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05-12-2011, 11:08 PM
So I've decided to enter the weapon design competition. With the past design comp. I had drawn my entries, so this time, I wanted to get a little creative. I downloaded the program Google Sketch-Up 8, which is a 3d modeling program. After watching a few videos and tutorials on how to use it, I got to work.

This is what I created:



Angle 1-

Angle 2-

Angle 3-

Angle 4-

Now, before you begin to critique, I am by all means no pro at this. I just began using this software, nevertheless, any 3d software, today.

Also, be aware that the design is meant to be a simplistic as possible.
Simplicity=Easier to implement into game

Item name: Fire Sniper of Legendz

Item Type: Dexterity

Description: Long ago, when Silknight was just beginning to gain her vast amounts of power, she was met by another species. Silknight felt threatened by these strangers, and tried to rid of them. But these other-worldly dwellers were far more superior than she could have ever imagined, for they carried a weapon that destroyed everything in its path. This weapon is what drove Silknight crazy. Day after day, and night after night, Silknight longed for the power of this all-mighty weapon. Many seasons later, the war between the other life-forms was becoming ever increasingly slower, until one night, they disappeared. Silknight was stunned at her loss of gaining the weapon of her dreams, or so she thought. That night, an explosion pierced the calm air, and a fierce light swept through the sky. Silknight sent her henchmen to find out the source of the event. Soon after, they came running back to the encampment, telling of the weapon that Silknight had desired for so long. As she arrived to the massive crater, she felt a raging heat being given off from the center. When she peered closer, she could see the glint of unknown metal. Silknight forced her henchmen to carefully remove the scorching weaponry out of the earth. Her first thought was of testing out its power, but as she studied it's exterior, she realized how intricately it had been crafted. She had no idea how to make it work. She tried pushing every button, and turning every knob, but nothing happened.... until now.... Present day- Silknight had finally figured out how to control the alien machine, and she was terrorizing Forest Haven. Using her weapon, she had captured Forest Haven's sacred orbs of nature.

(Okay, so the story is a little off of what it is supposed to be based on, but I've always enjoyed a little creativity. Plus, it's more of the design that I'm worried about. I can always change up the background info)

Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

05-12-2011, 11:24 PM
This looks pretty BA :)

05-13-2011, 12:27 AM
it kinda looks like the big gun from the movie Eraser

05-13-2011, 12:40 AM
Orrrr like you got the idea from the Halo sniper rifle?

05-13-2011, 06:23 AM
I used a combination of sniper designs to look at while creating it. Including the Halo sniper. :)

05-13-2011, 07:41 AM
i like next thing halo noble six costumes (na wont happen)
id totaly use it