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05-03-2011, 03:54 PM

Thread under construction

So i notice less than...a miniscule portion of the community pvp's

so i asked some people who had smal amounts of experience in pvp, why they did not participate as much.

their answer was either:

-I don't benefit from pvp
-its too hard

we cannot fix the difficulty of pvp if we want to keep it skill based, but we can fix the benefits

-lets take a look at the current benefits:


everytime i go on pl and search up a pvp game, theres almost noone there!
and pvp is the only reason alot of people stay with mmo's

here is the solution!

so ive thought this out for a very long time to come up with a solution to get people to pvp without people abusing it, and here it is.

there should be pvp maps, where the area is about the size of the first 4 townes combined.

why so big, kossi? ill tell you why.

a player walks into the World of Ruin (first pvp mega-map)
the world of ruin will consist of: a fathom crypt-style map about 4x times the size of the towne, and hold up to 30 players
there will be barriers of course, but simply short barricades and trees, so people can get their buffs back before they charge once again into battle
when 2 players fight in the world of ruin, noone else can attack them! this means NO tagging, where 2 players are fighting and a third one wants to join the party.
when a player wins a fight, they recieve EVERY ITEM THE OPPONENT WAS WEARING

ALSO, here are come side-notes (dont worry, ill cover them)
- Hitpoints will be doubled
- Potions will be allowed (.2 second cooldown, seperate from skills)
- Players cannot leave during a fight, or they will automatically die and lose what they risked
- Lower HP= Higher Hits (similar to Dharok, in RS)
- items such as Cyber and Black ice can be lost, but you can reclaim them for a small fee

so lets talk hitpoints.

why double hitpoints? they already doubled them!

well, since you can risk up to millions (or thousands) at a time, you dont want to die in a second because your internet in .125 seconds behind everyone else's. (not to mention all of it will go to waste)
with this:
Elfs will get 800 HP
Bears will get 1200 HP
Birds will get 1000 HP

with this, people will apply huge amounts of skill and tactics in order to trap and defeat their opponent, unlike the current pvp, where its who-can-get-hellscream-to-hit-first.


Lets talk potions.

Some of you see this title and say: What? that will totally unbalance PVP!1!11!!
oh contraire.

with the pvp mega-maps, you will engage in fights that can last minutes at a time, because hey, youre risking all your stuff.
Potions will be as much as you wish to bring in the map (up to 9,999)

"kossi, i people will abuse them!"
fear not, we are all aware of the future safe potion-spammers of tomorrow.

my solution? cripple them.
when a players uses a potion, or heals, their damage does down, meaning if you heal to full, youre not going to hit very high.
this makes people take risks in order to get that deadly combo in, if their opponent wants to risk it for that biscuit (or shadow set :cool:)
also, potions will have a .2 second cooldown time, seperate from skill cooldown. (only in these maps)
also, potions will heal the same amout of HP, maybe 1.25% more? maybe.

Lets talk leavers.

this is a topic ive thought about for awhile, and ive come up with a solution:

whenever a person leaves a game, they automatically lose the fight, and whatever they wore goes to the opponent as their spoils.

"but what if i lag out? D:"
- make sure your internet connection is fine before you enter the world of ruin.

"what if my battery dies"
- Charge it before hand.

Lets talk blackice and Cyber.we all know that if we risk losing our cyber or black ice, there is NO WAY we're going in there with that

solution: you lose them! but with a..solution yet again :D
when you lose a black-ice item, you can return to the person who rewarded the item and buy it back for a small fee of 10k.
Cyber: same thing, go back to the ghost or lady at forest haven and get it back for a price of 50k.

people are worried that when they get a kill, someone will attack them and get both loots.
-fear not, when you get a kill, you have the option to automatically leave the map and go the towne, without dying because you left.
of course, you can decline the option.


in fathom crypt, (yes, im giving a function to that ghost-town), there will be portals for:

level 10-14
level 15-19
level 20-24
level 25-29
level 30-34
level 35-39
level 40-44
level 45-49
level 50-56 <---yeah i had to change it up a bit

with these leel restrictions, people will not have a huge advantage by having an entire campaign-full armour and weapons advantage.

once you enter a portal, there will be 10 slots to choose from
the slots show how many people are in each map, so you dont end up looking around for a half hours hopelessly trying to find someone.

once you enter a portal, you will spawn in a random area of the map, a decent amount of space between another enemy

there will be no teams, this is free for all, but you can check who is in the map, or how many.

this is not gambling, and it will be difficult to scam someone

they have to be at least a level 10 to start, and will go through a tutorial on each character they go to world of ruin for the first time.
AND, they will need at least 50 (safe) pvp kills in order to go through the portal.

before one enters WoR, there will be a reminder telling you that if you die, all items will be lost.

