View Full Version : Big love 2013

09-26-2015, 11:54 PM
Hi sts :)
I understand there are constantly jobs to keep you busy and this dose not rate very high in the way of priority but it has bugged me for so long. i also think its a little unfair.
this is a request to please make (2013 big love) somehow visibly different from (big love 2014). 2013 as i understand is so rare. But to use is pointless over big love 2014 because they look exactly the same. The day big love 2014 was released it was a banner with the hearts. (Different from the original) less than 2 days later you made the original without the banner also available. (Same look as the original) My heart sank :( was the one thing rare i had to show off. I never got over it lol. even tho i have lb banners now, i still wish it was original once again. Please change it even a tiny bit :)

If you have big love 2013 please share your thoughts. am i alone?

09-28-2015, 09:52 AM
My favourite banner from Valentine's day will always be Little Love. Maybe wear that!

09-30-2015, 01:02 AM
Thanks for the thought but when its about 5 people that have big love 2013 and about 4000 have little love its not gonna cut it for me

10-01-2015, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the thought but when its about 5 people that have big love 2013 and about 4000 have little love its not gonna cut it for me

Wait what? Dude, Little Love is really rare nowadays.... You make no sense

10-01-2015, 07:15 AM
Yes it is rare. I dont argue that! But Not like big love 2013. what i was referring to in that point was big love 2013 is ALOT more rare than little love. As little love was free and big love was not. Do i make any sense?

10-02-2015, 03:38 AM
Yes it is rare. I dont argue that! But Not like big love 2013. what i was referring to in that point was big love 2013 is ALOT more rare than little love. As little love was free and big love was not. Do i make any sense?

Even if it was free, it does not make it more common. Most of the people i know that had this banner have just quit al.

10-02-2015, 11:37 AM
Even if it was free, it does not make it more common. Most of the people i know that had this banner have just quit al.
Dose not make it more common?...............Ummmm...o..k... are you trying to have a laugh? This is a request to sts, not what i wanted other people to tell me what there favorite banner was/is sorry no offense.
Question do you even have the banner i speak of? If so ss pls. Either way thanks for your thoughts. And your opinion of little love and big love. but none of them are helping, or what i was aiming for sorry. And yes i have little love.. but i know for a fact that big love 2013 is alot rarer than little love.

even if it wasn't more rare (wich it is by far) id still like for there to be a difference in appearance between 2014 and 2013