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05-16-2011, 11:55 AM
I just wanted to say that friends are what makes this game for me. I'm privileged to have one person who I can always count on no matter what, and then probably 5-7 more who are what I'd call great friends.

I guard my friend list pretty carefully now, and I never add someone until I've played with them (with a few forum exceptions) a couple times. I also have to "prune" my lists from time to time as well :)

Most of my good friends are superb players, but some are just really nice good people who make the game fun. I like having someone who will goto Goblin Tunnels even though they already finished it, or someone who will pass along crafting supplies to help me finish my Enchanted set (you know who you all are!).

I get that some people play for gold, others play only for skill, some for xp (boo to the boss bailers!!), but good friends are what keep me logging in. Just wanted to say thanks! And anytime you need anything, you know where to come.

05-16-2011, 12:21 PM
Back at ya ;) So glad you said hi that day in the shadow caves (which I NEVER run, it was fated!).

And I agree, the social aspect of this game is what brings me back again and again. When you have a family and small children it is sometimes hard to keep up with real life friends because scheduling a get together, etc, that works around both your schedules can be hard. Here we can visit for 10 minutes for little improptu meetups or spend an hour here and there but it doesn't matter if we're in our pajamas or logging in while waiting for dinner to cook. Glad to have met a great group of people!

05-16-2011, 03:23 PM
I like people I play with and it was a fun game. Don't care if they are any good as long as they are trying and they listen. Friend!
I also like people who are hilarious when I'm just sitting about. Friend!
They don't have to help me, but when they do: Super sweet! I admit to running over a lot with I get an invite with "Help!" on it. Hey, friends make the game fun. Least I can do is help when help is needed.

Forums aren't too bad either :)

Without the social part I would have quit PL months ago.

05-16-2011, 06:55 PM
Its a great joy for me when I've run with other players (who are strangers-really) enough to be their friends. None of my buddies IRL play this game, so my friends list is pretty interesting...

05-16-2011, 06:58 PM
I only play for pvp and friends. The community keeps me here.

05-16-2011, 07:02 PM
I add anyone and everyone :)

05-16-2011, 07:09 PM
I add anyone and everyone :)

Psst! I hear that adding banned players add platinum to your account if they accept!!!

Nah, I add like duped. Very selective, except if you're a forum member there's a much higher chance of me accepting. I routinely go through my list and delete people... basically the exact same.

05-16-2011, 09:08 PM
Phew, I play for pvp and friends too. I hate adding everyone... Sometimes I'll add someone and then delete if we don't keep contact. I almost always add forum members. If you send me a gazillion friend requests after I've already rejected, I am not likely to accept... there is one I finally accepted because he was really persistent... over a couple months lmao.

05-16-2011, 10:39 PM
Accept all FQ, even if Level 1.
Nuff' Said.

05-16-2011, 11:03 PM
Your friendslist is just as important as your weapon and armor. Build it well and prune it occasionally. I wish they had a last logged in date for each player on your list. That way you could remove those who have not logged in a awhile. Building huge random players lists will cause you nothing but problems from low level moochers (beggers) to selfish players. Grouping is more fun and less tedious. If you want to solo play another game that's just my opinion. When the game gets boring having friends you like playing with makes the game a lot of fun. Only mmo's is where a teenager can play a game with an older person. Games make it possible to cross the age barrier.

05-17-2011, 12:29 AM
You know you have solid friends when they are level 53 and they are still running ctk with you. That being said: We can move on to something else guys, I'm just as bored with it as you. Even if it is decent gold farming. :)

05-17-2011, 07:00 AM
So True :)

/DanielRH http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af308/Dh868/banana132.gif

05-19-2011, 11:09 AM
Many of my closest friends in life are people I first met in this game.

'Nuff said.

05-20-2011, 02:01 AM
Hear! hear! friends are what makes this game so much fun; and I enjoy playing with you Duped. From time to time I have to get away from everyone and prune my list to. It gets quite long the longer you play lol.