View Full Version : Helpful relationships ;)

09-10-2015, 01:13 AM
Hi everybody :)
My name is Repeat. I have a problem maybe some of you feel the same and we can help each other.

My two chars are:
Repeatrulon (warr 8k hp 613dmg)
Repeatrules (mage 3,7k hp 736dmg)

I know they are far away from perfect but I work hard and they're getting stronger every day. Now my problem... I'm in a very young and small guild (10 members) and just one or two of them play every day. I don't want to leave the guild cuz my friend found it and I know it will take some time till it works but now I've the problem that it is really hard for me to find people for elite-maps, planar tombs and planar arena etc... the most friend requests I get are from low lvls who want me to lvl them or get free stuff and the most random parties don't work very well. So if some of you are 46 and got the same problem... if you want to run best zones for best rewards... with a strong party... leave me your name in this thread and/or add my chars in game to your friendlist and we can help each other :-)
Thanks for reading and sorry if my English isn't always correct... I'm from Germany... still learning ;-)

09-10-2015, 01:21 AM
A lot of people are in your same situation. Even in large guilds, there's a lack of interest these days to run elites. It's not like the old days where people farmed for hours and hours. Try sending friend requests to people and politely tell them that you're looking for new friends to farm elites with and you'd like to knoe if it's ok to add them. Don't just spam invite because that annoys people. I rely so mostly on my friends list for elites

09-10-2015, 01:58 AM
Sadly it is generally very hard for warrior to find any parties. The reason for that is how easy and unprofitable the old content is and how the new elite maps were made. I really feel bad for the warrior class. Moreover some of the coolest people I met in the game are warriors.

You mage seems ab it undergeared. It has average damage, but for some reason very low health.

And last but not least there is the thing which Pompous mentioned: currently the interest in running elite is at a record low. Most people have geared up and have some extra gold. They are extremely bored with elite wilds and arena. The new maps however don't offer enough reward for the effort and time. Further the new maps require, if you are to farm them without making loss, a certain level of gear, pets and most importantly skill which the average player does not have.

Anyway check out this thread:

U can hit me up in the game. I could help u with tips about gear and skills on our mage (not very good with warrior stuff) and maybe do some runs with you. I am saying in advance that I am super bored with practically everything except the new maps, so I don't run much lately. Ign: Azekriusabac

09-10-2015, 06:27 AM
i have no friends in AL D:

09-10-2015, 07:35 AM
I was also in a very small guild when I joined AL. The problem with that is you have to wait on people to get consistent runs. I eventually left and joined a larger guild as I preferred to play the game more than anything else.

09-10-2015, 08:40 AM
You can stick with you mage :) join a good guild and check elite archivist club like jazz said :)
I still like to run elite maps
You can pm me in game and we can run if i free CX

09-10-2015, 09:29 AM
add me ign: hallowring im lvl 42 add running elites pm me and when im online ill see to it that well become friends(^u^)

09-10-2015, 10:02 AM
Thank you all for your tips and offers I will add you as soon as possible :)

Muhammad Rasyid Rahman
09-10-2015, 10:12 AM
Yeah you can make your mage stay on that guild, and go search larger guild for your warrior,
my ign, rasyidrahman

09-10-2015, 07:57 PM
i have no friends in AL D:

*shrinks into shadows*

09-10-2015, 08:04 PM
you can add me up, i don't mind running with war :)

ign: ktferry

09-11-2015, 02:33 PM
*shrinks into shadows*

*i have one super awesome friend in AL although I rarely play :(
Off topic: see im IG in PL im taking a break from l40 if you wanna try l40 int mage ;) ;)

09-11-2015, 07:13 PM
The guild I am in is indeed growing, but since I live in a different time-zone then most of our elite runners it is hard to catch them online.

Most of them are really friendly and will always be happy to help you out.

IGN: Caabatric

When I meet you in game I can give you their IGN's as well