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View Full Version : MY message to you Ursoth assault bosses!

08-16-2015, 12:10 PM
Ok ,I have ran around all across the corrupted lands of Elondria and getting my face whacked by its twisted bosses. Now I have some words for you..bosses

(note: This is my message to the bosses not to the awesome devs of sts. And it's a joke ,just for fun no need to take thing seriously)

First of Herond.... You never appeared in my life therefore I can't say anything against you.. but don't get any ideas of sticking your nose in my business now.

secondly, Europhex. Dude, brush your teeth I can see bits of bark and some mangled carcass. What is that? secondly you stink. take a bath, I died more from asphyxiation than your poison potty pool.

Now if it isn't my dear lady Helena..GET OUT OF MY LIFE! Do you have like stalk me every-time I enter? Move on ,lady. I heard there's this nice count that lives near the necropolis named Drakeula, I think you 2 will go wonderfully together.

Finally, Mr. ursoth, the head honcho, the big boss with no regard for personal hygiene. I mean you stink worse than Europhex...Even my friend's Lemon and Lime couldn't clean you and I don't even have those gas masks.And I mean you are leading an army to conquer lands and you lead them wearing a filthy loincloth?What message does that send? "I'm a big baby with pimples." And stop throwing so many tantrums, honestly, I've seen more civilized trolls in my adventures. and potty train you darn basilisk, I hate cleaning the muck of my ranger boots

that about covers it..wait I forgot it's the crazy Orc who uses an arm for a totem! give it up for grubworms! oops I mean Bloodgrub..:playful:!
So was it parental issues that inspired you to become a nasty blood shaman? "Why are you not like your sister Pakuna ( This is just speculation)"
Your siblings always got the better of you therefore you wanted to bite back and also were afraid of dying like all of us but....seriously? killing unicorns?

Ok that's it for now. Hope all of you enjoyed me discussing all my problems and know this is not a ranting thread , this is just me joking around.

I also apologize to the bosses for being to harsh in my words as You might have troubled pasts that led you in this path.

thank you for listening.

08-16-2015, 12:34 PM
This made my day lmao xD

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08-16-2015, 12:45 PM
This made my day lmao xD

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Glad you liked it. :welcoming:

08-16-2015, 12:49 PM
