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View Full Version : Idea for Portals (not suggestion yet)

08-13-2015, 12:35 PM
so, many people are mad about food, and rightfully so, but! I have a FIX!

SO! STS wants their money! and we want our PORTALS!


a portal within a portal WOOHOO!

it is a simple concept, make every single event that has portals, be opened with the specific event relic. that takes 8 hours to craft, 6 bought energy kits, a recipe for the specific relic, and change them every year so people can make some money off crafting them. (the relic can be used over and over again to open the first portal)

now, on to the double portal idea. we have the portal that can be opened with the relic, (these ports drop off mobs and bosses alike). now, add a portal inside these event portals!

the portals inside can be opened with items such as the unicorn food, which will lead to the special event boss 100%. such as with the urosth event (bloodgrub)

now, the relic portal leads to the bosses like urosth, but the portals inside that portal must always lead to the new "special" boss.

pros and cons.


this will make energy kits much more valuable, considering you will need a relic AND an event food to reach the special boss. (food would be used but relic will be kept, you can kill the boss in first portal before going to second)

this will give everyone the ability to run portals, while their food is crafting they can be running the "regular boss portal"

this will encourage the making of teams, teams that will be able to do the first boss, and rotate the second portal payment.

this would literally keep everyone running, with very little downtime.


what cons? I cant think of any. if you have any thoughts as to a downside to this please leave them below.

in closing, lets make this a community effortto better these events so I helps everyone.

will adjust post accordingly to comments.



08-13-2015, 03:46 PM
avikk, u iz a nab! when I come back from my break, I will slap ya around and feed you to trulle