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View Full Version : Any other mages encounter booting for not using plat?

05-08-2011, 12:16 PM
I have heard of other mages describing it, although this is the first time that it has happened to me.

I was in a situation where I was lagging, my ping shot up to 2,000, and we were facing Gold Fever. I was the only mage. I was holding aggro, despite the presence of 2 birds and 2 bears. Anyways, I got fever and was unable to react. One of the bears walked beside me and I got me and the bird next to him killed.

I did not respawn at entrance since Gold Fever's health was less than about 20%. Than just before Gold Fever dies, the host boots me, despite the fact that we had just done an entire run together.


Above, you can see what happened. I died, then someone asked what my ping was (can't recall whom), then I got booted. Any other mages encounter this?

05-08-2011, 12:29 PM
Sugarboylol is on my friend list. It's surely strange this kind of boot reason O_o So you are saying that because you didn't respawn with plat he booted you?

05-08-2011, 12:38 PM
Yeah I just ran with him yesterday in one of JaytB's parties....seemed all right....but I will remove from the friends list for jackwagon actions such as these.

Fools abound.

05-08-2011, 12:55 PM
quick! give us all his alts so i can delete/ignore them all

NOBODY should force you to use plat

05-08-2011, 01:01 PM
Wow, that is absolutely ridiculous -- it makes me angry just reading about it. I've had Sugar on my friends list for a while, too -- and never had any issues to date -- but that's just shady. Time to re-evaluate my friends list...

05-08-2011, 01:03 PM
I've played with him (not on friendlist though) and i'm sure i've died @boss on my mage since i use raid roach set for boss. Haven't encountered this with him.

My best guess is he probably didn't like dead people just lying there and waiting for loot to come. Although for your part, you had no choice but to stay there, as respawning would be a guaranteed no loot.

05-08-2011, 01:09 PM
That's stewpud.

05-08-2011, 01:11 PM
To be honest that excuse is being used often, the pressure to use plat, has had a very bad effect on mages, the frusturation with this scene happening has kept me from farming over the past three weeks.

You are very right a mage who is taking all the agro, healing etc, is subject to "mag lag" in gold fever the countless peiple who run at players or stays put is not just with a mage but all builds. Stuff happens, but to boot for not usi g plat to rev... Grrrrr...... This option was not there before.. Mages are dwindling these days in many maps,

I have much respect for the devs, I am hoping they will see the issue with this rev for plat as making player enjoyment for mages go down hill fast. If a mage was not in that room who would they blame? I can not say I am the best, but I know my mage skills are good, I know from countkess maps where all die but me, because i run pally and take the aggro, and am skilled enough to stand in general i can at least rez the team before (if) i die. That being said the rev for plat option mixed with the gcd.. All i can say is ....sigh..

Devs... Can this option be for gold instead of plat? At least then other playes can opt. To help mages with the cost of rev.. Just a thought....

Lag happens! The others can move away from you as well.. That is the flip side.

05-08-2011, 03:10 PM
Ditto on this subject, you should not be forced to use plat to revive yourself. I need his alts. That's just wrong!

05-08-2011, 03:44 PM
that is why I always host or only join games in which I know the host and I rarely carry plat, and almost never use it for revives (accidently used once, and it saved me about 200 deaths trying to kill or rush past the mini's at the start of VL. but on my mage, I don't care about k/d

05-08-2011, 03:55 PM
Didn't we all see this coming?
I'm sorry, but "I told you so."

05-08-2011, 03:57 PM
Yep, I did wonder when this would happen. Looks like it's happening already.

05-08-2011, 04:24 PM
Doesn't seem the best of boot reason, eh? I've never experienced this yet, thankfully.

Remember people, the 'revive for plat' option isn't the thing that caused this issue. I don't see any of us booting people for these reasons. It's the players in game who have a lack of knowledge, a disrespect for others and/or no understanding of, or patience for what's going on around them.

consider un-friending/ignoring/reporting accordingly.

P.S. did anyone think to tell sugarboylol about the problem with booting players for 'use plat'. He may well see this and come and post his sincere apologies, which would resolve the whole thing. Obviously if he sees this thread and rants/raves, the OP may have been fully justified in posting.