This gives pvp a purpose!
tons of pvp lovers from every mmo will gaze at pocket legend's pvp system and be amazed at the amount of awesomeness it contains.

just incase you didnt know, safe pvp will still be available.

thanks for reading,

05-03-2011, 04:00 PM
I think that PvP exclusive awards (the backgrounds of the toons for example) would definitely encourage players to participate.

For example a very good PvP ratio could give a "brawler" background with a tavern fight... and so on.

For the rest I think you have very good ideas. My personal reasons for not participating in PvP is that the time spent there I feel would be better spent farming for gear and I do not like the drama part of it.

Loosing things for loosing in PvP could very well be a deterrent imo.

05-03-2011, 04:02 PM
Nice! I love the idea about it. I just dont know about the whole losing all of your items if you die thing.

05-03-2011, 04:23 PM
I'm not sure losing gear would work very well. Seriously, how many people have duplicates of their whole sets?

05-03-2011, 04:25 PM
I'm not sure losing gear would work very well. Seriously, how many people have duplicates of their whole sets?

How many people would risk that, and how many people would want to buy it back?
Yoy dont have to risk a whole set.

05-03-2011, 04:32 PM
How many people would risk that, and how many people would want to buy it back?
Yoy dont have to risk a whole set.

But you said lose everything you're wearing.

And from what i understand, only the quest items like cyber and blackice have buybacks

05-03-2011, 04:33 PM
Kossi. I am not understanding the loose gear option you are talking about.

05-03-2011, 04:34 PM
I like the idea of pvp rewards but losing everything you were wearing is really just a dumb idea. Should be more like WoW with pvp reward specific gear vendors that only sell you gear when you earn a certain "score" or "rating" in pvp.

05-03-2011, 04:36 PM
I agree that there should be benefits for PvP, but not losing all of your gear over a single battle. I suggest gaining pvp tokens depending on how you do in pvp matches. For example, each kill received in a match gives you 1 token. Each member on the winning team receives an extra 5 tokens. These tokens can be saved up to buy new pvp gear, with stats specifically for pvp.

05-03-2011, 04:41 PM
I like the idea of pvp rewards but losing everything you were wearing is really just a dumb idea. Should be more like WoW with pvp reward specific gear vendors that only sell you gear when you earn a certain "score" or "rating" in pvp.

Yes I agree, something similar to this. Get points for kills/wins/assists/flag capures etc, and use points to purchase either vanity stuff (Helms, shields, unique character customization styles), or level appropriate pvp equipment.

05-03-2011, 04:42 PM
if you dont want to risk it...just, dont, do it.

05-03-2011, 04:48 PM
if you dont want to risk it...just, dont, do it.

Well you're wanting to increase the pvp population, and in my honest opinion, if anything, this would decrease the amount of people who want to pvp, as they wouldn't be willing to have the chance of losing all of their gear.

05-03-2011, 05:00 PM

This gives a MOTIVE for people to pvp

They dont have to risk their gear, for the last time -.-
But the better gear =better chance of survival

05-03-2011, 05:01 PM
also, if you actually read my post, safe pvp will still exist, so i have no idea what you mean by it will decrease the pvp population -__-

05-03-2011, 05:02 PM
ping like crazy with 30 or so people spamming buffs and spells, plus people would complain about losing their stuff, nice idea though

Edit: didnt see the 1v1 thing

05-03-2011, 05:04 PM
ping like crazy with 30 or so people spamming buffs and spells, plus people would complain about losing their stuff, nice idea though

people will complain, that is unavoidable, but we can you know, ignore them.

aaand 30 people wont be all in one space, the map is 4x the size of fathom crypt

and if you read my post, its strict 1 v 1 and noone else can interrupt so i dont see 30 people spamming buffs next to each other -____-

05-03-2011, 05:44 PM
Ya we need more pvpers I will pvp at 55

05-03-2011, 05:54 PM

losing all your gear will not work. even elite pvp players wont do it. give fame points per win that can be exchanged for items. that will get more people in pvp

05-03-2011, 07:19 PM
Okay then. If this gets implemented, i'll see you there i'll be rockin my kafra set of thoth.

