View Full Version : Gurgox roar and boss voices bugging out so you don't hear them

05-04-2011, 11:49 PM
Is this a known issue? Surely it is known.

I've had this happen to me a bunch of times. Seems to happen on both iOS and Android. I play on Android and some of my buds play on iOS and we've both had it, but not everybody at once.

So far it has reliably happened whenever I don't enter the Gurgox boss room with the party the first time the boss is agroed for this instance. I've come to recognise I'm bugged when there's no voice-over saying he's the intergalactic champion. If all he does is stand there while the camera pans, I know I'll never hear his roars.

Basically if I'm not part of the initial group that enters his room, I can't hear any voice-overs at all, especially Gurgox's ohko roar. This all is fine as long as the boss doesn't deagro. If he deagros and I'm not there when he's agroed again, all voice-overs break. This happens for all bosses who have voice-overs like Mynas and the Keeper, and from the first time I lose voice-overs, they stay broken until I reboot my game client.

It's not a huge deal for the rest of the bosses that have them, but not being able to hear Gurgox's roar is gamebreaking to the point of not being able to participate in the fight and having to avoid it or make my party wait.

I'm so traumatised from getting killed by Gurgox and prefer to not fight him, my friends have been calling me a coward because I avoid the fight even if my voice-overs are fine. They're pretty much right though. It's better to avoid a fight I have no chance at, so really can you blame me for being afraid of my voice-overs bugging out and therefore being afraid of Gurgox? I don't think so.

Any ETA on a fix so the voice-overs always work?

05-05-2011, 12:16 AM
yes it has cost me numerous deaths! a little frustrating

05-05-2011, 04:38 AM
Yeah, noticed this too. Normally I can just restart the game to fix, but not as of the last update. Like you said, if you don't hear the intro when you walk in the room, you are not going to hear the growl. I ended up just watching for the red glow around his feet and doing it that way.

05-05-2011, 12:58 PM
You have to completely Force Stop it on Android, and do whatever it is people do on iOS to make an app completely stop running. Then open again. After that the VOs and any other poofed sounds have always worked again for me. Lame fix that consumes everybody's time and sometimes costs you a death on Gurgox before you find out you're affected, but hey it works.

I try to look for visual cues, but in a party of five where everybody is running around you don't always have that luxury.

05-05-2011, 04:37 PM
Yes, happens and is really annoying. Try to kill Gurgox before the 1st roar. As in "EVERYONE PILE ON AND DAMAGE! KAWABUNGA!" Like that :P

It's funny when he dies and he roars at same time. He's dead; everybody's dead. Wooo Earthquake golem can do that too. Oh and Magnetic. Oh and Goldfever :)

05-05-2011, 04:46 PM
that's why I have always looked at feet, and will continue to look at feet for the growl.

05-11-2011, 03:29 PM
Could we please get a dev in here confirming the status of a fix for this or at least noticing it? Looking at feet when you know you're bugged/playing with sound off or rebooting the client does work to be able to play, but it's still a pretty horrible bug.

06-12-2011, 01:13 PM
When his feet glow orange grab an Orb. That's what i do when my sound dosent work. :)