05-08-2011, 04:40 PM
Just... Wow... I wouldnt have expected that from him. He's one of the 'regulars' in my runs, so I won't delete him just yet. But I sure will have a chat with him when he gets back online. If you wouldn't have posted screenshots, I would've doubted your story, it just doesn't seem like him at all. Anyway, I'm very sorry to hear he acted that way and I'll certainly let him know my disapproval of his actions :(

05-08-2011, 05:12 PM
Kind of expected this to happen. Parties wanting mages to do plat rev's to keep the rest of party alive. Well boot away. My ignore list is no where long enough.

05-08-2011, 09:31 PM
im sugar. i knw u were the only mage at tht time. the hp of gold fever had at least 1/2 remain and u actually hv enuf time to respwan and come bk again. Me and my fds used at least 2-3plats to respawn when u were down. So i jus dnt want ppl lootin pinks widout helpin. u said u were laggin, ok! i hv waited over 30sec. i did my job. Thts y i said buy plat(means ask u to respawn) as the bootin reason and i saw ur character sometime busy and sometimes not busy durin the time. so i cn pretty sure u were fixin sth and not laggin. thts all.

05-08-2011, 10:08 PM
All he did was not want you there go figure it happened to me to but I'm a pur dex bird named safiresora

05-08-2011, 10:09 PM
Lag can last up to 5 min

05-08-2011, 10:32 PM
sorry then. me and my fds all spent a few plats to respawn at tht time. i jus dnt want ppl lootin pinks widout hlpin. ok, tell me wt u feel when a guy died, not respawnin and he got a pink at last. ofc u guys also feel pretty unfair cus u and ur teamm8s spent cash to respawn on it.

05-08-2011, 10:41 PM
sorry then. me and my fds all spent a few plats to respawn at tht time. i jus dnt want ppl lootin pinks widout hlpin. ok, tell me wt u feel when a guy died, not respawnin and he got a pink at last. ofc u guys also feel pretty unfair cus u and ur teamm8s spent cash to respawn on it.

We totally understand that you want people to help on the off chance that they do get a pink, but you can't expect them to use plat as it's their, and only theirs, decision. Plat revive is an optional in game feature and to expect players to use it all the time is highly unrealistic. You could tell people when they first join that you expect them to plat revive so they have the option of leaving. Otherwise, don't get mad when the only Mage decides to risk losing that pink item to respawn and run back instead of lying on the floor dead letting others do the work.

05-08-2011, 11:00 PM
Wow, he's on my friends list too recently. Many runs with my bird, nice guy and nothing like that happened. Sad to see this coming out of him. Don't boot my mage bud because i'll NEVER use plat to revive.

In my games, i always tell those that died at boss when boss is about dying to stay put for the drop. Wouldn't want anyone in my party to miss out on the drops after fighting by my side :banana: (god i love this banana! :))

05-08-2011, 11:05 PM
ok...:O" wt i cn do next time is vote to boot and let ppl think shd i boot or na...:O" i think tht will better fair rite...:)"?

05-09-2011, 12:04 AM
Booting someone for not using plat is wrong. Period. Not to mention that AttackElf is one of the best mages in the game, and has been around a long time. There is no need to even vote on whether to boot someone because they won't use plat....just don't do it.

05-09-2011, 12:09 AM
sorry then. me and my fds all spent a few plats to respawn at tht time. i jus dnt want ppl lootin pinks widout hlpin. ok, tell me wt u feel when a guy died, not respawnin and he got a pink at last. ofc u guys also feel pretty unfair cus u and ur teamm8s spent cash to respawn on it.

That's nice that you and your friends bought respawns but it's unfair to expect someone else to do the same and then punish then for not doing it by booting them.

05-09-2011, 01:03 AM
This thread makes me feel lucky to have friends that wouldn't boot me even if I lay dead for the entire run! ;)

05-09-2011, 01:42 AM
im sugar. i knw u were the only mage at tht time. the hp of gold fever had at least 1/2 remain and u actually hv enuf time to respwan and come bk again. Me and my fds used at least 2-3plats to respawn when u were down. So i jus dnt want ppl lootin pinks widout helpin. u said u were laggin, ok! i hv waited over 30sec. i did my job. Thts y i said buy plat(means ask u to respawn) as the bootin reason and i saw ur character sometime busy and sometimes not busy durin the time. so i cn pretty sure u were fixin sth and not laggin. thts all.

Look, I don't want this to turn into a flame war.

It's possible that when I died, I saw an hp bar at a different point that you did due to my ping spike.

