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View Full Version : Let it be the bird era for low pvp!!!

05-07-2011, 07:52 AM
there have been too many dex bears,we must create birds to kill them!
anyone seen a very good archer before?lvl 10 to 19
well i would say my bird kd suck.bird have hard survivability,once you go near a dex bird you get killed instantly.kill dex bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-07-2011, 08:11 AM
Yes...Down with Dexbears!

05-07-2011, 08:13 AM
i m confident to say this: there is absolutely no way that a bird can beat pro twink bear at that lvl range

05-07-2011, 08:58 AM
i m confident to say this: there is absolutely no way that a bird can beat pro twink bear at that lvl range

Without doing an uver kitejob, there is no way.

05-07-2011, 10:27 AM
Without doing an uver kitejob, there is no way.

Even with one, it's impossible unless they forget auto or something ;)

05-07-2011, 01:13 PM
its possible,unless you think of a way there will.

05-07-2011, 01:41 PM
Let the bears have some glory lol
You archers already own lvl 50+ pvp

its :banana:

05-07-2011, 02:41 PM
Billcausby, Rangepwnsmeel, Papounder and jbowman are all birds who can beat the best dex bears at lvl20.

05-07-2011, 02:42 PM
i m confident to say this: there is absolutely no way that a bird can beat pro twink bear at that lvl range

One word. Kiting.....still tough...but possible

05-07-2011, 09:20 PM
I have a 21dexbird, confident in saying I can take out at least 70% of dexbears. Haven't played with any "pro" dexbears, and this is with lvl 10 cap and lvl 14 armor. If someone would put some lvl 21 crystalline dex stuff up i'd be good to go!

05-07-2011, 09:26 PM
Uh guys you're forgetting you could just make the Dex bear play on a lag network and get like a 10000000000091337133713377331733173313373313373313 37
Second lagspikes.
Then just spam at him and u win 4 ez

05-07-2011, 11:13 PM
Mages destroy dex bears in single combat in lvl 10-12 PvP. Firestorm, heal, frostbite. They never get a hit in.

05-07-2011, 11:25 PM
Mages destroy dex bears in single combat in lvl 10-12 PvP. Firestorm, heal, frostbite. They never get a hit in.
Kiter mages suck imo, they dont just do it a few times- they go for minutes. Anyways im confidet i can beat almost any bird, mage or bear on my lvl 20. Papa and range are good, some mages can take me- but only if i chase their kiting. Most dexbears that i play w/ arent on antmore.