No wait, of albert.

No no, i change my mind. Of ezeria.

Err, maybe.


This gives a MOTIVE for people to pvp

They dont have to risk their gear, for the last time -.-
But the better gear =better chance of survival

05-03-2011, 07:31 PM
ok great idea..i see no problems with this and for evryone complaining abt losing there set... u can also win sets if u kill enemy.. also it isnt very hard to farm or not very costly for a simple drainer set henchmen set etc...

05-03-2011, 07:33 PM
also you should add a 10sec delay for person to attk you after you win a fight.

05-03-2011, 07:47 PM
Cool idea, I'd do it.

05-03-2011, 10:05 PM

This gives a MOTIVE for people to pvp

They dont have to risk their gear, for the last time -.-
But the better gear =better chance of survival

Risking gear at all seems like a very bad idea. If you think that right now, people are immature at times (and they are in twink warfare), there will be much, much more problems with gear later on.

Furthermore, it shouldn't be so zero-sum. One person's loss should not equal one person's gain - it pours salt on the wound. People who are demoralized may never return to PvP. Why would you? If you were bad at Pvp, would you want to keep on losing gear, even if was cheap? You would keep on losing not just a poor K/D ratio, but real money. And you would lose more than you gained, especially if you are not a Pvp veteran - zero sum game.

If the purpose is to encourage PvP, I don't think that this is going to work.

05-03-2011, 10:15 PM
Ok dont worry about the immature people, they will have more than enough warnings
Also this will definitely encourage pvp
People who do badly in pvp have already been turned away from it with te current pvp system
This is to benefit the people who pvp all day but sadly get absolutely nothing in return

05-03-2011, 10:28 PM
Furthermore, it shouldn't be so zero-sum. One person's loss should not equal one person's gain - it pours salt on the wound. People who are demoralized may never return to PvP. Why would you? If you were bad at Pvp, would you want to keep on losing gear, even if was cheap? You would keep on losing not just a poor K/D ratio, but real money. And you would lose more than you gained, especially if you are not a Pvp veteran - zero sum game.

If the purpose is to encourage PvP, I don't think that this is going to work.

I think this summed it up quite nicely. Yes, this idea may be beneficial to the current pvp players who know what they are doing, but like I said, I just don't think it would raise PL's pvp population.

Ok dont worry about the immature people, they will have more than enough warnings
Also this will definitely encourage pvp
People who do badly in pvp have already been turned away from it with te current pvp system
This is to benefit the people who pvp all day but sadly get absolutely nothing in return

But you see, that's the thing. It wouldn't be raising the pvp population, which is what this idea is trying to accomplish.

05-03-2011, 10:31 PM
PeoPle in general dont pvp because they gain absoltuely nothing

Are you guys trying to kill every hope of that???

05-03-2011, 10:32 PM
People who do badly in pvp have already been turned away from it with te current pvp system
This is to benefit the people who pvp all day but sadly get absolutely nothing in return

Yes, but the original host wanted more people to PvP. What this will do is encourage the exact opposite.

Edit: Rebel has already addressed this one. I won't bother deleting this.

05-03-2011, 10:33 PM
PeoPle in general dont pvp because they gain absoltuely nothing

Are you guys trying to kill every hope of that???

If you want people to gain from Pvp - easy enough. They get a random amount of gold per kill, just like in PvE. Anywhere from 1-100 gold per kill. I actually oppose that for one simple reason. It would encourage people who PvP to never PvE. I firmly support the idea that people who PvP should be forced to PvE, but that people who PvE should never have to fight against their fellow PLers if they don't wish to.

But what you are proposing will cause even less people to want to PvP for the simple reason that they now have real tangibles (in game) to lose.

05-03-2011, 10:35 PM
PeoPle in general dont pvp because they gain absoltuely nothing

Are you guys trying to kill every hope of that???


Like I said in my earlier post, I want to see rewards and benefits for pvp AND an increased pvp population. What I'm saying is that I don't think that this is the way to do it. Now I'm not sure what your goal for this post is for: To create benefits for current pvpers, or to increase the number of players who pvp.

