View Full Version : Almost there guys...

09-03-2015, 05:28 PM
Thank you for responding to our feed back so quickly.
Its awesome that the developers even read our feedback, much less make changes in response.

We are almost there with the new elites and that's a great step.
We got the extra difficulty some of us asked for to make these new maps a bit more "elite".

Now is the time to take the next step: gear/drops.
I wrote a pretty long thread already on this so i won't rehash old stuff, but the sooner you guys can implement some new/better drops, the better the community will respond.
When i read 2x ??? for the weekend i thought it would be insignias or fangs or runes. I'm sorry to say i am a bit disappointed in xp and pet sale.
I have 2 41's i can level however and i will farm locks with my son who thinks playing with daddy is the best thing ever. Not a total fail, imo anyway.

Please STS, give us some relief. People are gonna quit if you don't. It's just that simple.
Difficult we can handle. Endless, mindnumbing grinding drudgery we cannot.

Suggestions that have been put forward before:
Scale the old elites and add the drops for the new mythics.
Scale the old maps and add insignias.

The new content is great, but after a few hundred runs, anyone will go crazy.

I am going to run orc tag dailies, then farm locks in preparation for halloween.
I should make enough gold to "buy" the new mythics without losing thousands of pots and hundreds of ankhs.

As for the community, please don't quit on the game.
There are lots of great people here and it would be a shame to lose touch over these hiccups.
Make a thread, you have a voice. Be polite and don't be dramatic.
STS does listen, they do respond, they will make it what we want, because they want to provide a good product.

Thanks again for a great game guys. Keep up the good work.

09-04-2015, 09:27 AM
Happy for you that you're having a quality time with your son. But for me it is better to optimize content as AL is barely hanging around because of events and people rage quit if they do not like the event. 90% of AL content are useless and even scaling out Elite has no purpose as only 10℅ of content are worth to play. Why scale out all of the maps then?

09-04-2015, 10:35 AM
This last update was a huge improvement. We ran last night and I'm going to grind out my tags this weekend to craft that helm.

Ami i agree there should be some loot that drops this is my suggestion. We don't need anything game changing.

Take the stats off the crate weapons. Then add a very small bump like they did with the frost weapons. For example take the bow and just give it +2 dmg.

Also add legendary belts. This we really need.

And yes sts awesome job on last update. There are some bugs but the difficulty is indeed pretty much spot on. It's way more fun now!!!!