet (Singe master race ftw) due to them, I got all my first myths due to them selling them at reduced guild rates, without their assistance with this, I probably would have given up due to farming being almost laughable at most points during the past year or so. For that, you'll have my eternal thanks!

Enigmatic - I want you guys to know that my time in Enigmatic was most likely the best 6-7 months of AL that I had, even though elites were almost always worthless during that stretch of time. Building this guild, making it into what it is today, the experiences I had due to Enigmatic are what made AL a truly fun game. I hope that the members, recruiters, and officers continue to strive forward and keep improving this guild and the community as a whole. (PS: LOL@PVP)

Instinctive - #ESOprooooo, I remember when you were no death before it was cool ;), hope to see you on CS:Go sometime :P

Entity - Meow (bes kitteh collector!)

Forum Nabs! - Zylx, Ruizhe, Ilhanna, GoodSyntax, and many others that influenced my forum life! Keep doing what you're doing ^.^

Reun/Lift/Saber- Uber nice dude with some fancy names, don't see him much anymore though ;(. Gave me my namesake around a year ago, and thus Ralchior became Visiting :D, for which I'll always be appreciative!!
Deviant Misfits - I was somewhat of an honorary member here, so I'd like to mention Bella for taking on the GM role and always striving to lead this guild in the best possible direction, as well as improving herself as a player, Sean simply for being Sean (smh :/), Twoc for being less than useless all the time, and Preview for being around to help my sorry butt in PVP when I needed it *.*

Fyrce/Angel/Basically Any Cool IGN - Another anime buddy that also was always up for some farming, always positive even in the worst of times, plus, dem IGNs OP!

BaronB + High Society - Chillest person/guild in AL hands down!

Leeelooooo/Kkidira - Two women in AL that are as strong and independent as they are kind and funny! If you've had the chance to meet either one, you'll get what I mean, had a great time talking/playing with these two :)

I did herp derp into PVP at some point
and meet some great people there too (unexpectedly to be honest @.@)

Leys - Leyspro, that one rogue that AFKs until some attacks her, then she'll wake up and wreck ya'. I had a great time playing on your team, or even against you in PVP, I'll miss our clashes!

Zeus - All around great guy, one of the nicest you'll meet in AL (IMO), forum legend as well, definetly going to miss playing with you!

Kingofninjas- Helped me become a lot less suck at PVP! Awesome guy in PVP and occasionally PVE :)
Ceo - Lots of deaths from this potato, but all deserved ones! Always a blast to with her!

Conradev - The man, the Mage, the legend. Need I say more about him?

Boa - Chillest PVPer ever, always up for a fair clash, even playing disadvantaged he'll play his best and stay positive, all the best to you man!

Night - Bes Tank ftw <3

Seri/Alhunt - Outgeared but never outskilled defines these two perfectly! Never ones to run from an unfair fight, always holding their own against maxed players, had many a good time fighting off the baddies with y'all :)

I'm sure there are others that I missed, and, when I remember the name, I'll add it up accordingly! I'll be around on Line (Id - Ralnab), and I'll be playing CS:GO on PC if any wish to find me :)
All the best, Ral/Visiting/Potato

08-08-2015, 04:32 PM
Ral we will miss you for sure bro. I wish you all the best for tour future and i hope you will ever come back. Gl buddy

08-08-2015, 04:37 PM
Going to miss you, man! You were a great and chill friend.

I may actually move on with you, maybe to CoC (although I don't really have much time for games in my life as of right now).

08-08-2015, 04:39 PM
Ral, don't give away your stuff, you know you're going to come back next expansion

08-08-2015, 04:42 PM
Ral, don't give away your stuff, you know you're going to come back next expansion

Expansion? One map in 2020 most likely, noty.

08-08-2015, 04:48 PM
I got a real tear welling up. We love u too buddy. Will mishu in AL but ik where you'll be. Heheheh

08-08-2015, 05:20 PM
Bye visiting so many old players leaving I have thought about quiting but never can! Coming on my 3rd year this Halloween it is hard with nothing to do!