05-03-2011, 10:39 PM
Sigh... I proposed loss-free pvp rewards and people rejected it
I proposed staking money and players rejected it
I proposed risking and players rejected it
i havent gotten any feedback from the devs, im getting so frustrated, because everytime i try to make pvp better, the pvp-haters speak out and the thread goes down in flames

05-03-2011, 10:43 PM
It would also be cool if u could just 1v1 in towne, like u could have an attack option the they would agree, it would just be funny to see people killing each other around you

05-03-2011, 10:48 PM
Sigh... I proposed loss-free pvp rewards and people rejected it
I proposed staking money and players rejected it
I proposed risking and players rejected it
i havent gotten any feedback from the devs, im getting so frustrated, because everytime i try to make pvp better, the pvp-haters speak out and the thread goes down in flames

Look I am not trying to flame you. On the contrary, I prefer playing Alien Underground at the level cap over Forest Fight. I'd love there to be enough players for an Alien Underground to be on 24-7 and several forest fights (for those that want it).

So far though, I don't feel that any of your ideas are likely to attract more players. Gambling (or staking if you prefer) goes against ethics of the dev), particularly if there really are that many children as little as 10. Risking as mentioned above will cause new players to not want to Pvp and the elite PvPers to well, remain PvPing with themselves.

This is not an easy problem to solve. I realize that, but at this point, accepting fewer Pvpers may be the lesser evil.

05-03-2011, 10:56 PM
Uhmmm..one thing...with the cyber and black ice buy back choice..it could easily become a "you kill me...take my cyber...I buy it back..I kill you...get 2 cyber sets" situation. Or a "for 200K ill let you kill me take my cyber set" situation.

05-03-2011, 10:58 PM
Plain and simple, the loaing of gears is biased towards current pvp players ( ie. Like you ) and very much non beneficial nor is it, at the very least, attractive to your target players ( non-pvp playes ie. Like me ). If you want to increase pvp population, DO NOT ask current pvp players, nor should you cater changes to their wants. Instead, ask the non pvp players what it is they want, what it is that would lure them to play pvp.

05-03-2011, 11:09 PM
Personally, I think that low level twinks (5-25, even to 35) are the main cause of not so much end game. Particularly 5-10.

A first time player comes in, gets absolutely destroyed, and rage quits PVP for the rest of the game. People coming from WoW and such are generally more substantial, and realize that your a twink. They don't blame themselves for dying. Those people I tend to like to guide along, as they pick it up very fast, and are normally active PvP once they get established.

A lot of people got destroyed at a low level, at at like 1-500, they hide their stats, and jump at every opportunity. IMO, PvP is too competitive, sure, I like it, but there's a point where.... it's just too much. Eg. Artemis(I think I'm thinking of the right person), doesn't exactly have a amazing K/D, but she plays PvP regularly, has fun, doesn't rush, and I admire her for that. Steller ethics and just fun to be in her games. :)

My main point is, at level 5-10, there's always 5-10 games. And then it decreases. People just get stomped on, and hate it.

05-03-2011, 11:54 PM
Personally, I think that low level twinks (5-25, even to 35) are the main cause of not so much end game. Particularly 5-10.

A first time player comes in, gets absolutely destroyed, and rage quits PVP for the rest of the game. People coming from WoW and such are generally more substantial, and realize that your a twink. They don't blame themselves for dying. Those people I tend to like to guide along, as they pick it up very fast, and are normally active PvP once they get established.

A lot of people got destroyed at a low level, at at like 1-500, they hide their stats, and jump at every opportunity. IMO, PvP is too competitive, sure, I like it, but there's a point where.... it's just too much. Eg. Artemis(I think I'm thinking of the right person), doesn't exactly have a amazing K/D, but she plays PvP regularly, has fun, doesn't rush, and I admire her for that. Steller ethics and just fun to be in her games. :)

My main point is, at level 5-10, there's always 5-10 games. And then it decreases. People just get stomped on, and hate it.

One potential solution in that case is for players to be able to reset their PvP stats. If they've got a terrible K/D ratio - that's a real downer. Most won't continue.

