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View Full Version : Hello All. I have some doubts about the game, anyone can help me?

05-12-2011, 07:05 AM
Hello there!

Fisrt of all.. game devs, congrats for the game, ive been an mmo player for the last decade.. and this game really good game.

Well my questions are about platinum and the gameplay, how hard u need platinum. i dont want to play a game that i depend from platinum to do everthing, its ok to by new maps and stuff. I just dont want to play for buy platinuns. I dont want to make my character experience and development depend on it. (as far as maps are ok)

Im having a problem, im a bear lvl 5 and im starting to get low on health potions. i just spended like 300 and few gold on some health potions, but by doing the quests im spending more health potions fighting the zombies and zombie masters, and skeletons than im earning money to by new potions.

Whats the solution? I dont want to spend money with platinum for health potion.

I really want to get the hang of this game.

thanks for the help.

05-12-2011, 07:10 AM
You can do almost everything without spending actually ANY plat. Just going around and killing enemies you get enough money from enemies, chests and by liquidating loot. I used my first plat only to buy new maps around lev 25; these maps are now free.

<edit> Most of the plat is for ELITE maps (you can anyway buy their good drops in Consignment Shop from other players) and for vanity items (faces, holiday hats). Some plat can be used to gain experience more quickly if you want, but you can evolve your character to 55 in a month without plat.

05-12-2011, 07:12 AM
DUAL SPEC and turn into a dex bear or int so u can hit in a distance.Also means u can use both str and dex or int and str.:banana::banana::banana:

05-12-2011, 07:13 AM
Hello there!

Fisrt of all.. game devs, congrats for the game, ive been an mmo player for the last decade.. and this game really good game.

Well my questions are about platinum and the gameplay, how hard u need platinum. i dont want to play a game that i depend from platinum to do everthing, its ok to by new maps and stuff. I just dont want to play for buy platinuns. I dont want to make my character experience and development depend on it. (as far as maps are ok)

Im having a problem, im a bear lvl 5 and im starting to get low on health potions. i just spended like 300 and few gold on some health potions, but by doing the quests im spending more health potions fighting the zombies and zombie masters, and skeletons than im earning money to by new potions.

Whats the solution? I dont want to spend money with platinum for health potion.

I really want to get the hang of this game.

thanks for the help.

As an mmorpg player you should understand leveling up.
The higher your level the less damage you take.
also sell any trash items you get that will help i know that gold is tight when you 1st start but it does get better.
if you see me in game i will help you and give you some health potions just hang in there theres lots of fun to be had with this game

05-12-2011, 07:16 AM
1) use up all the free offers on tapjoy for platinum. i payed for sandstone cave that way lol
2) potions are cheaper when bought in mass, so try to only get the 100 potions option.
3) if having trouble staying alive, either change classes to one easier for you (if being constantly hit is your problem, try a mage or bird so you can kite the enemy from afar), change stat preferences to one easier for you (by going into dex or in, you can use staffs or bows on your bear. dex is actually one of the preferred stats) or revisit lower dungeons to get more monies and xp easier.

since now all the main maps are free, all you might want to get are 50 more stash slots, and 100 inventory, and maybe another character slot down the road. all can be payed for with the free platinum options.

05-12-2011, 07:19 AM
@Tamino Tkz for the anwser
@MAGICAL POCKET LEGEND any hint for a newbie start dual specting? im a bit lost.

@thugimmortal thanks, add me too, my player is 'Tessao'
Yes a understand about leveling, low lvl mobs = low xp = less health i loss :P
Im trying to figure out whats the ideal for my char.

About the selling things where do i do that in lvl 5?

Another thing, whats that magical portal all about? it takes u to the place u should quest for your selected quest?

05-12-2011, 07:21 AM
Here as in most MMORPG, playing in a team allows to kill enemies faster and gain experience and money quicker. Unfortunately this is not so clear for the lowest levels player, but as long as you get more experience and levels you should be able to found people cohoperative playing with you, making the path more fun and easy.

Ah, buy potions by Ellie the Enchantress in Forest Heaven town; the bunch of 100 pots costs 1500 gold and it is the lowest price you can found in the game.

