View Full Version : Pvp complaint

05-10-2011, 11:31 PM
I hate how when I pvp and I'm just watching a 1v1 and I get hit once on accident and I leave cause it's getting boring. Then it says I left during combat and I get one death and now I have all these deaths I don't deserve which is not cool. I don't know what u should do to fix it But i hate all these deaths I don't deserve and it's starting to get really irritating

05-10-2011, 11:33 PM
Just make sure the party emote by your head is gone before you leave a game. I had trouble to at first but if you watch the emote sign then youll be fine. Plus KDR doesnt matter tok much- ts jus for fun.

05-10-2011, 11:42 PM
Yup, very true. People look at kills over deaths in PvP. They don't really care about the deaths, most know that people jump, spawn kill, and whatever. It's the kills that matter. This thing stopped bothering me too after a while. Can't really complain about this though, it's like one saying, "I was exiting the battlefield, got hit by a stray bullet and died! That isn't fair! God, please give me my life back!". Just kidding with ya, trying to be humorous xD.

05-10-2011, 11:44 PM
Don't PvP with me. If someone says bye, I might accidentally do a auto attack/frostbite :P