View Full Version : Strange PVP

05-28-2010, 12:59 PM
Now that pvp is released and i played it enough, just a consideration:
it sounds strange for me to see bear killing with doll an archer full pink, it sounds strange mage with bow make an archer exploding, it sounds strange
mage with shield killing a warr bear...where is spec if everyone can do everything?

05-28-2010, 02:57 PM
i dont know if this is what u mean, but the skills seperate each class
for example, a mage with bow can also heal, but not blast shot.
bow bear can rage and iron blood, but they cant blast shot either
each class has their own skill set, so thats what makes the difference

05-29-2010, 03:56 AM
Ok, but its the first time that i see in
a MMORPG a worrior (bear) with a wand to kill
in a simple way
a warrior (bear) with
sword and shield. I don't know if this was the intention of developers or if it should be balanced increasing initial stat so that bear can be warrior, an eagle archer and rabbit mage. Today everyone can understand that bear dex with bow is the best in pvp, but only because his skill and stats were thought for warrior not archer.


05-29-2010, 09:42 AM
Today i experimented eagle with vodoo doll
that oneshot eagle full pink with bow.
It seems pvp is realy ridicoloys, please fix this hybrid char or no one play pvp
ty again from a pvp lover

05-29-2010, 10:07 AM
Rabbit? Where are the rabbits? Seriously though, I think the core problem is that what they are calling "class" is really race. You don't chose to play a warrior, for instance, you choose to play an ursan, and then your attribute placement determines class. Obviously a bear with a bow is an archer (no not a bird, but yes an archer). Classes should be added as a second level of complexity over the existing races.

05-31-2010, 11:17 AM
Rabbit? Where are the rabbits? Seriously though, I think the core problem is that what they are calling "class" is really race. You don't chose to play a warrior, for instance, you choose to play an ursan, and then your attribute placement determines class. Obviously a bear with a bow is an archer (no not a bird, but yes an archer). Classes should be added as a second level of complexity over the existing races.

Makes a lot of sense, people often rant about how it isn't fair but this is the best explanation I've seen. You sir, have earned yourself a golden star!