05-12-2011, 07:23 AM
@Tamino Tkz for the anwser
@MAGICAL POCKET LEGEND any hint for a newbie start dual specting? im a bit lost.

@thugimmortal thanks, add me too, my player is 'Tessao'
Yes a understand about leveling, low lvl mobs = low xp = less health i loss :P
Im trying to figure out whats the ideal for my char.

About the selling things where do i do that in lvl 5?

Another thing, whats that magical portal all about? it takes u to the place u should quest for your selected quest?

well, any extra items you wont use, you can either liquidate them on the spot, or if they have any rarity or value to them you can go to balefort castle and visit the consignment shop to sell them to players.

i would recommend you DONT dual spec until you have a clear experience with what would be your main stat. it is much easier to dual spec around lv45, so wait until then.

also, dont just dismiss the xp system. all mobs with the same color circle on their hp bars are the same difficulty and give the same xp. red being the most, and grey being none.
also, the more people in a team, the more xp actually drops.

ps: i never use the portal except for the required first few quests. if i want to go to a quest area, i go to the quest menu and us the "go to" button.

05-12-2011, 07:23 AM
tes pls choose what u wanna be.Dex\str or dex\int or int\str I think dex str is good.

05-12-2011, 07:24 AM
Tamino, the problem is how do i get the 1500 gold, thats looks like days of farming in lower level.

and yes play in groups in lower level sucks... most of them dont know how to play their holes.... that have no ideia what is a tank, or and dps player... all the wanna do is hit them all.

05-12-2011, 07:24 AM
Yeah , try a dex bear they can fight from distance, or an int mage they can hit from distance and can heal themselfes . At all u dont need platinum to play but after a few weeks or months ull see that platinum is very useful (but if you dont want to buy it, u can try to make platinum with tapjoy, and its not needed to buy platinum to be a good player ) platinum is just a little(or big) help

05-12-2011, 07:26 AM
I also suggest doing dual spec right now but not using the items together like talon,dex helm,str shield and str armour.

05-12-2011, 07:27 AM
tes pls choose what u wanna be.Dex\str or dex\int or int\str I think dex str is good.

lol dont confuse him. really no point until at least lv30, besides the fact that there is no way he can afford the booster gear. a lot easier to learn the ropes the normal way.

Tamino, the problem is how do i get the 1500 gold, thats looks like days of farming in lower level.

and yes play in groups in lower level sucks... most of them dont know how to play their roles.... that have no ideia what is a tank, or and dps player... all the wanna do is hit them all.

you are just going to have to either revise your playing style or farm low level zombies until you get 1500 gold, sorry.

also, if you have less than 25 of a potion, it actually fills up to 25 since monsters and chests drop them.

05-12-2011, 07:29 AM
lol dont confuse him. really no point until at least lv30, besides the fact that there is no way he can afford the booster gear. a lot easier to learn the ropes the normal way.

you are just going to have to either revise your playing style or farm low level zombies until you get 1500 gold, sorry.

also, if you have less than 25 of a potion, it actually fills up to 25 since monsters and chests drop them.

LOL that's true but doing it now means u don't have to pay plat for respecing.

05-12-2011, 07:30 AM
About the selling things where do i do that in lvl 5?
Another thing, whats that magical portal all about? it takes u to the place u should quest for your selected quest?

Level 5 items are almost thrash, take only the ones you can use or (luckily) the pink ones, that are really rare at this level. Anyway, from the World Map go in the towne of Balefort Castle, the three characters called Arnold, Arthur and Artie can be used for object sell and buy between players at a reasonable fee.

The magic portal leads you in the first level of the map. For jumping directly to the quest target map, (once you got the quest) choose it from "quests " menu, hit the "GO TO" button, you are transported in the relevant map.

05-12-2011, 07:47 AM
ps: i never use the portal except for the required first few quests. if i want to go to a quest area, i go to the quest menu and us the "go to" button.

weird, some of the go to, takes me to town, like one that i must find some rogues, but usually i cant go anywhere from the town, its like the only place to go is the town portal (talking about the first city

05-12-2011, 08:00 AM
Some quests require you to talk with a non-playable character (NPC), that usually (but not all times) resides in a town. When you complete a quest, the GO TO button sends you to the NPC that "completes" the quest and gives you the reward; again, it can be in the town. Which is the incriminated quest?

