View Full Version : deactivated my Facebook

05-13-2011, 06:16 PM
Finally! It was way too distracting and annoying to keep track of...I spend like hours on it each day -.-

Well, goodbye all the people I've added on Facebook that are on STS forums :/ (not really, cuz we can still chat! :))

05-13-2011, 06:47 PM
I've never had that problem, cause I'm only friends with people I know, but what about your real friends...like at your school or something. Wouldn't they wonder?

05-13-2011, 07:23 PM
I wouldn't care lol.

05-13-2011, 07:24 PM
I had about 350 friends from school and ones that I'd talk to everyday over vent/TS on mine. It was talking up at least 5 hours a day. "Mom, I'm going to go type something up, don't annoy me." Spends forever on facebook

Now: "Mom, I'm going to go type something up, don't annoy me." Spends forever playing PL and reading the STS forums.

05-13-2011, 07:30 PM
meh, i use FB only to check out the PL wall and see what i can tell people...

05-13-2011, 07:41 PM
Wow, I use facebook to chat with my friends and arange dates and stuff... Lol I'm not normal

05-13-2011, 07:42 PM
Wow, I use facebook to chat with my friends and arange dates and stuff... Lol I'm not normal

That's normal, we aren't.

05-13-2011, 07:46 PM
i use facebook to ask questions to people in school and such and talk to friends..and such

i however dont make status updates... hate people who make inside jokes or random quotes that most of us never heard of as status's

05-13-2011, 07:51 PM
I used to have Facebook for arranging plans to meet up with friend's for several things, but then I don't know how but I started putting up depressing statuses :/ so I just completely stopped, hopefully no one else will see another depressing status from me lol

05-13-2011, 07:56 PM
Wow, I use facebook to chat with my friends and arange dates and stuff... Lol I'm not normal

I do the same. It's only use to me is as a social network.

05-13-2011, 08:33 PM
My statuses are usually like "congrats to xxx for xxx" and some times I post things that happened in school, but mostly I chat and stuff. I put a quote rarely, only if it's really funny

05-13-2011, 09:33 PM
Oh WOW lol immediately after I said I deactivated my account one of my friend's at school said a bunch of crap about me to others -.- hehehe I'll show himm;D (he doesnt know I reactivated and I am doing something evil...lol >:))

05-13-2011, 11:19 PM
I also deactivated mine today cell phone is more than enough to track my friends.I feel FB is stealing all my time. :)

05-14-2011, 08:20 AM
If you deactivated it How do you reactivate it?

05-14-2011, 09:47 AM
If you deactivated it How do you reactivate it?

By logging in.

05-14-2011, 10:20 AM
Hahahahah, I use my Facebook purely to see what's my other friends are blathering about via the wife. Only immediate friends in our day lives can post. Pl friends are grouped to be able to look, not post. Had too many kids post less than desirable comments. Wife keeps up on fb for me... Not a problem for me. But agree that the social media is truly a waste of time for most kids and adults.

05-14-2011, 10:26 AM
lol sadly id be lost without facebook. i dont have many PL players on it though, as friends i have parth, junside, king richie, and dizko. i found a way to balance fb and life so its all good lol.

05-14-2011, 10:47 AM
What about me? I sent u a request remember? O.o

And ya I have a few PL friends on there too (Arterra, Ladylove, Parth, Balonia, Chickdigcookies, and Ellyidol)