View Full Version : I got this project...

05-05-2011, 08:16 AM
...in the school in History about 2nd World War... or rather about important persons...

This are the names:

Josef Stalin (Russian leader under the War)
Winston Churchil (British leader under the War)
Montgomery (I believe it's Bernard Law Montgomery)
Göring (I believe it's Hermann Göring)
Roosevelt (Franklin D. Roosevelt US President under the War)

I just wanna know if any of you got any important information of any of them or any other important persons from 2nd World War. (From all countries...) Not Hitler himself cause some other guys in the class took him...

I'm working together with a girl :banana: but I've never worked together with her before -.-'

05-05-2011, 08:30 AM
I used to hate working in groups because I was the only one who got any work done. There were times when I said "I'll pay each of you ten bucks to shut up and let me do everything."

History is one of my favorite subjects, but it's been so long since I opened a textbook, I may not remember. A lot of my interest in history comes from video games like Metal Gear Solid. World War II is a brilliant subject, and it shouldn't be too hard to accumulate some info on these guys.

I remember Stalin's way of operating Soviet Russia was absolute. He had secret police to kill any opposition if there was even a rumor of it. He's send them to their house and shoot them. He can best be described as brutal and cold-hearted.

However... Without Stalin, Soviet Russia would not be industrially up to date with the rest of the world. He REALLY pushed the manufacturing and marketing of USSR.

Stalin's last name means "Man of Steel".

His tactics for order included starvation, long hours of manual labor, threats, and fear.

I don't remember much more. But look into the Five Year Plan and other major operations he conducted.

I'd like to think Evil is more interesting to write a report on. Shock and attention.

05-05-2011, 08:33 AM
Thx Jun!! This is useful ^^

05-05-2011, 08:54 AM
Wow we did second world war in school long time ago, our teacher teached it very boring. Sorry i dont remember what the single persons did! I think the leader of japan was important too

05-05-2011, 09:16 AM
Wow we did second world war in school long time ago, our teacher teached it very boring. Sorry i dont remember what the single persons did! I think the leader of japan was important too

You mean Emperor Hirohito. In Japan, the emperor is almost a puppet. Or a mask. He's important, yeah but everyone else made the moves. They were the same as any other pre-modernized nation. Only until trades with the West did they start getting guns and such. You'd think that Japan was an advanced technological country to begin with, but that was not the case.

And for the future, I predict Japan will be one of the very first countries to run out of natural resources.