BTW: I sent you a friend request ingame with my NapoOrsoCapo bear. Accept it, I'll make a few round with you.

05-12-2011, 08:08 AM

yeah that part of the quest i know, i got that problem in a quest that i should slay some mobs, dont recall which ones... not zombies.. not skeletons, maybe rogues... and the go to send me to town, and from there i could go anywhere thoses mobs are... the magic portal only took me to a place field with skeletons.

thanks, ill accept your friend request ASAP, im at work ATM.

About the dual specs,

Can i use a bow and a sword? like to stat with a bow then when the mobs gets closer i swith do sword? is that easy to do? or u can only equip 1 weapon at time? hmmm i think its just one weapon at a time right?

05-12-2011, 08:19 AM
i had same problems when i begun the game... i had no money for pots.. sounds stupid but it was so..
u should be always the hoster, then u will gain pots by killing mobs or from chests until 25. if u die in a party u wont get anymore until all other died too.

if ur desperate add my mains and i will give u pots ;)

05-12-2011, 08:31 AM
Can i use a bow and a sword? like to stat with a bow then when the mobs gets closer i swith do sword? is that easy to do? or u can only equip 1 weapon at time? hmmm i think its just one weapon at a time right?
No, you can equip a bow OR a sword, switching between them takes at least 2-3 seconds and it cannot done many times during game. I am a dual-spec bear, I usually play with a bow and revert to sword (actually, an hammer) at some bosses. As a bow-bear, I can make more short range damage with the skills, the three "slashes" you unlock and enforce during gameplay.

In any case, it is not useful to evolve your character in two directions before lev 30 at least, because you can found yourself don't have enough points in either stat to wear the "right" weapon for your level and you should rely on a lower level weapon, that is not good.

<edit> As a bear, at every level you receive 5 stat points: put four in STR, one in DEX until level 20. (someone says 3 STR, 2 DEX, you can alternate).

05-12-2011, 08:40 AM
@Tamino great advise, thanks
@Riccits i must find a way to get money for pots :) what do u mean by hoster?

Talking about that.. i saw in the world map selection u can host of join a map, what that means? i always just press go to town, cause i really dont know what those buttons affect my gameplay

05-12-2011, 08:52 AM
Host: you start a game alone in the specified map, others can join you. The game has your name.
Join: You are introduced in a game hosted by others. The host can boot you away or play with you.

When you enter in a portal or jump to a map from Quest menu the game is "public", that is has the name of the map. Nobody is host.

05-12-2011, 08:54 AM
So to grind itens is better to host and solo it?

05-12-2011, 09:10 AM
So to grind itens is better to host and solo it?
No, hosting a game gives you the options to boot others, but the amount of experience, gold and loot the host receive is equivalent to the joiners. If you play a map solo, all the money from mobs and chests are your; but you clear a map quicker and receive less damage if you are playing in a team. Moreover, it was demonstrated that in a game with five players (the max) every team member gets double experience than playing the same map solo.

My suggestion is to join a game with already 2-3 players, not too high level in respect to you and just started. (In World Map you can see for each game the number of players and the max player level in that map, and a thermo-bar with the number of killed mobs on the total).

05-12-2011, 09:15 AM
sweet. :) this looks like a good game..
im playing on an iphone 3g, its good.. iphone 4 must be way better... im gonna get an ipad 2 though... well.. i hope i get it... any ideia hows the gameplay on it? the game runs on hd version? or will get tall fusy by screathing it to fit?

I believe im starting to get the hang of it.... :)

when u say not too high level u mean what? 5 lvl above my? what is too high? and what is adequated?

05-12-2011, 09:31 AM
when u say not too high level u mean what? 5 lvl above my? what is too high? and what is adequated?