I did check the builds of all of the survivors, which is why you saw me as "busy". The reason is because I was estimating whether I could run back in time (you can usually get a good idea of how much damage they are outputting based off of their builds). I concluded the answer to be no I couldn't so I stayed down. Furthermore I don't think that you were doing your job; there were 2 bears and 2 birds. I ended up holding the aggro. In theory, either the bears through taunt or perhaps the birds through their superior damage output to a single target should have received aggro. The fact that I held aggro for a sustained period of time suggests that no, the team was not coordinating effectively and hence, you were not doing your job.

Regardless, your booting me was totally unjustified under the circumstances. Even if I was not able to contribute for the remaining 20-50% of the boss fight, I completed the entire run otherwise with you. I'm willing to put this behind me. I don't mean to pick on you. In fact, the only reason why I put this thread up was to draw attention to the issue for the community and devs, particularly since there have been other incidents like this one (or so I have been told).

05-09-2011, 01:52 AM
Awww. Sorry bout that attackelf..

05-09-2011, 02:50 AM
ok tell me is it fair if gt the pink? u were the only mage and we kept usin plats to respawn when u were down. so dnt tell me its fair if the u loot a pink widout healin + rev + hlping while u were laggin(as u said) and the boss was like 1/2hp left at tht moment and i wont boot ppl at the last 10%hp, cus they ran 90% of the game wid me and helped pretty much. so the mainly reason i boot u is cus its na fair to those players(include me) which used cash on it to respawn and boss was 1/2 hp left. ok end this topic. so if it happen agn next time, ill ask jus for the other players and see if i shd boot the player cus of not respawnin while the boss has more than 10% hp.

05-09-2011, 03:26 AM
Booting someone for not using plat is wrong. Period. Not to mention that AttackElf is one of the best mages in the game, and has been around a long time. There is no need to even vote on whether to boot someone because they won't use plat....just don't do it.

i dnt abt the best mages or what, cus its stil a player. wt i knw is me and my fds kept usin pots to surive and plats to respawn while he was down and he(the mage) didnt even use one cent to respawn. so it will b pretty unfair if he loot a pink. wt he can do is respawn and come bk. he shd knw the risk when the party begins, cus he was the only mage in tht run. as i said "i wont boot ppl at the last 10%hp, cus they ran 90% of the game wid me and helped pretty much."

05-09-2011, 03:36 AM
ok end this topic. so if it happen agn next time, ill jus ask for the other players and see if i shd boot the player cus of not respawnin while the boss has more than 10%hp. i think this will b the right method.

05-09-2011, 04:49 AM
His names are:
and one other i cant think of

05-09-2011, 05:58 AM
His names are:
and one other i cant think of

Common buddy, this is not really necessary IMO. Both attackelf and himself sound very reasonable, I don't see a reason to post all his names here for this 1 slip-up :) it's not like he's being like this on a regular basis or anything. I know, cause he runs a lot with me :)

Anyway, the way I see it, this is more a problem of the plat revive than anything else. I can understand both attackelf and sugarboy's reactions in this case. I'm not saying it's right to boot with the reason he gave, no, it's even way wrong. But you know how things can get heated sometimes, and people get booted for the most ridiculous reasons. the way I see it, I think sugarboy definitely learned his lesson. Can't we all just leave that behind us now?

05-09-2011, 06:01 AM

05-09-2011, 07:48 AM
ok tell me is it fair if gt the pink? u were the only mage and we kept usin plats to respawn when u were down. so dnt tell me its fair if the u loot a pink widout healin + rev + hlping while u were laggin(as u said) and the boss was like 1/2hp left at tht moment and i wont boot ppl at the last 10%hp, cus they ran 90% of the game wid me and helped pretty much. so the mainly reason i boot u is cus its na fair to those players(include me) which used cash on it to respawn and boss was 1/2 hp left. ok end this topic. so if it happen agn next time, ill ask jus for the other players and see if i shd boot the player cus of not respawnin while the boss has more than 10% hp.

This whole post contradicts itself. You say u won't boot if life is at 10% cause they ran 90% of the run they were there 95%of the run just getting to the boss. Don't make since bro. And just because u bought plat don't mean everyone else has too. "Just because you jumped off the bridge, doesn't mean I have too".