Give them the option to reset it for say, 2 plat and they can have 0-0. Obviously, players who have had thousands of kills won't want to do this, nor will any leaderboard players. But for beginners - this could be just what they need. The community gets PvPers who won't be discouraged by their stats, and the devs can make a bit of cash from it.

I haven't taken the time to think this one through, so feel free to rip this idea apart if there are drawbacks.

05-04-2011, 12:10 AM
One potential solution in that case is for players to be able to reset their PvP stats. If they've got a terrible K/D ratio - that's a real downer. Most won't continue.

Give them the option to reset it for say, 2 plat and they can have 0-0. Obviously, players who have had thousands of kills won't want to do this, nor will any leaderboard players. But for beginners - this could be just what they need. The community gets PvPers who won't be discouraged by their stats, and the devs can make a bit of cash from it.

I haven't taken the time to think this one through, so feel free to rip this idea apart if there are drawbacks.

No drawbacks noted yet! I fully support. Amazing idea. More profit and more PvP.

Although the fact that they've never won still has the physiological effect.

05-04-2011, 01:10 AM
Adding any type of "risk" to losing gear or gold over a single fight will just lower the pvp population. I really think adding pvp vendors with pvp gear sets and special vanities only available thru earning thru pvp would attract ALOT more pvpers. I know I would start to pvp if that was the case. If I stood a chance at losing gear or gold or whatever I would never ever pvp. This is the reason everyone rejects your ideas. Your asking players to put way to much on the line. Adding a chance to EARN special vanities and gear isn't a risky thing but gives huge incentives to learn how to be a better pvper and only adds fun to the task. Risking gear or gold only adds frustration if you ask me.

05-04-2011, 06:39 AM
One potential solution in that case is for players to be able to reset their PvP stats. If they've got a terrible K/D ratio - that's a real downer. Most won't continue.

Give them the option to reset it for say, 2 plat and they can have 0-0. Obviously, players who have had thousands of kills won't want to do this, nor will any leaderboard players. But for beginners - this could be just what they need. The community gets PvPers who won't be discouraged by their stats, and the devs can make a bit of cash from it.

I haven't taken the time to think this one through, so feel free to rip this idea apart if there are drawbacks.

That's a brilliant idea.

I don't play PvP, because I'm not very good at it. But I would play if there was some sort of reward, such as (as Kossi suggested) EVERY ITEM THE OPPONENT WAS WEARING. I would totally play if I could get all of the opponents gear.

05-04-2011, 07:01 AM
i would only enter with many drainers sets and hope with some luck to kill someone with a customized set... $$$

05-04-2011, 07:01 AM
This is challenging hehe time to use crap pinks!

05-04-2011, 07:05 AM
If people don't like the idea well just go back to basic pvp gosh...

05-04-2011, 07:57 AM
TLDNR. You are really pushing this PVP rewards thing, huh?

edit: I'd love rewards just as much as you would, I just don't think it will ever be implemented in game. :/

05-04-2011, 09:39 AM
Kossi I love your post and ideas of trying to increase the pvp community. This is a very contraversal subject and im sure the devs are working hard to come up with a plan. I agree many newcomers quit because its too hard, even with the new GCD implemented. A couple of things I want to say

1. Its best to look at other successful games and see what they do.

Example: CoD- Earn AWESOME weapons, prestige points, medals, experience, rank. Altough people get owned when they start off they still play for these rewards. Ending result is millions and millions who play the pvp system.

2. We as a pvp community should be understanding to the new-comers. Instead of constantly owning them and bashing them with harsh words, try to help them out. Words like noob, nub,you suck etc should be more lightly used. Its up to us to get the new generation into pvp. Being more polite will work wonders and bring new pvp masters into our system!!

05-04-2011, 10:50 AM
Love this Kossi... Devs should take notice ^^

Losing gear would make for intense fights, definitely support.

Kossi I love your post and ideas of trying to increase the pvp community. This is a very contraversal subject and im sure the devs are working hard to come up with a plan. I agree many newcomers quit because its too hard, even with the new GCD implemented. A couple of things I want to say

1. Its best to look at other successful games and see what they do.

Example: CoD- Earn AWESOME weapons, prestige points, medals, experience, rank. Altough people get owned when they start off they still play for these rewards. Ending result is millions and millions who play the pvp system.