High levels players tend to boot low levels people from their games; but it is really not too relevant at the moment because:
you cannot join a game if the level of the map is more than two points than your level: as a level 5 bear you can play only in Forest Heaven, lev 1-10; once you peak lev 8 you can play in Dark Forest maps (lev 10-15) and so on.
Very high level players usually do not boot anybody if playing in low maps like Forest Heaven, because they expect low level players to be there; instead, you can follow one of them if you found him, is was a wonderful experience for all of us to see how powerful a lev 50+ player can be :)

The level difference starts to become relevant in Alien Oasis maps, that are "farming area" for good teams, and low level players can slow down the level rush; here sometimes you will be booted if too low level in respect of the other members of the team. But at that time, you will have a lot of same level friends to go with...

05-12-2011, 09:40 AM
Note on drops and loot: no matter how many people in your team, or what they have, or what happens in the game, you have your own personal loot table number. Item drops are random to each individual. So it's not that you get all the drops when solo, it's that you are the only one getting drops.

05-12-2011, 09:42 AM
sorry to be brief...in a rush.

Liquidate drops, when you are really in a pinch, go to alien oasis and jump in the pool for a refill of health and mana.

05-12-2011, 11:49 AM
thanks for the tips guys, i joined a party and really got a different gameplay.. pretty nice btw.. me and 2 other guys from work played together then... really nice to... over 3g... :)
im looking foward to play more

05-12-2011, 12:23 PM
Feel free to add me if you ever need some help, IGN is Dorkasauras

05-12-2011, 01:08 PM
Well my questions are about platinum and the gameplay, how hard u need platinum. i dont want to play a game that i depend from platinum to do everthing, its ok to by new maps and stuff. I just dont want to play for buy platinuns. I dont want to make my character experience and development depend on it. (as far as maps are ok)

I would suggest buying 165 platinum for $20. If you really like the game, then later buy another $800 platinum for $50. If you are trying to save money, then only buy things that you need. For example, there are some really nice rings that add stats. By the time your bear is level 30, you should have made your dex 67 and put the rest of the points in str. (for example, depending on what you will do). The reason for 67 dex is to wear the dex rings, which I like better than the str rings. I use a 1 M/s + 1 H/s + 8ac ring for tanking, and a 1 M/s + 1 H/s + 10 damage ring for killing a boss. Also, you need to buy more storage space, and auction slots so you can sell items to get more gold.

Once you buy the main items that you need (a ring, storage, and auction slots), you well never need to spend more platinum. The rest is optional. You can play forever and not need more platinum.

Im having a problem, im a bear lvl 5 and im starting to get low on health potions. i just spended like 300 and few gold on some health potions, but by doing the quests im spending more health potions fighting the zombies and zombie masters, and skeletons than im earning money to by new potions.

Whats the solution? I dont want to spend money with platinum for health potion.

I think the bear is the hardest to play. The mage is the easiest. It takes a long time to master the bear. But any mage that heals and rev's quickly is a good mage. And, birds tend to die quickly, unless you make the bird a tank with str items.

I would say put the bear away for a while, and play a mage. When playing the mage, watch the other bears play and remember the things you liked and don't like about what they do. It's rare to see a good bear below level 50. Most will fling mobs all over the place with beacon/stomp and make a mess that you have to chase around. (so annoying)

Also, you never need to buy potions. I play a new zone with potions. The next time, I will know what to expect and I arrive with zero potions and finish with a full 25 of each. (they accumulate to 25 if you don't use them) Then I store those in my Balefort stash. I only get them out if I am doing a sewer boss raid. I currently have 3000 of each, and paid for none of them.

Be careful, don't fight too many mobs at once, find good groups, and you will never need to buy or use potions. Having to buy potions is a symptom of playing the game wrong. If you don't buy potions, your gold will increase and you will be able to buy high AC armor with health & mana regen stats so that you don't die easily.

05-12-2011, 01:16 PM
Nice post csb; lost of wisdom!

05-13-2011, 09:32 AM
Well thanks for all the help, from lvl 5 im now lvl 12, didnt have to buy potions now from 3 i have 16, also 2.5k of gold :)
Just from doing parties with groups!! :)

05-20-2011, 05:31 PM
Lol you know Samhayne clicked on this post with his fists in the air clutching that hammer of bann yellin Doubts about my game?NOT IN MY HOUSE! lol JK <3 x21

05-20-2011, 08:25 PM
Add my sigs and I will help you.

If I hadn't checked autocorrect on that, it would have been very, very bad.