05-09-2011, 08:01 AM
This whole post contradicts itself. You say u won't boot if life is at 10% cause they ran 90% of the run they were there 95%of the run just getting to the boss. Don't make since bro. And just because u bought plat don't mean everyone else has too. "Just because you jumped off the bridge, doesn't mean I have too".

i mean the percentage hp of goldfever when its lower than 10%, i wont boot. but if the goldfever hp bar is above 10% and the player is na respawnin and jus waitin for pinks. then ill boot. (depends on wt situation, if there r more than 3 birds. then u dnt hv to respwan and run again(when there r no mage) cus we will kill fast. no reason for u to respawn and run bk cus goldfever is aldy dead at tht time. ill only boot the ppl who r na respwanin when they hv enuf time to respawn and run bk to kill it.

05-09-2011, 08:03 AM
I'm sorry Jay, and this is my last post on this thread no matter what anyone else may say, but this is so beyond LAME and his line of thinking is immature and flat out stupid. I have never booted someone for not using an option that requires real-life money. It is wrong, it is shady, and will be deleted from friends list ASAP and earn a perma-boot from any game of mine.

05-09-2011, 08:04 AM
Meh. Just don't run with the guy...

05-09-2011, 12:04 PM
I don't care how any other people spend their own plat. I can see when people use plat to respawn and I'm glad about it.
However, I would NEVER EVER tell anyone else how to use their plat and then when they don't use it the way I want them to use it, punish them for it.
That would definitely be someone I do not play with.

I think it's a personal decision and this is a game. I KNOW there are people out there who do not boot for how you spend your plat and do not boot because you got the pink drop. So I'll go play with them.

05-09-2011, 12:54 PM
Spending a plat to revive oneself is an optional luxury. It's no different than when I used to spend gold on Warrior elixirs to speed up the game. I have never expected the same from my teammates, friend or random player in a PUG. After burning all that gold on pots, do I feel self-entitlement that a valuable pink goes to another player? Absolutely not! I might feel envious towards the lucky player, but that's just the way the game rolls.

The second issue here is whether the booted player was a leech and justified to be booted. After hearing both sides, it's evident that AttackElf played the whole map with the team and contributed to get the boss down to around 50%. Notwithstanding a breakdown in communication over his lag, his efforts were a reasonable contriubtion to get that far into the game. Contrast that to a player walking into a game where you've just cleared the map, joins you at the boss, dies and waits while you finish it off. Not very chivalry? Not at all, but not in this case. AttackElf was wrongfully booted.

Hindsight being 20/20 there are a couple of things that can be done in the future to play out that scenario amicably: 1. Communicate with the downed player; 2. Stop/slow down the boss battle while the mage walks back to revive the rest of the teammates.

I respect and have played with both players many times before and would be happy to continue to do so in the future. I hope others can learn their experience and not let it become a pattern. Otherwise, self-entitlement beliefs should be played in a locked game.

05-09-2011, 01:01 PM
Common buddy, this is not really necessary IMO. Both attackelf and himself sound very reasonable, I don't see a reason to post all his names here for this 1 slip-up :) it's not like he's being like this on a regular basis or anything. I know, cause he runs a lot with me :)

Anyway, the way I see it, this is more a problem of the plat revive than anything else. I can understand both attackelf and sugarboy's reactions in this case. I'm not saying it's right to boot with the reason he gave, no, it's even way wrong. But you know how things can get heated sometimes, and people get booted for the most ridiculous reasons. the way I see it, I think sugarboy definitely learned his lesson. Can't we all just leave that behind us now?

He hasn't learned his lesson because he's still saying he's going to boot for not using plat. I'm glad he posted his alts because I'm deleting him from my friends list (i think I friends with his playboy alt). If he didn't want his name spread around he shouldn't be booting people for not spending plat or at least apologize and say he made a mistake and won't do it again. He's not saying that he's saying he's going to stop in the middle of a boss fight and take a vote on whether or not the dead person should be booted.

05-09-2011, 01:17 PM
i mean the percentage hp of goldfever when its lower than 10%, i wont boot. but if the goldfever hp bar is above 10% and the player is na respawnin and jus waitin for pinks. then ill boot. (depends on wt situation, if there r more than 3 birds. then u dnt hv to respwan and run again(when there r no mage) cus we will kill fast. no reason for u to respawn and run bk cus goldfever is aldy dead at tht time. ill only boot the ppl who r na respwanin when they hv enuf time to respawn and run bk to kill it.

