View Full Version : HELP- the way of the game...

05-15-2011, 10:19 PM
Alright so I have taken time to look at many threads on how the game works. I am a enchantress maxed out in dex, This is what I know about what i CAN do....

so i'm level 18 with 89 dex and 7 int. I had the intelligent idea that using the healing spells while dealing damage would be great until i read some stuff on the forums. Then i became even dumber and bought assassins scissor slicers because it has 127 dps at level 25. I know nothing about armor and tactics and what to use my skill points on...

NOW what can you tell me? What should I do?

05-15-2011, 10:24 PM
well being a dexmage is hard but alot of funn! at your lvl your doing fine, and heres what gear you should use for dex: a lvl 19 xbow (type in crossbow in CS and look for a lvl 19 one) , a lvl 14 forest leather (or any plat store leather) and assassins cowl (can be found lvl 10-19 in CS). If you need help finding this ill meet you in game.

05-15-2011, 10:27 PM
The skills of an Enchantresses are given more strength when you put more points into INT. It's usually not such a good idea to put all your attributes into a category that isn't what your character is made for. What most Mages do is half STR/half INT, half DEX/half INT or full INT. At your level, with a party, I don't think you'll have that much trouble. You should stick to ranged weapons though. The dual wields are generally unpopular and useless.

05-15-2011, 10:36 PM
so i used 10 plat on worthless dual wields, well can anybody help me on firebolt and such for those spells? please... :D

05-15-2011, 10:47 PM
The Enchantress section has a myriad of info. Try contacting DawnInfinity, Christina, LadyLove, Alwaysdtf, darkmasulsa or Amyxrose(in-game). They're all very good mages specializing in pvp so they're instant killers. They also know mages inside-out. Good luck.

05-15-2011, 10:53 PM
At your level, you'll probably want to max out both heal and firestorm. Also, go ahead and put a point into an ice skill of your choice (recommend the aoe). Using an ice skill, and then firestorm creates and combo which causes some extra damage. The maxed heal skill can help you out in tight situations and also save you a ton of gold on health potions.

05-16-2011, 12:57 AM
All is not lost. I levelled my pure int to 56, and then respecced to dex/int..all i can say is, i don't think i'm switching back to pure int anytime soon.

05-16-2011, 01:25 AM
Check out the Enchantress section in the link in my sig. It has some really useful info. Also check out the Advanced section for some detailed info on how the game 'works'.

Good Luck