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View Full Version : Glitch: Mystery Weapon "daily" Quest

05-07-2011, 10:30 AM
When you accept the reward and then talk to her again about recipes, you no longer have the option to forge the weapon with the blacksmith.

05-08-2011, 12:38 PM
same here... have all the ingredients and recipe but cant craft the weapon nowhere :/

05-09-2011, 01:42 PM
You need to forge it with the Blacksmith standing near Ramala.

05-09-2011, 02:44 PM
In my post above, I said that I couldn't.

05-09-2011, 05:14 PM
In the first version of the first version of the quest, you could forge the weapon with Ramala, but now it is changed. You do not need to talk to her again. Just walk to the blacksmith standing near her and talk to him and you can forge the weapon. Just did it yesterday.

P.S. This was for the archer mystery weapon which I completed using my mage.

05-09-2011, 06:04 PM
As I've said this twice now. The blacksmith does NOT give you the option. He does NOT give you the option. He does NOT give you the option. This is what the glitch is about! This is like the 4th time I've done the weapons quests. Three of which involves the "last" quest that repeats DAILY. I was messing around and stumbled across this.

05-09-2011, 06:52 PM
YES!!!! I have done the same quest 3x and CAN NOT complete the final quest because the blacksmith does not talk to me! It's on a loop, he tells me to talk to Ramala and she tells me she has nothing for me except the option to buy another mystery weapon for 5plat...I have my ingredients and the recipe but blacksmith won't let me forge!

05-09-2011, 07:19 PM
There is no need to be petulant. I am just trying to be helpful considering I completed this exact same quest yesterday without any problems whatsoever. Honestly, I expect more from a GOA, especially one who has written a very helpful quest guide.

05-09-2011, 07:43 PM
There is no need to be petulant. I am just trying to be helpful considering I completed this exact same quest yesterday without any problems whatsoever. Honestly, I expect more from a GOA, especially one who has written a very helpful quest guide.

I'm sorry if you felt I was being disrespectful but I wasn't trying to be. You weren't reading my first post entirely and missed the fact that the blacksmith doesn't give me the option to craft. This is after completing the quest and then talking to her again to see the recipes in the store. I repeated the part that you were missing three times because I felt that would be the best way to see what the problem was.

08-15-2011, 11:35 AM
Oh thank god someone else is having this issue!!! I feel like I was going nuts here. I keep asking friends that I play with and they all tell me talk to ramila or blacksmith. Of course I did that over and over with the same results as the poster here. I feel very relieved cause I was going nuts!
I hope this gets fixed soon as it will be my first complete set and I have been very excited about it.

08-15-2011, 08:37 PM
Do you have the recipe? I'm thinking that may have been the issue.

08-15-2011, 08:42 PM
Doesnt happen to me

08-16-2011, 01:15 AM
You did it Ayrilana!!!! That must be the missing quest!!!!

08-16-2011, 08:17 AM
I am sure I have it and did the quest. Now it asks me to buy more recipies and do the quest again.

Thank you for the reply as well. I am sure I have it for enchantress, but if I am wrong shouldn't I still be able to craft
it? It doesn't give me the option to see the forge so I am unsure if I actually have all the needed ingredients. I am just
exploring other ideas as well. I don't want to leave anything out just to make it look like I am not at fault. I kinda wish I was
so that I could correct my issue on my own.
I don't mind being wrong at all. :)
As a side note I have not completed all daily quests. This could be a problem as well. I am going to work on completing those
asap to see if that works. If it does I will post it in here as well so hopefully that will help any others that are lost.

08-17-2011, 03:12 PM
You have to purchase the Mystery Weapon Schematic each time you wish to craft a Mystery Weapon. If you don't have the schematic and the crafting materials required to craft the item you will not be prompted to forge the item. (She knows you don't have what you need to do so)

08-17-2011, 03:44 PM
hmmmm I guess I could spend another 5 plat on another mystery weapon rec. Just wierd cause i have it already. I also have more than 2 of everything that is given by ramila

08-18-2011, 06:12 AM
A side note, forging or not for a second/third/XXX mystery weapon will NOT affect the quest count!

I have wasted platinum with this last time and players that want to test again can go ahead.

Ramla might be the issue here. The quick response support says I'm missing one with her a month ago and I wasted my time to test and repeat this daily quest a few times with no results.

This might not be easy or on a very very low priority to fix, so tough luck with 45/46!

08-18-2011, 08:55 AM
ok spent another 5 plat on mystery weapon recipe. Didn't help me any.
Does anyone know what the forge is? I can't get either ramila or the blacksmith to tell me. It says it still needs to be decoded.
Ramila just wants to sell me more recipies or send me on the alien killing quest again. I am at a loss and I really want this weapon
now because I am up to 10 platinum spent on it. Any information on forge or other help would be greatly appreciated. This is one of those
mysteries (lol) that is really bothering me. I have plenty of level 55 friends that all say I am doing it the right way so I am pulling hair out of my head.
I tried searching the forums for the forge but havn't found it. My friends don't remember and I have at least 2 of everything Ramila will give me for doing the
alien quest again. :( Please Please Please help me. :(.......

08-18-2011, 11:48 AM
I decided to take the alien quest again from Ramila and then talk to blacksmith.
I didn't do the quest but the blacksmith let me forge the staff!!!!
He didn't light up or anything, but this time he did let me forge the weapon.
I have no clue why as I didn't do anything different!

08-20-2011, 10:12 PM
Perhaps you missed the quest from the guy in Vicious Visitors?
What about the easy one where you need to talk to the ghost?