View Full Version : Major collection inventory problem

09-28-2015, 01:08 PM
As a collector I'm having major inventory shortage issues. With all the new armors and vanities that keep coming out it's impossible to have one of every piece of gear on a character anymore.

I had to finally break down and store most of my legendary equip on a storage guy. It took 475/500 slots before that. As a collector I'm begging you guys for more inventory slots. Most likely I'll have to start collecting vanities only without more.

09-28-2015, 02:35 PM
Would think server would benefit from bigger stach and inventory, not so much jump from toon to toon all the time?

Allso we would have reason to do bard again..
If not profitable enuff, make it stach 2.0 slots only aquired by plat.

It would make life easyer for all, not just collectors, i filled main with crafted energy in 2014, still have 100 left.. that was pain for a long time until energy event returned, think i ended deleting a few just to manage 2 runs before full..