View Full Version : Two CS Possibilities

05-14-2011, 03:42 PM
1. The ability to view past sales. You input your desired item as usual but there will be another check box that will say "Completed Listings" or something along those lines. Next to the that will be a drop down box that will let you choose the period of time in which you'd like to search for your item. Possible choices could be -1 Day, 1 Week or 1 Month. You will be able to see how much the item you specified has sold for over the period of time you have chosen. :)


2. The ability to send you buyer/seller a message after or BEFORE buying. For example, if you see a Raid Roach AutoBow and it's listed for 110,000 and you only have 100,000 gold but you really want it, you can send that seller a message asking if he would be willing to negotiate to 100,000. Now if you're selling something such as a Thoth Wand and Bob buys your wand, you can send him a message saying something like: "Thanks for buying!" or "Nice doing business with you!" :o

05-14-2011, 04:47 PM
I like both of these ideas. Normally I like to just /tell the buyer/seller, but it would be easier to just have that option.

05-14-2011, 06:38 PM
I've done number 2 many times already, just use /t, as DawnInfinity said. I was like 50k short for my mm gemstone wand, sent the seller a pm asking if they would take what I had, and they met me in town to pull it off the cs and sell it to me. An option in the cs interface to do this would be nice, but may unnecessarily clutter the cs screen. The whole cs interface needs an overhaul, imo. I've thought of photoshopping some images together showing many ways to improve the cs, but I don't have access to a computer to do it :(.