View Full Version : My Humble Suggestions On Guilds

05-29-2010, 07:12 PM
As per requested by Justg :D
** * So I have read that guilds are going to be a big highlight in one of the upcomming updates. There are several important features, that I want to suggest, the first will be a guild bank. This is a feature a good amount of MMOs do not have, And frankly should, becuase with a shared bank, the guild will truly have to trust one another when it comes to loot sharing, and fundraising for guild upgrades(which i will mention latter), among other things you can do with it, such as, guild held prizes and events.

** *Along with the guild bank, it is abosolutely neccesary for a guild bank password. Which the leader can set and change, an give out to trusted members, and to be fair to the other members, there will be a "access" feature available to leaders an maybe sub leaders, where they have the power to allow a member a one time password free access to the bank. The guild leader can take out what the member isn't suppose to take, and leave what he needs, and let him take it, instead of meeting up and trading.

** * *Along with the ability to add gold and items into the guild bank, the guild leader should be able to set a tax rate on the transactions of guild members. This percentage would not exceed 10%, as to not be abused for personal gains. How this would work is, every time a player within the guild( including leader) recieved gold such as selling an item to another player, or npc, a percentage ( set by the leader) of that gold would be deducted from the player, and transfered into the bank. This would eliminate the problem of players who are "cheap" and are only in the guild for personal benefits.

** * *To further synergize with the guild bank system, as well as to add a much needed gold sink to the game, I think a guild Towne should be available as a purchasable upgrade. Setting the price moderaty high such at 500,000 gold for one towne(with a max of say 3?) the game would automaticly host a towne for the said guild, and it would be there permanently.*

** * *This special towne can either be accessed by the public, or be locked with a password, where only non guild members who know the password can get in, or guild members, who can automaticly get in without the request of a password. Locking and unlocking can be performed by all guild members( or only leaders and vice, I'm not sure). Additionally, all guild members have the power to kick non guild members out of the towne, while only vice and leader have the power to kick members.*

** * I believe this would be a huge gold sink for the game, as well as providing a space for private discussions, guild meetings, organizing runs and groups, or simply hanging out. This social aspect is what PL needs right now, since from experience, I forget 99% of the people i meet from pick up groups, not to mention, I don't think anyone have said a word in most games.*

** * Thank you for reading through my wall of text, may your eyes pardon my horrific formatting and abysmal grammar.*


05-29-2010, 07:25 PM
Instead of a towne, make guild halls that the guild can place items in. Make them cost 5 million to purchase and only available to have 1.

05-29-2010, 07:28 PM
Elaborate on the placing items part? Do you mean for the hall to act like a guild store that's open for the public to browse in? Or a guild bank?


05-29-2010, 07:33 PM
Neither, like when we make our large post this will incorporate crafting, items that will make the place a comfortable place :) (ie. chairs, beds, tables, etc..) A guild member should be able to access the guild bank in the guild hall.

It should be like a access everything from, do everything in, ALL IN ALL.

05-29-2010, 08:01 PM
Not a bad idea, however, would this hall be able to be accessed by non members?
Plus the prospect of having your own towne, as opposed to just abhall sounds more imposing and powerful, don't cha think?


05-29-2010, 08:10 PM
Not really, what is special about a town?

The hall would be able to be pw'ed or left open, just like the towns. However, this eventually could turn into a crafting area, broker boards, everything a guild would need to do, they could do in their guild hall. I would suggest 3 levels of guild halls, different sizes and prices.

Level 1 - 5 Million
Level 2 - 10 Million
Level 3 - 30 Million

05-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Interesting, so each upgrade would add another floor.
You've convinced me, a guild hall would be better, however my other suggestions still stand.

05-29-2010, 08:41 PM
Yep, I definitely agree with a guild bank. But, guilds should have levels that guild members can do to earn xp for their guild and that is how guilds level. A guild should have to get to a certain level to get a certain guild hall. Like guild must be level 5 before they can get Guild Hall Level 1 then level 20 before guild hall lvl 2 then guild level 35 before they can have guild hall level 3. That way there is more than one thing to distinguish a guild. Also, guilds should be ranked for doing GvG, which would be if they join from their guild hall, they can be placed on a list and if any other guilds request to gvg, they can join together and that is how you will rank. Guilds need to be huge!!!!

Not just a floor, but more room, bigger ceilings, a lot nice area to enter the guild hall.

05-29-2010, 08:48 PM
Excellent suggestions, this is a very interesting thread. We have not designed guilds yet, so it is great to get an early look into desired features!

05-29-2010, 09:04 PM
But xanthia, what do you think about the tax system I proposed then?
I feel as if that's the one everyone would have a different opinion about if released.
However, for the guild bank to be sucessful, I believe taxing income would be the only way.

Additionally, I think NPC upgrades should be able to be purchased for the guild hall.

Such as a custom potion seller that has a 5% discount over the towne one.

05-29-2010, 09:48 PM
Chairs and tables lol.

May I recommend Habbo Hotel.

05-29-2010, 09:53 PM
Thoese are simply examples.

And what's wrong with habbo? Shyt was dope!!

05-29-2010, 10:36 PM
abysmal grammar

Lol. But really, if you can use the phrase 'abysmal grammar,' you really shouldn't have to worry about it. ;)

Also, those are EXCELLENT ideas. Some of the best I've heard. But I do think a guild tower (with extra floors, etc.) sounds cooler than a guild hall. ;)

05-30-2010, 12:00 AM
Advance, what purpose would you need the tax for?

05-30-2010, 12:07 AM
The only thing that I can think of for having a tax is being able to access the guild features.

Ex. You are able to choose your tax rate:
Low Rate: Slight access to guild bank
Medium Rate: Full access to guild bank
High Rate: Full access to guild bank plus ability to go into special room in guild house that sells discounted potions/elixers.

