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View Full Version : Which bow is better?

08-31-2015, 06:44 AM
Eloia bow of potency or giant bow of potency lvl 46 for elites? (taking procs into account)

08-31-2015, 07:01 AM
Both are the same stats i think,i know you lose some dps on eloia bow. And also the proc of eloia bow doesn't seems to root your target. On my rouge they always walk away :3

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08-31-2015, 07:42 AM
Thanks for reply :) stats r almost same jst 2 damage less in eloia

Is the procs bugged?

08-31-2015, 07:55 AM
In pvp the proc was bugged too i think, rogue tested it on me and i could move around.

08-31-2015, 08:17 AM
Yes the proc is probably bugged


08-31-2015, 03:53 PM
the eloia bow proc does damage, something like 8 ticks of 60 damage. i don't think it was intended to root (even tho the roots comining out of the ground animation is silimar to elon gun proc or rooting from Ursoth boss) but just damage, so it's not bugged.

08-31-2015, 04:16 PM
the eloia bow proc does damage, something like 8 ticks of 60 damage. i don't think it was intended to root (even tho the roots comining out of the ground animation is silimar to elon gun proc or rooting from Ursoth boss) but just damage, so it's not bugged.
Looks like proc does 25% of your damage.

09-01-2015, 03:07 PM
Thank u everyone for ur reply :D