View Full Version : In what order do you cast?

05-10-2011, 02:21 PM
I've seen a thread like this for archers and bears, but not us mages. So, how do you typically cast your spells? I'll tell you mine first and the reasons. Please post yours. Maybe we can all learn something.

Here's mine:

Blessing of Vitality (if needed to absorb damage)
Blessing of Might (just before engage)
Nightmare (first contact)
Ice Storm
Weakness (if needed)
Drain Life

I will typically break this cycle with heal as needed (usually after firestorm). Sometimes I will use mana shield instead of blessing of vitality. I try to never use them at the same time though, as I like having one defensive skill "at the ready" if possible. What works for you?

05-10-2011, 02:41 PM
drain life has to be before/ after nightmare

05-10-2011, 02:47 PM
Blessings once the group is all together and about to go.
If there is a tank I follow and cast Ice Storm after they beckon. Then Lightning and Firestorm.
Other skills I just use at random.

05-10-2011, 03:26 PM
I've got BoM going at all times to keep my crit up. The only time I will "save" it is if there's just one or two enemies left and it's before the boss. then I'll save it until then.
If the mobs are grouped up then I'll cast weakness to reduce their armor and dodge, then cast icestorm, firestorm, heal, and lightning. I'm a rare mage that still spams heals so I cast it just about everytime it's available. I'll also cast BoV (2 skill points) but not nearly as much as I do BoM (maxed out).

At the bosses I'll cast nightmare and weakness before starting my attacks.

05-10-2011, 03:53 PM
1. Buff and Debuffs: This is really important to make yourself stronger and make your enemy weaker.
2. The Freeze Spells: Then I can easily take out the enemy from a long range.
3. Either wait for Bird and Bear to perform rest of the Mega Combo or use Firestorm for Combo.
4. Lighting: If the mobs still are alive only.
5. All other skills used randomly.

05-10-2011, 07:26 PM
For me it depends on the situation and the group I am with. I typically cast my blessings and/or mana shield just before contact with a group. Typically I will not use bov and mana shield together unless it is for a particularly nasty pull(roundups in stronghold or a large group of fire slimes in catacombs for instance).

If my group is killing groups of mobs very quickly I will usually cast nightmare-lightning-ice storm-fire storm. Sometimes I can't even get these four spells off before the mobs are dead. If this is the case I just drop nightmare. If the group is a bit slower at killing groups of mobs, or if I feel myself or other team members will be taking too much damage from a particular group of mobs(a large group of fire slimes in catacombs for instance), I will cast weakness in addition to nightmare before casting my damaging aoe spells.

In terms of healing I try to A: Watch my team members' health bars when I can(my eyes bounce around alot lol) and B: Listen for audio cues that I need to heal such as a bird chirping that he/she is taking damage, an enchantress moaning for the same reason or even the sound of the slimes' fire blasts in catacombs or roach motel. If I can tell the group is or will be taking alot of damage I will cast heal every time it's available until we are in the clear.

I'm sure there are different situations that I've not even brought up here, but I think this gives a general idea of my casting order. I'm a very situational minded player though I guess...

05-10-2011, 07:39 PM
For me it depends on the situation and the group I am with. I typically cast my blessings and/or mana shield just before contact with a group. Typically I will not use bov and mana shield together unless it is for a particularly nasty pull(roundups in stronghold or a large group of fire slimes in catacombs for instance).

If my group is killing groups of mobs very quickly I will usually cast nightmare-lightning-ice storm-fire storm. Sometimes I can't even get these four spells off before the mobs are dead. If this is the case I just drop nightmare. If the group is a bit slower at killing groups of mobs, or if I feel myself or other team members will be taking too much damage from a particular group of mobs(a large group of fire slimes in catacombs for instance), I will cast weakness in addition to nightmare before casting my damaging aoe spells.

In terms of healing I try to A: Watch my team members' health bars when I can(my eyes bounce around alot lol) and B: Listen for audio cues that I need to heal such as a bird chirping that he/she is taking damage, an enchantress moaning for the same reason or even the sound of the slimes' fire blasts in catacombs or roach motel. If I can tell the group is or will be taking alot of damage I will cast heal every time it's available until we are in the clear.

I'm sure there are different situations that I've not even brought up here, but I think this gives a general idea of my casting order. I'm a very situational minded player though I guess...

Eversor, pro mage! I think situational awareness is one of the attributes that define a good player and definitely the most important for a mage due to mages' having the most options. You can't spam heal and full DPS and debuff at the same time. I think thats why mages seem like the most difficult to play.

For bears, you just need to know the maps well for the beckon/stomp spots, when to use defensive CDs, and have good positioning. Birds... just following the tank around and combo when there are groups and single targets when there are stragglers. Mages on the other hand... have to watch players HPs AND mobs AND their own HP. Someone getting hurt? Heal. A lot of difficult mobs? Debuff! You are getting owned? Heal -> HP Pot spam! Nothing else going on? Let's do some AOE damage.

Truely good mages are hard to find... though I still like it when you are on your bird more! Maybe thats just cuz with enough good birds, no one has to worry about a buncha mobs overrunning the group because everything dies so quickly.