2. We as a pvp community should be understanding to the new-comers. Instead of constantly owning them and bashing them with harsh words, try to help them out. Words like noob, nub,you suck etc should be more lightly used. Its up to us to get the new generation into pvp. Being more polite will work wonders and bring new pvp masters into our system!!

You annoy the hell out of me in 50+ PvP but this is a great post.

05-04-2011, 12:48 PM
Sigh... I proposed loss-free pvp rewards and people rejected it
I proposed staking money and players rejected it
I proposed risking and players rejected it
i havent gotten any feedback from the devs, im getting so frustrated, because everytime i try to make pvp better, the pvp-haters speak out and the thread goes down in flames

Kossi, think of it in an extremely unbiased point of view. What you are asking for is a form of gambling because as I stated before in previous threads that you created on the same subject matter, it IS staking. You need to understand that, and that's the biggest deterrent at the moment of the reluctance of the devs to implement this idea. It's not because we hate pvp. It's because it's gambling and it will create bigger problems. People wouldn't want to PvP at the risk of losing their gear, so it sort of defeats the purpose of increasing PvP volume.

Also as I said again and again, PvP has been extremely flawed before GCD and after GCD. The devs know this. Players know this. Cinco even admitted in an online article that PvP is PL's biggest flaw in that they based PvP mechanics off of PvE mechanics - which is why Blackstar will have PvP in mind first and THEN PvE, since it would be more balanced. Thus the main reason why PvP attendance has been very poor throughout PL's history. Understand that we aren't flaming your ideas, or are hating on it, but it just wouldn't make sense to implement any sort of reward in a fundamentally flawed (aka one class can easily beat another class) system. Also, because it is gambling...

05-04-2011, 01:22 PM
People wouldn't want to PvP at the risk of losing their gear, so it sort of defeats the purpose of increasing PvP volume.

I want to, and I know for sure that others do too... It's one of the main reasons RS was so popular.

You don't HAVE to risk your gear, and I see no way it would negatively affect you if implemented, so why not?!

This suggestion you're talking about was less for new PvPers, more for experienced ones wanting to take it up a notch. He has plenty of other suggestions that would draw new players in.

05-04-2011, 01:25 PM
Would be nice to have a reward system in place, but as Phy stated, we have too many balance issues that need to be addressed before anything new is implemented for PVP.

Something as simple as a cape for X number of kills would be a good start. I know that's been suggested many times.

05-04-2011, 02:53 PM
Kossi, think of it in an extremely unbiased point of view. What you are asking for is a form of gambling because as I stated before in previous threads that you created on the same subject matter, it IS staking. You need to understand that, and that's the biggest deterrent at the moment of the reluctance of the devs to implement this idea. It's not because we hate pvp. It's because it's gambling and it will create bigger problems. People wouldn't want to PvP at the risk of losing their gear, so it sort of defeats the purpose of increasing PvP volume.

Also as I said again and again, PvP has been extremely flawed before GCD and after GCD. The devs know this. Players know this. Cinco even admitted in an online article that PvP is PL's biggest flaw in that they based PvP mechanics off of PvE mechanics - which is why Blackstar will have PvP in mind first and THEN PvE, since it would be more balanced. Thus the main reason why PvP attendance has been very poor throughout PL's history. Understand that we aren't flaming your ideas, or are hating on it, but it just wouldn't make sense to implement any sort of reward in a fundamentally flawed (aka one class can easily beat another class) system. Also, because it is gambling...

ok first, stop with your obsession that every form of non-safe pvp being GAMBLING! ITS NOT GAMBLING -____-'''
also, have you ever played rs?
the main reason many people played rs and farmed gear and money for weeks straight was to afford money to PK (player kill)(PVP)
i was a beast at RS pvp, and if i died, i wouldnt cry and rant on he forums,
no. i would run back to the bank and take out another set and go back.


05-04-2011, 02:53 PM
also, if you guys really insist on it, it could be class vs class only -____-
but its not that unbalanced

05-04-2011, 02:54 PM
Uhmmm..one thing...with the cyber and black ice buy back choice..it could easily become a "you kill me...take my cyber...I buy it back..I kill you...get 2 cyber sets" situation. Or a "for 200K ill let you kill me take my cyber set" situation.

actaully, the other person wil recieve 50k or 10k, not hte armour or weapon.