I can understand this on certain bosses, especially goblen. I have seen people die and refuse to run back, but the problem was we no longer had enough fire power to kill him. Question though, how long have you been playing? I ask because I am really fearing the day when the generation of self rezzers reach level cap, and I am hoping it is not here yet.

05-09-2011, 02:57 PM
He hasn't learned his lesson because he's still saying he's going to boot for not using plat. I'm glad he posted his alts because I'm deleting him from my friends list (i think I friends with his playboy alt). If he didn't want his name spread around he shouldn't be booting people for not spending plat or at least apologize and say he made a mistake and won't do it again. He's not saying that he's saying he's going to stop in the middle of a boss fight and take a vote on whether or not the dead person should be booted.

I sadly have to agree that I regret he's not more spiteful :( I hoped he understood the situation. Well, it's just me being naive I guess.

05-09-2011, 06:09 PM
I'm sorry Jay, and this is my last post on this thread no matter what anyone else may say, but this is so beyond LAME and his line of thinking is immature and flat out stupid. I have never booted someone for not using an option that requires real-life money. It is wrong, it is shady, and will be deleted from friends list ASAP and earn a perma-boot from any game of mine.

I feel exactly like Moog here. He isn't sorry he did it, he doesn't even see where we are coming from. I get his point, but he doesn't have a team player mentality.

Feel free to boot me from any of your games. I cannot stand playing with people who get jealous and mad about another's pinks. Good night, congratulate them! We were killing Gold Fever once when a new player entered. He literally made it just in time to be in range for a drop when Goldy died. He dropped a SK bow, and we got nothing special. Its not like if he wasn't there, someone else would have gotten the pink, we are all separate rolls. I play with good players, if they need help, I will help them. If they die, I tell them to lay there and we will take care of it (in the extremely rare instance they can't be rez'd). 2 bears and 2 birds, and mage gets aggro....

Attackelf, be glad you won't have to run with them anymore, and add me. You can join my games anytime.

If I drop a pink and you start cussing, Ignore. If I drop a pink and you ask me to give it to you free, Ignore.

Maybe if you guys treated people better you wouldn't need to use plat for revive options at bosses because enough good players would wanna stick around. Just saying.

05-09-2011, 09:10 PM
It seems that there was a misunderstanding, he did not just want a player to use plat, but to revive come back and help. While the reason given was just use plat.

That being said... As i have said many times over to avoid flaming please black out a players name unless somone is lewed, in behavior names are not nessessary to alert other players or devs with game issues concerning elixers etc.

Find Sam's post about the upcoming changes in elixers :)..

If a player has done wrong they will know the ss is them without names being used.. Just some respect.. In my mind these actions of players booting is no worse that the one who was booting using anothers name to prove their point. Neither shows maturity... I AM NOT picking on the poster of this situation by any means and do not condone flaming him either...

05-09-2011, 11:26 PM
It seems that there was a misunderstanding, he did not just want a player to use plat, but to revive come back and help. While the reason given was just use plat.

There was no misunderstanding here. I lagged out, died while I lagged out and if the other player is correct, at approximately 50% of Gold Fever's health. My controls were frozen and I couldn't do anything. By the time I regained controls, I looked at Gold Fever's health (20%), and at the builds of the remaining 3 players. He (or she) knew exactly what he was doing - denying me the chance of getting any loot from Gold Fever.

I was caught between a rock and a hard place. It was impossible for me to have done anything but to either have laid down, forfeit any hopes of getting a drop, or spent platinum. As I said, the player knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that I was unwilling to spend platinum and therefore, had me booted. His defence is that a person can apparently walk from the spawning point of the Hideout to Gold Fever when there are 3 players, one a bird which was aggressively using break armour when Gold Fever has 20% of his hp remaining. I will leave the community to decide whether this is a valid argument or not. Evidently, this player expects everyone to use platinum to revive. Had I known this, I would have left at the start of his game.

I believe that not sharing this player's name would be the wrong thing to do. I firmly feel that I have done the community a service by drawing attention to this issue and by flagging this player. Given a similar circumstance in the future, he has indicated that he will continue his behaviour or cast a vote (how people are supposed to cast a vote when they are fighting for their lives against a boss I am uncertain). I don't want anybody else to ever be booted by this person over their unwillingness to use platinum and as such, posting this player's name was the right thing to do.

