View Full Version : Problems that are making me stop playing!

05-27-2010, 06:11 PM
1) Although it is recent, the merge with Fnord and Alterra is giving this game unbelievable lag. Not only in PVP, but also in games, no it isn't my wifi. My ping is good, even friends have noticed lag since then.

2) The crashing! I have posted another forum about this, but I thought I might as well add it to the list:

3) Town needs more to things to do (although this isn't a "problem" but just gets boring). Like a bank, more merchants (like that cell stuff that have stuff that hasn't been selling and makes them discount price)

4) All of the people in town spamming and selling stuff. Although this might be hard to stop, but can't there be a message board type of thing that they go to, to post what they are selling. I know that this won't completely stop them, but it should stop some of it, if not, most of it.

Please fix these problems, especially 1 and 2. Thanks Spacetime!

Edit: For #3 we should have an online unwanted items board. Where people post unwanted items and anyone can take them. There should be a limit like 3 items a day or so (I have proposed this idea before)

05-27-2010, 06:49 PM
I agree with some of the problems that you are having, but what is wrong with people selling things. Yes, the spamming may be annoying sometimes, but there is nothing wrong with regularly selling items in-game. It is a much faster and effectve way of selling items.

05-27-2010, 06:52 PM
What we need is a casino for gamblig purposes

05-27-2010, 09:03 PM
Rebel, it isn't just innocent selling anymore, it has gotten to the point that selling is another word for spamming. I sell items that way to from time to time, but I follow the 5 second pause rule.

05-27-2010, 10:24 PM
What we need is a casino for gamblig purposes


Would be simple too.

05-27-2010, 10:28 PM
I follow the "wait until you can no longer see your text rule"

But anyway, I think that Townes will have much more to do in them once an auction house is set up. This will also help with the trading spam that you are having trouble with also. That's a big issue for me right now. Another is boredom. We need some stuff to do. Professions, spec trees, raids, etc...

05-27-2010, 10:42 PM
4) All of the people in town spamming

Ok I dont want to hear this from someone I've seen spamming words like "c*nt" repeatedly in towne chat.

05-27-2010, 10:57 PM
lol agreed esus

05-27-2010, 11:10 PM
They merged the servers so it should be faster not slower. 2 servers for 450 people, instead of 400 on one

05-28-2010, 06:57 AM
1) Although it is recent, the merge with Fnord and Alterra is giving this game unbelievable lag. Not only in PVP, but also in games, no it isn't my wifi. My ping is good, even friends have noticed lag since then.

Yes, frame rate is our top concern for the next client update.

2) The crashing! I have posted another forum about this, but I thought I might as well add it to the list:

Should be fixed. We had server downtime scheduled, plus an emergency fix. From your perspective, the server should haveonly gone down twice yesterday.

3) Town needs more to things to do (although this isn't a "problem" but just gets boring). Like a bank, more merchants (like that cell stuff that have stuff that hasn't been selling and makes them discount price)

On the list.

4) All of the people in town spamming and selling stuff. Although this might be hard to stop, but can't there be a message board type of thing that they go to, to post what they are selling. I know that this won't completely stop them, but it should stop some of it, if not, most of it.

We'll add a quickchat cooldown for 1.2.1.

Edit: For #3 we should have an online unwanted items board. Where people post unwanted items and anyone can take them. There should be a limit like 3 items a day or so (I have proposed this idea before)

Auction house is on the list.


05-28-2010, 07:03 AM
Thanks asommers, for the information! You rock!

05-29-2010, 02:47 AM
1) Although it is recent, the merge with Fnord and Alterra is giving this game unbelievable lag. Not only in PVP, but also in games, no it isn't my wifi. My ping is good, even friends have noticed lag since then.

2) The crashing! I have posted another forum about this, but I thought I might as well add it to the list:

3) Town needs more to things to do (although this isn't a "problem" but just gets boring). Like a bank, more merchants (like that cell stuff that have stuff that hasn't been selling and makes them discount price)

4) All of the people in town spamming and selling stuff. Although this might be hard to stop, but can't there be a message board type of thing that they go to, to post what they are selling. I know that this won't completely stop them, but it should stop some of it, if not, most of it.

Please fix these problems, especially 1 and 2. Thanks Spacetime!

Edit: For #3 we should have an online unwanted items board. Where people post unwanted items and anyone can take them. There should be a limit like 3 items a day or so (I have proposed this idea before)

I know what you mean about the town. I went in this evening to buy potions. Some person called Mitey and someone else I can't remember the name of were just hitting the chat w the same selling sentence over and over. I felt like I was in the midst of telemarketers:( They really have taken over the town... There definitely needs to be a place just for selling so towne can be enjoyable...

I also don't like the parasites. I don't mind lower levels playing with me though they are high maintenance for a healer... But what is with the parasites? I got a pink in Lost this evening and a lower level followed me around for half the level saying she wanted it & I should give it to her. It's annoying. Who thinks like that? They also will join and beg for any items at all. It ruins the game:( I'm getting so I prefer closed games which saddens me:(

I look forward to playing with you sometime! Don't fret- spacetime will fix things:)