View Full Version : Bug - Getting Extra Damage in Pvp

09-24-2015, 05:01 AM
On my Warrior class - In towns if my damage is X, my damage increases to X+ 4 in pvp. I am getting 4 extra damage when I enter the pvp zone. Tested this with pet and without pet, whatever the damage is in towns, it increases by 4 in pvp. Is this a bug? Not sure how long it has been around, since I just made a new tank after a year and discovered this.

09-24-2015, 06:27 AM
I believe warriors get an extra 10% damage in pvp as part of class balancing. (The same way rogues lose 10%). Are you a twink by any chance?

09-24-2015, 09:23 AM
I must have been living under a rock. Since when do tanks get a 10% damage buff in pvp? Last year I did not notice this on my tank so I assume it is a bug. And why was it never mentioned? Could anybody point me to a thread where it is officially announced?

09-24-2015, 10:01 AM
It's actually 5% and has been there for at least three seasons. You may find it in the change-log but it doesn't mention how much the buff is. Either way, PvP without a damage pet (of which most have 10% dmg buff and higher) is not a good idea.

You shouldn't be noticing anything unless you went in there with a pet without damage buff in its happiness bonus due to how the buffs system works - meaning that the highest buff % overrides the others, they don't stack (for damage, damage reduction and armor, crit stacks).

09-24-2015, 12:13 PM
It's actually 5% and has been there for at least three seasons. You may find it in the change-log but it doesn't mention how much the buff is. Either way, PvP without a damage pet (of which most have 10% dmg buff and higher) is not a good idea.

You shouldn't be noticing anything unless you went in there with a pet without damage buff in its happiness bonus due to how the buffs system works - meaning that the highest buff % overrides the others, they don't stack (for damage, damage reduction and armor, crit stacks).

Ah I knew it was a percentage - maybe I got 10 stuck in my head because that's what rogues get taken off.

09-24-2015, 12:29 PM
It's not a bug. It was there to help them out. As it stands, rogues are still the deadliest even with the damage reduced.

09-24-2015, 01:27 PM
And now you know, and knowing is half the battle!
Closing the thread since we got an answer.
Have fun out there!