Edit: Ladyhadasa, I have no intention of involving you in this (you are clearly a person who firmly believes in a high moral standard as your thread on the matter shows), but I feel that nobody else should ever have to be booted by this player over this incident. Revealing his IGN does not violate his privacy in any other way. I do not know the person's name, location, etc. All I know is his IGN and now, his alts, and his tendency to boot people at the boss. So does anyone else who reads this. Furthermore, I hope that this thread will discourage other readers from ever doing this. Just because you use the platinum respawn does not mean that everyone else must. Nobody should ever be booted over this and while I hope that this issue solves itself, I doubt that it will and encourage other players to bring similar incidents to the community's attention should they occur. I can only hope that this will be an isolated incident that will not repeat itself.

05-10-2011, 12:16 AM
This reads like a very slight misunderstanding that is blowing out of proportion.

Both sides gave valid reasons for taking what they believed to be justified actions. They should have worked it out in person instead of airing it in the forums, certainly names should not have been dropped without talking first.

Now we can judge for ourselves, if you party with one, you may get the boot, if you party with the other, you may get your name dragged through the mud in the forums. Now can we just all take our toys and go home?

Honestly, what's left to say?

05-10-2011, 03:34 AM
im still hung up on how a mage keeps aggro over 2 bears and 2 birds....

if his booting tendencies are one reason not to run with said player, the inability to perform is another.

TY for the heads up....

05-10-2011, 03:50 AM
Sugar is on my friends list with my bird, I've ran with him a few times and never encountered a problem. Good to know. Although I did have probs with his alt, which I didn't know was him, on my mage...lol. anyways, booting in this case was unacceptable IMHO. I've been there with the lag and die and can't control until the ping settles, I agree with the OP.

05-10-2011, 08:27 PM
There was no misunderstanding here. I lagged out, died while I lagged out and if the other player is correct, at approximately 50% of Gold Fever's health. My controls were frozen and I couldn't do anything. By the time I regained controls, I looked at Gold Fever's health (20%), and at the builds of the remaining 3 players. He (or she) knew exactly what he was doing - denying me the chance of getting any loot from Gold Fever.

I was caught between a rock and a hard place. It was impossible for me to have done anything but to either have laid down, forfeit any hopes of getting a drop, or spent platinum. As I said, the player knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that I was unwilling to spend platinum and therefore, had me booted. His defence is that a person can apparently walk from the spawning point of the Hideout to Gold Fever when there are 3 players, one a bird which was aggressively using break armour when Gold Fever has 20% of his hp remaining. I will leave the community to decide whether this is a valid argument or not. Evidently, this player expects everyone to use platinum to revive. Had I known this, I would have left at the start of his game.

I believe that not sharing this player's name would be the wrong thing to do. I firmly feel that I have done the community a service by drawing attention to this issue and by flagging this player. Given a similar circumstance in the future, he has indicated that he will continue his behaviour or cast a vote (how people are supposed to cast a vote when they are fighting for their lives against a boss I am uncertain). I don't want anybody else to ever be booted by this person over their unwillingness to use platinum and as such, posting this player's name was the right thing to do.

Edit: Ladyhadasa, I have no intention of involving you in this (you are clearly a person who firmly believes in a high moral standard as your thread on the matter shows), but I feel that nobody else should ever have to be booted by this player over this incident. Revealing his IGN does not violate his privacy in any other way. I do not know the person's name, location, etc. All I know is his IGN and now, his alts, and his tendency to boot people at the boss. So does anyone else who reads this. Furthermore, I hope that this thread will discourage other readers from ever doing this. Just because you use the platinum respawn does not mean that everyone else must. Nobody should ever be booted over this and while I hope that this issue solves itself, I doubt that it will and encourage other players to bring similar incidents to the community's attention should they occur. I can only hope that this will be an isolated incident that will not repeat

I can see what you are saying and he is saying, i do not condone booting for not using plat a a sole reason, however I must say, I have booted players for not reviving in boss ( on my dex account) the reason when i am in lag i can not even type a message to opther players to say i am lagging that bad, when i ( not saying you did this) as admin of room have a dead player typing away, I know their lag is not so bad they cant rez themselves and come back, in fact i often ask players to kite a boss until the active player gets back to the map, to be fair... A good rule of thumb if a player is not speaking or moving they are in serious lag, allow a player to remain unitl lag remidies, ornthe person lag boots and save their space in that map.

