View Full Version : (SUGGESTION) Warrior's Brotherhood

09-13-2015, 03:36 PM
An idea just popped into my head while i was running wilds normal with pugs obviously since most of my gmates are offline really im the only one that is most active in my guild haha, back to topic with doing pugs mostly i encounter are warriors most of the time like really 3 wars and me -_- and you know how a pt with 3 wars are very very slow.... And thus my idea came the concept is when there's 2 or more warriors in a map the Vengeful Blood's effects all of it will be x2 doubled namely (New) Warrior's Brotherhood skill upgrade. Coz honestly warriors really need a buff right now and this is the answer so no warrior will be unwanted anymore and of course this will only affect in pve not pvp wars are good at pvp rn as they are well thats my idea just need to share to everyone :)