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

08-08-2015, 05:53 PM
Ral you are one of the brightest, kindest, and knowledge people in this game. It has been a pleasure to have met you in AL and this is for sure a hard retiring post to read. We did indeed meet in TC and Fade and I have always recognized you as one of the greats in this community. We are proud of your leadership in Enigmatic and you truly did build our guild from a handful to overflowing the guild hall.

I do have hope you will return to the game, however I also understand where you are coming from. You will be missed here greatly but I am glad that you will stick around on Line. (:

Ps.. . I still don't believe when you said 'zero' on the last Tod game either. Just wanted to throw that out there.

08-08-2015, 06:59 PM
Omg ral so sad to see you saying goodbye! So many people are leaving and it's making me sad, but I understand how ya all feel. Take care and hope that life brings you only the best!

Make sure u stay in touch with us all on line... That's where all the real fun is these days anyway, hehe.

08-08-2015, 07:51 PM
Awww I'll miss you Ral :( even you joining opposite side on pvp to kill me , it's ok just don't farm me if you come back ok ?

<3 I'm happy to have meet you .

08-08-2015, 08:24 PM
Goodluck sur potato! Potato moar!

08-08-2015, 08:26 PM
Wow this came out of nowhere!

I respect your decision to leave though, IRL > AL, but it still hurts to see another good friend hit the dust. I'll miss our derping around in both PvE and lol@PvP. Thanks so much for all you've done for the forum community!

Keep in touch, and never stop stalking the forums!

... (and I can't believe you forgot me and seri)

08-08-2015, 08:48 PM
Wow this came out of nowhere!

I respect your decision to leave though, IRL > AL, but it still hurts to see another good friend hit the dust. I'll miss our derping around in both PvE and lol@PvP. Thanks so much for all you've done for the forum community!

Keep in touch, and never stop stalking the forums!

... (and I can't believe you forgot me and seri)
Psssh, white text! Now look! Also, I'll lurk around on the forums making meh opinions and such be heard! :>

08-08-2015, 09:04 PM
Always wondered what a Ralchior was. Guess I'll never know.

Pretty sure you owe me some gold for some reason. Don't go too far.

08-08-2015, 09:06 PM
Wishing you the best in all your endeavours sir! Pleased to be on your list of shout outs

08-08-2015, 09:09 PM
Omg, wahhhhh... I'm gonna miss seeing Visiting around! Oh wait, you became a Potato!

I'll still get to talk to you! Gotta love the internets. Hope you'll find new fun games in your future always!

P.S. I always thought a Ralchior was a big nice lumbering guy. Lol.

08-08-2015, 09:11 PM
Always wondered what a Ralchior was. Guess I'll never know.

Pretty sure you owe me some gold for some reason. Don't go too far.

After Google'ing "Ralchior", I found that the top results all refer to me, so I'll just assume the name can mean whatever I want for it to mean. When I made the name (for those who don't know, Ralchior, was my original IGN), I wanted the name Malchior (for whatever reason, mostly because it sounded like a cool name for a Mage), and found that it was taken, so I substituted the 'M' for an 'R' and rolled with it :)

08-08-2015, 10:08 PM
Literally my first friend in AL. All the way back when you was curious about my armor to me herp derping up enough gold to buy your charward staff for 1m so long ago. If it weren't for you I would have never joined Enigmatic. Had no idea it would grow into what if has become. From farming together to derping around pvp and everything else.
I want to say a million things but I'll keep it simple. gonna miss you ral.

Stay in touch on line.

I felt so OP with that charward staff LOL

08-08-2015, 10:20 PM
Literally my first friend in AL. All the way back when you was curious about my armor to me herp derping up enough gold to buy your charward staff for 1m so long ago. If it weren't for you I would have never joined Enigmatic. Had no idea it would grow into what if has become. From farming together to derping around pvp and everything else.
I want to say a million things but I'll keep it simple. gonna miss you
Stay in touch on line.