I have been boted with reason i did not rez using plat even though i repawned.. This without question peeves me... As for mage holding aggro ( anothe rplayers question) when tanks wait for mage to go first and dexes hand behind the bears the mages take the aggro, spend oodles of mana and health, and with the new gcd a choice comes stay alive or run to rez the ill run group... I now just leave these partys while in game if after i have asked the tanks to go ahead of me, no one wishes to do the job, and i know that pink frop i spent lots of mana and health on is going to the one player who is dead, or hung around the corner sending out messages or busy in chat while game is in session. For me these players dont want to be better at their game..

I thank you for your kind rules and respect I respect that, I agree to disagree about posting players names for a flame session, what exactley does this accomplish?

05-10-2011, 09:03 PM
What I think is wrong is this: Reving with plat costs REAL LIFE MONEY! and PINKS r merely in game money! If you lose PL money r u gonna go broke in real life? NO! If you waste ur dollars on PL, u can go broke. who cares if its only 1 plat! 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 adds up. I have currently wasted prob 15 plat that was 100% unnecessary. i believe devs shud take action and get rid of this plat rev.

05-11-2011, 06:22 PM
I thank you for your kind rules and respect I respect that, I agree to disagree about posting players names for a flame session, what exactley does this accomplish?

First, it flags this player. As I mentioned, I don't want to see other people get booted. This is one player that people who feel as strongly as I do can avoid.

The other reason is that it will act as a deterrent for similar incidents.

What I think is wrong is this: Reving with plat costs REAL LIFE MONEY! and PINKS r merely in game money! If you lose PL money r u gonna go broke in real life? NO! If you waste ur dollars on PL, u can go broke. who cares if its only 1 plat! 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 adds up. I have currently wasted prob 15 plat that was 100% unnecessary. i believe devs shud take action and get rid of this plat rev.

That's the key issue. Even with the $50 for 800 plat (only available at the site), this can quickly add up as you noted.

05-12-2011, 10:03 PM
To be honest that excuse is being used often, the pressure to use plat, has had a very bad effect on mages, the frusturation with this scene happening has kept me from farming over the past three weeks.

You are very right a mage who is taking all the agro, healing etc, is subject to "mag lag" in gold fever the countless peiple who run at players or stays put is not just with a mage but all builds. Stuff happens, but to boot for not usi g plat to rev... Grrrrr...... This option was not there before.. Mages are dwindling these days in many maps,

I have much respect for the devs, I am hoping they will see the issue with this rev for plat as making player enjoyment for mages go down hill fast. If a mage was not in that room who would they blame? I can not say I am the best, but I know my mage skills are good, I know from countkess maps where all die but me, because i run pally and take the aggro, and am skilled enough to stand in general i can at least rez the team before (if) i die. That being said the rev for plat option mixed with the gcd.. All i can say is ....sigh..

Devs... Can this option be for gold instead of plat? At least then other playes can opt. To help mages with the cost of rev.. Just a thought....

Lag happens! The others can move away from you as well.. That is the flip side.

make respwan in gold ONLY for mages because theyre forced to do all this
Oh and I've gotten booted from some AO3 party because one unknowledgable person was saying" why didn't I respawn my self with revive, you don't need platinum at all..."
Gosh dumb people these days
All the others can depend on Mage so other classes should be in platinum:)

05-12-2011, 10:17 PM
That's stewpud.

Brooke -.- thats not how u say it... Its tats tow tupid tat pewson shoowld be disquafified!!

05-12-2011, 10:23 PM
Moth should go wash his mouth.. Can't hear him well.

05-12-2011, 10:27 PM
Haha inside joke between me brooke and otukura

05-12-2011, 10:29 PM
Haha inside joke between me brooke and otukura

noobmigo, not me.

I do get it tho. :3

05-12-2011, 10:30 PM
No it was u. Im positive

EDIT: Nvm you are right. As always. Creep you were stalking our conversation.

05-15-2011, 12:10 PM
i got mad reading this and i havn experience it yet but i have a feeling i will soon...this really nice player kept reviving me on Onyx at sandstone caves cuz i kepy dying over and over again..every time i revived onyx targeted me and killed me instantly.But died like 23 times i think just on the boss and got a dreamers onyx crown and the super nice person got a green drop that I have like 15 of so its not that rare and the player was cool with it..
I was like what?!?! You should get this! Im not even a mage you are! But the player refused it...