05-05-2011, 04:49 AM
Kossi, think of it in an extremely unbiased point of view. What you are asking for is a form of gambling because as I stated before in previous threads that you created on the same subject matter, it IS staking. You need to understand that, and that's the biggest deterrent at the moment of the reluctance of the devs to implement this idea. It's not because we hate pvp. It's because it's gambling and it will create bigger problems. People wouldn't want to PvP at the risk of losing their gear, so it sort of defeats the purpose of increasing PvP volume.

Also as I said again and again, PvP has been extremely flawed before GCD and after GCD. The devs know this. Players know this. Cinco even admitted in an online article that PvP is PL's biggest flaw in that they based PvP mechanics off of PvE mechanics - which is why Blackstar will have PvP in mind first and THEN PvE, since it would be more balanced. Thus the main reason why PvP attendance has been very poor throughout PL's history. Understand that we aren't flaming your ideas, or are hating on it, but it just wouldn't make sense to implement any sort of reward in a fundamentally flawed (aka one class can easily beat another class) system. Also, because it is gambling...

G has said before that PvP staking is "good, clean fun" in PMs and posts. I don't think they look at it as gambling. PvP is something the devs just threw in because people wanted it. It came out during swamp days, and since then, its had very, very few changes to it. Other than stat rebalences (which weren't always necessarily precisely for PvP) I've only seen GCD that was added mainly/purely because of PvP. I think staking would be cool, it'd give PvP a whole new level of seriousness, but itd still leave the fun factor if devs added it correctly. I heard B* was going to focus more on PvP than PvE, but it still doesn't mean PL can't be improved. I don't know if ill stick to B*. Kinda like back to square one with everyone else, but whether I stick to it or not, I think PL will still be my main focus.

05-21-2011, 02:40 PM
thats it? .

05-21-2011, 10:40 PM
I agree that there should be benefits for PvP, but not losing all of your gear over a single battle. I suggest gaining pvp tokens depending on how you do in pvp matches. For example, each kill received in a match gives you 1 token. Each member on the winning team receives an extra 5 tokens. These tokens can be saved up to buy new pvp gear, with stats specifically for pvp.

i like that idea alot!!!!!!!

05-21-2011, 11:01 PM
ok listen.. the people who are saying it is a good idea to loose everything must be on marijuana.
People who say "i would love to pvp so i can earn EVERYTHING MY OPPONENT HAS" needs to take in consideration that YOU ARE RISKING YOU GEAR ALSO. This will NEVER WORK. PVEers who find this a good idea do not understand for some reason that u will lose and never benifit from this situtation if you are not a natural PVPer.

05-21-2011, 11:13 PM
Reduce the overall advantage of super-rare gear and give the player base an actual advantage (it would not have to be very much...) to participating in PVP, and everyone would play

05-21-2011, 11:22 PM
This is, in fact, an idea that has crossed, most likely, everyone's mind at one point. My opinion is to oppose your idea. You see, this game is slowly changing into wow and runescape combined. I say, instead of obtaining their items, you have a kill record. At a certain number of kills, you receive an item according to your level. 10... 50... 100... And so on. The better your record, the better your equipment you earn. And if this doesn't agree with you, then how about you receive a cash reward per kill, such as 250 gold. In any circumstance, don't go for the traditional "Attack-Kill-Obtain Items". Try something unique.

And if you guys haven't thought about this.. What if your inventory slots are full and you can't take anymore? They just dissipate. They cease to exist. Not worth creating a whole new system of drops just for the sake of a PVP change.

05-21-2011, 11:54 PM
People would farm kills. As it is, it's already happening.

This is, in fact, an idea that has crossed, most likely, everyone's mind at one point. My opinion is to oppose your idea. You see, this game is slowly changing into wow and runescape combined. I say, instead of obtaining their items, you have a kill record. At a certain number of kills, you receive an item according to your level. 10... 50... 100... And so on. The better your record, the better your equipment you earn. And if this doesn't agree with you, then how about you receive a cash reward per kill, such as 250 gold. In any circumstance, don't go for the traditional "Attack-Kill-Obtain Items". Try something unique.

And if you guys haven't thought about this.. What if your inventory slots are full and you can't take anymore? They just dissipate. They cease to exist. Not worth creating a whole new system of drops just for the sake of a PVP change.

05-22-2011, 09:39 AM
Losing all of your stuff!? ...