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View Full Version : [SUGGESTION] Leprechaun Scamming - Action should be taken by STS

09-07-2015, 07:11 AM
Recently, i've made a thread about the "Leprechaun Scamming" thread. and this should be taken by the staff team.

- Create something so called "Leprechaun" in your database, which tracks all trades of Leprechaun Pendants, buying from Consignment Store, purchasing from a player, and all other relevant information about the user, and their chats during their trade. and I am not talking about Leprechaun only, Blinky/Blight should also be tracked, but it's not that common because Blinky Egg is high at price.
- If you're lack of people to manage that, hire some reliable players to help by your side.

That'll be all my suggestion's. I swear that it would make the economy better and newbies safer.

Stay safe, play happy and go lucky.

- Stephanie