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View Full Version : legendary lvl 30-40 packs for mage

05-16-2011, 07:26 PM
Mages who have purchased either lvl 30 or 40 legendary packs can you share a description of the items. I don't want to purchase and be wearing something better than them. That would be a waste of Platt. Right now I am wearing a mix of brain-freeze and yeti.

05-16-2011, 07:31 PM
You dont need any plat gear after 20 imo, the dropable gear outclasses it. Brainfreeze wprks fine through 40 (or you can use swamp gear). At 40 start using either lvl 39-40 ao1 pinks/purple or lvl 35 gear. At 45 theres pleanty of pinks to be found.

- helpful hint- try checking the cs every 5 lvls for new gear.

05-16-2011, 08:01 PM
Yeah I planned on plasma gear around 40-45