View Full Version : L31 mages Q's

09-01-2015, 04:46 AM
Which is better shiv wing or l30 purp evi? :)

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09-01-2015, 05:38 AM
pink evi>shiv>purp evi (i think? someone like jun confirm tht for me??)

09-01-2015, 07:02 AM
Yeah, its true! -artplayhope ^^

09-01-2015, 10:25 AM
If you guys pick the right gear settings for the 30-31 mage, shivering wing can become even better than the pink evi :) Everything comes from research and experience! However, looking at the stats, Pink evi > purp evi > shiv wing.

09-03-2015, 06:04 AM
Back when i had oag, i used 30 purp evid for ages and it was doing so good, tanky dodgy, nukey at same time! (Keep an eye on ur enemy buff runout time) :3
Also everyone shall know that jun sux <3

09-03-2015, 10:53 PM
Jun make a new Polo!