Each rate would be a higher tax on anything you sell/buy. Other than that, I see no reason for a tax in a guild.

05-30-2010, 12:22 AM
No, I would rather have a set fee per month or year rather than be taxed every time I use something.

05-30-2010, 12:48 AM
Without a tax, who would be willing to donate into the guild bank?
who is up to the task of single handedly funding the guild with 5 million gold for a guild hall(in b4 thelolarcher)
I think the abilty for a guild leader to charge even a 1% guild tax to be extremely benefical for the entire guild.
Or is everyone just THAT cheap?


05-30-2010, 12:59 AM
I don't know I guess I am coming from a biased view. I have always been either the GL of the guilds I have been in or Senior Councilor so I am always used to giving everything I have to the guild and have never had to ask the members to fund the guild, all my guilds have been hard core guilds. However, I guess the "Option" of placing a tax on the guild, but not making it mandatory. I guess I am expecting my guild to fund the guild hall :)

05-30-2010, 01:05 AM
I've said it would be a option from the very start, you must have read me wrong.
But I know where your comming from, only the loyal members care. But with this system in place, everyone has to chip in, and trust me, small stuff adds up.


05-30-2010, 01:10 AM
Oh yes it definitely does. I think the high prices will only let the good guilds shine. Instead the guild of the minute that will be possible to make, I really hope they make, forming a guild extremely difficult. I think 5 Million to start a guild! That way there are not many players starting them, it gets really annoying when you have 100000 guilds.

05-30-2010, 01:21 AM
I also agree with having extremely difficult obstacles set for guild forming. Gold is one thing, bit I think somthing like having the core 5 members that are wanting to start a guild enter a special instance designed in order to be able to form a guild, where the 5 must clear an extremly difficult map filled with bosses and such(no drops or exp however, to prevent farming wh0res) after this map is cleared the guild leader will be awarded the "quality of a king", the soon to be guild leader will be teleported alone into another instance, where he alone, will have to solo one final boss, before being awarded the "strength of a king". After which, the leader will have to trade in both items plus what ever the devs set as the gold amount, in order to create a guild.


05-30-2010, 01:24 AM
Well I agree with everything EXCEPT the Leader going to kill a hard boss alone, in Venom's case, I am a healer. LOL So, soloing is not really an option. So, I think making 5 players complete an extremely hard zone is definitely a possibility.

P.S. check your PM

05-30-2010, 01:39 AM
All the more challenging then, no?
Besides, think about the prospective bragging rights.


Worst case scenario, you buy two respecs.

05-30-2010, 01:41 AM
Ehh, I still don't like the idea. Plus I only do healing :)

05-30-2010, 01:53 AM
Well I guess the group instance has to be that much harder then.

Anyways, I'm trying to come up with ways that members would benefit from owning a guild hall...

Discount potions are a definate must

Perhaps enable a small 30 gold fee on regular stash npc, while omitting this fee for the guild hall npc.

Possibly, we can have guild only content:
extra difficult, extra rewarding, extra epic guild only instances. Accessable only after a guild establishes a guild hall.
These special guild dungeons would offer drops from bosses that are both better, and not available to regular dungeons.
The loot from these dungeons will be tradeable, thus putting powerful guilds with an enormous economic advantage against the public/weaker guilds.

A new dungeon will be available for each new level of guild hall the guild gets.
This would create a huge incentive for players to follow guild rules and stay loyal to a powerful guild, due to such great advantages, and it encourages smaller guilds to rise up to the occasion, and try to rival the existing powerful guild, all the while, everything has been going into a gold sink.


05-30-2010, 04:34 AM
love the discussion here

definately not a special guild towne, a towne is so boring and unoriginal, like a guild hall like someone mentioned, since player housing is being implemented soon, we will be able to put items in it, this can be the same for the guild hall where u can play decorations or rate items in there, guild potion shop with discounts stuff like that

guild bank is also a great suggestion

i want things like guild icons or logos, so we can place them on our clothing! that would be cool, or even guild banners!

(will think of more suggestions and add later, im half asleep atm)

05-31-2010, 12:24 AM
I've just thought about it, and i think, to make guild bank more effective and less confusing, the devs should add the option of leaving a 50 character note along with depositing an item, so people know which items are up for grabs, and which items are off limits.

Example: I deposit a zombie saint shield into the guild bank, with this system, I could leave a note saying
"free to use/be sold, gold returns to bank" or something to that effect.


09-17-2010, 09:16 PM
Dear STS

Almost 4 months have passed since this the birth of this thread. As I was catching up to the game's current state of development, I found, to my displeasure, that every single idea and suggestion in this thread still[B] apply today! Though I'm ignorant as to whether if the team has realized this or not, or simply don't care - Pocket Legend's biggest weakness as a MMORPG is the lack of Content. The team has tried it's best, im sure, to over come the problem by adding one dungeon pack after another, which is fine and dandy, except when these dungeons come once in a blue moon, are beaten within an hour of release, level cap hit within two, and floods of S> OVERPRICED SNIPER GEAR PM ME OFFER!!!!11!eleventy!!1 hit the townes after just a day. As I, as well as many members before, and after my stay here have suggested already- [B]equipment upgrades. There are many ways to implement this, I've suggested an option already, but it WILL solve the problem of content, which in turns, lets the team take their time with new maps, and other content. Ofcourse, there are always ways to synergize the cash shop system with the equipment upgrade system, thus rendering the argument " Hurr durr but where will STS make money from if they stop making dungeons?" invalid.

Thank you for toiling through my unedited, unorganized, un-spell checked, ramblings.

All the best,

09-17-2010, 09:18 PM
Good points all.