View Full Version : Lagg & Ping Spikes

09-24-2015, 04:58 AM
I have been facing a severe lagg & ping spikes since past one week even though my internet conection is working perfectly @ 30-40Kb/s & ping within 400-500 i am having too much of ping. Meanwhile, while i log in & enter a town my ping is stable @ 450 but once i start moving & enter a map all of a sudden it spikes upto 1.5-2K ping. I have tried playing using 4G network but nothing changed.
I have even reset my device thrice since one week thinking something might be wrong in my phone but still the lagg & ping spike remains the same.
As one of the player has mentioned that there has been ping spikes & laggs since start of Northal Awakening event it is true as i have been facing the same since the start of the event & since the release COC ping spike has got worst then before & is spiking upto 10-15K & sometime even hits upto 80-100K & getting DC once it hits 120K. I hear many people in game saying that the lagg & ping spikes is because of release of COC, i dont know wether its the exact reason for this problem but this has been a major problem as its impossible to play even in a normal map & farming just DEATHS at elite maps..!!
Ping is stable while i am standing doing nothing in town but once i try to enter a map & enter after too long of loading time & enter map i see ping spiked to 20-25K.

STS please do pay ATTENTION to this ISSUE & ressolve it as soon as possible........!!!!!!!

Anyone having problem with same issue please do post ur complaints.