I felt so OP with that charward staff LOL
Ahh, the "DPS is OP" days! Was great until some smart person (Keikali) told me that I was retarded and that DMG>DPS.

08-08-2015, 10:33 PM
Aw Ral, so sad to see you leave, I've had so many laughs and such fun. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and getting to run with you. Your a great and wonderful person and I hope you stay in touch with us all and excell at all you endeavor :)

08-09-2015, 01:37 AM
I welcome you to the Old Legends Retirement Home, where long-time players live their actual lives after the game!

Srsly tho, you gotta tank jump around the forums every once in a while, but don't forget to eat your pickles, and ofc the potatoes. See ya around mane.

PS. Thank pickled potatoes for Line :)

08-09-2015, 06:22 AM
Bai Bai Ralc-Potato

08-09-2015, 06:26 AM
Psssh, white text! Now look! Also, I'll lurk around on the forums making meh opinions and such be heard! :>

OK ur forgiven <3

Good that you're not severing your connection to AL completely. Who knows, there might be a drastic revival! All it takes is one amazing expansion, don't give up hope ;)

Maybe see you on CoC although MOBAs aren't my thing.

08-09-2015, 07:11 PM


08-12-2015, 06:43 PM
One potato,

two potato,

ciao potato.

I will be back! - Arnold Potato.
Seriously, I don't see me returning anytime soon, at least for extended login times, maybe a visit here and there though..

08-12-2015, 07:25 PM
Seriously, I don't see me returning anytime soon, at least for extended login times, maybe a visit here and there though..

Welcome to Retirement my friend! I hope you enjoy it =] (PS is still have the char Ralspal, just throwing that out there)

08-12-2015, 07:30 PM
Gl ral even though i dont know you i wish you the best of luck

Sent from my LG-D321 using Tapatalk

08-12-2015, 07:53 PM
Welcome to Retirement my friend! I hope you enjoy it =] (PS is still have the char Ralspal, just throwing that out there)

IGN Rates that Ign 10/10!

08-13-2015, 01:43 AM
Goodluck in real life Protato !

10-07-2015, 01:31 PM
Al isent as fun anymore- I have to agree with that. I only really play on the weekends for like a hour-but thats all.

10-08-2015, 12:04 AM
Welcome back!

10-08-2015, 04:10 AM
Hi sir visiting

10-09-2015, 08:32 PM
How's quasi-retirement treating you?

10-09-2015, 10:39 PM
I got meh banner! Am done for good! Unless the purple banner comes back ofc!

10-13-2015, 11:34 PM
Lol I'm still not on here ralnab ;D

10-14-2015, 07:05 PM
Lol I'm still not on here ralnab ;D

Me neither
Ral don't like us :(

10-15-2015, 04:49 PM
Lol I'm still not on here ralnab ;D

Me neither
Ral don't like us :(
Errk, added both of you nabs :D

10-15-2015, 04:58 PM
Errk, added both of you nabs :D
Add me too naablet

10-15-2015, 05:03 PM
Add me too naablet

The fact that I forgot you shows that I played AL for FAR TOO LONG! D:

10-15-2015, 06:24 PM
I'll miss you man.... You remember me mannn?

10-15-2015, 06:36 PM
I'll miss you man.... You remember me mannn?

You were always in the shadows, fighting justice!

10-20-2015, 03:49 PM
We'll miss you! Best of luck IRL. <3

08-31-2017, 10:46 PM
Ral! It was a pleasure knowing you bro.

If you ever want to talk just google my gamer tag.


08-31-2017, 10:58 PM
Ral! It was a pleasure knowing you bro.

If you ever want to talk just google my gamer tag.


that 2 year necro

09-01-2017, 12:08 PM
that 2 year necro

That's what you do on nostalgic check-ins.


P.s. hi Zojak

09-01-2017, 01:20 PM
Harro :)


01-10-2018, 01:19 AM
Back or nah ?

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