View Full Version : What to buy with platinum?

09-19-2015, 09:03 AM
Hi everyone, I just returned to the game after a very long time (launch) so my understanding of the game is very brief.

I did however return to 400 platinum, of which I've already spent on a character boost to 41, but I'm wondering -

What's the best way to spend my platinum to get the most gold out of it? Is there any way to buy a pet egg and then sell it or something similar like that?

Again, sorry for my newbishness - I'm a Pocket Legends veteran too so its taken some time to get used to the game, feel free to add me in game if you feel like you could help!


09-19-2015, 09:15 AM
What people mostly do is buy luck kits, ankhs, xp kits etc with plat and sell it in auction house.

For instance. If luck kit is around 10k. With 1.7k plats you turn it into cca 4.6 mill gold.

09-19-2015, 09:18 AM
Ahh I see.. does Spacetime also release eggs on the platinum store from time to time as well?

09-19-2015, 09:21 AM
Pets that are in stable ( with platinum buy) are not in form of egg. So you cant sell those. Only thing you can do is when some pet comes on sale with plats like slag or ripmaw, then hes around 250 plats. But then again, his price drops a lot cuz people buy it and resell it. Best is to wait then till things cool down and put in in ah later.

09-19-2015, 09:25 AM
Feel free to add me if u need any help.Ign Mylast