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View Full Version : The call of champions niche ... Which way is it going?

08-19-2015, 06:17 PM
Hey all, (aka Atticus here)
So there I was waiting in the que line again for a versus match, when I realized that this was really like waiting in line to be executed. And it brought to mind the question what niche of players is this going to attract, and moreover who's still going to be playing it 1or 2 months after launch? Over and over I would join these versus matches thinking I would be paired in teams of similarly leveled and skilled players. Wow.. Was I ever wrong. Turns out it's all about a team of experienced players all communicating with each other on voice channels coordinating attacks and movements ... and they could possibly be farming kills to win a trip to a twitch convention of some kind? (As evidenced by the huge outcry in forums and on discord when BOTS were introduced to the versus mode which would obviously skew the stats.)
Well this brings to mind all the bad things that online PvP has become over the years. Farming the "nubs" to pad individual stats, teaming, "ganking" spawn killing. All of these things that developers try to combat and design their PvP games to minimize. I don't really see very many designs in CoC to combat these type of tactics. And we can't even get to a serious discussion of balanced PvP characters until we have a level playing field to start.
Is there room in CoC for the casual/individual niche player... After all it's a MOBA... A mobile game ... you know pull your phone/iPad/tablet out of your pocket at school, at work on break... etc..etc... And that's ok. That's the direction STS has chosen to go with its business.
I like spacetime been playing their games since PL launch on android (Nov 2010 I think it was). Loved it when SL came out, capped and got the arbiters gear. I tried DL and all the STS games along the way. Lots of good times to remember with STS, and lots of friends made along the way.
I know and realize that the online game business is fast and furious and it is just that "a business." So that's how we all took the news last Jan/Feb when the "no more updates" to PL/SL/DL was announced... It's business. So we all anxiously awaited the the new STS game.
So what about the CoC niche ... Witch way do you want it to go? What type of player is going to stick with CoC 1 month after launch (or what ever an initial subscription length will be). That's what came to mind as I was waiting in the versus que. So I thought I'd ask everyone ...what do you all think about it to this point ... Do you see these same things happening? Is it being developed in a way that you think is going to attract and keep a healthy population of all types of players?
Let's generate some feedback for the developers to work with as they polish the game for the up coming launch. Cyu all in game ... Cheers ...Atticus

08-20-2015, 12:13 AM
MOBA niche, MOBA not only dominated pc online gamers base but also whole pc gamers base. According to some statics for a particular time League of Legends holds 21% market share of all online pc gaming something that even come close to it 6% or something like that is another MOBA, So u got how MOBA's are dominating online pc gaming base.

Maybe MOBA games popular for mobile games too, that that games u see dominating miobile zoner for now, for example clash of clans, once this kind of base building and strategy games was huge success on PC. Now u probably got y this hike with call of champions from STS.

There will be always complain about PvP and it's fairness, but let just think, for example in PL, u can gang banged by 3 players and the other two teammates are just chatting and even blaming u for not apparently no proper reason but here u get some players to play or even bots, spwning is not really possible in coc.