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View Full Version : Guildhall chat proposal

08-18-2015, 04:25 AM
Hi everyone I would like to make a suggestion for a unique chat window only available in guildhall. My issue is that the current chat window has a limited number of characters and therefore restricts any chat that may sometimes need more than the number of characters permitted, for example, when a new member joins my guild (we're a merching guild) and we're trying to give advise or coach them its very difficult to offer the nurturing needed with a limited chat window in maps/ towns etc. I would like to propose an unlimited number of characters chat which is unique to the guildhall only hence not clogging up the normal chat window shared by the players in any particular maps. Its currently confusing to some new members when they are trying to read what you're typing whilst everyone else is breaking up your conversation.

Another suggestion which has already been proposed by others is a guild rule board in each guildhall which can only be altered by any guild officer and of course the guildmaster themself

Your comments or other suggestions are welcome

Kind regards,


08-19-2015, 01:25 PM
Feedback pls

08-19-2015, 01:43 PM
The limited chat can be annoying from time to time for me as well. However, overall I think it's fine.

I know my guild uses Line. Maybe you can check on other options available outside of the game if more detailed conversations are required/needed.

Good luck, eh

08-19-2015, 02:12 PM
Umm well, I think it should be fine if you pt the new member and calmly explain whatever you need to in a map :)

08-19-2015, 02:16 PM
People can exploit this buy copying and pasting bigger bits of spam