View Full Version : Option suggestions: Lock chat window, skills buttons.

05-28-2010, 02:35 PM
Can you add options to lock the chat window size and to lock expanding and contracting the skills button?

Sometimes I'll try to target someone behind the chat window and it'll cause me to do the click-dance to get it back to a single line. Also, when casting my top spell sometimes I contract the spell buttons causing the top spell to potentially switch.


04-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Would it be Possible to get the same as P/L and A/L were we can Put gold in our Stash and also Blood Pack, I also here A/L can have 100mill Not that i would ever have that amount lol but certain things are valued (even if over valued) above 9.9 mill, Also Why cant we stash things that we buy in store in our Stash !! If we payed for them surely we should be able to stash them instead of our Inventory being filled up with clothes Im trying to get all the wardrobe achievements but Soon it just going to filled with clothes even though I have upped my inventory 3 times Now,One more thing Honestly lol .. Could the Hats & the Druid hoods not change our hair colour or make our guy chars look bald :)

04-07-2014, 06:11 PM
Would it be Possible to get the same as P/L and A/L were we can Put gold in our Stash and also Blood Pack, I also here A/L can have 100mill Not that i would ever have that amount lol but certain things are valued (even if over valued) above 9.9 mill, Also Why cant we stash things that we buy in store in our Stash !! If we payed for them surely we should be able to stash them instead of our Inventory being filled up with clothes Im trying to get all the wardrobe achievements but Soon it just going to filled with clothes even though I have upped my inventory 3 times Now,One more thing Honestly lol .. Could the Hats & the Druid hoods not change our hair colour or make our guy chars look bald :)

um...whats Blood Pack?

Btw. I'd rather keep PL from becomming AL. What good is having two games that look the same?

And the part I bolded, this is PL not AL.

04-07-2014, 10:06 PM
um...whats Blood Pack?

Btw. I'd rather keep PL from becomming AL. What good is having two games that look the same?

And the part I bolded, this is PL not AL.

I just seen suggestions And was making a Suggestion for D/L Not for P/L Or A/L got mixed up and thought this was going on the Dark Legend Forum, Im Bad !!! (Blood Bags Are like P/L Pots & Mana) On D/L you only Use One don't have too Buy 2 , Powers in D/L case And Id Hate for P/L to become like A/L, I played P/L for Years and Not to keen on A/L at All !! But as I said Just a Mix Up ! I was in Forums a Bit Early in the morning when I wrote that post ..