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05-18-2011, 10:58 PM
I wish you would integrate dps meters and healing meters in game so we can have a healthy competition and to avoid ppl tagging along high levels doing nothing just to get some xp. just a suggestion hehe :)

05-19-2011, 03:58 PM
Yes, I would love meter showing total DPS and damage. Sounds like it would be similar to how recount works in WoW. If they don't want to clutter the screen, make it all done through the chat window

Player types "/damage" into the chat box, it will respond with something like:

1. Player1 - 30545 damage ( 525 dps) 25.2%
2. Player2 - 29675 damage (487 DPS) 25.0%
3. Player3 - 29498 damage (482 DPS) 24.8%
4. Player4 - 15054 damage (255 DPS) 12.6%
5. Player5 - 14865 damage (248 DPS) 12.4%

First number shows total overall damage, second shows DPS, the percentage shows how much of the groups damage you are doing. I think it would be nice to know our total DPS, with skills and everything, and not just our weapons DPS.

05-19-2011, 05:11 PM
Also, damage taken per death?

05-19-2011, 06:22 PM
I would love to see this, possibly more than anything else, be implemented.

Doesn't have to be fancy. Just needs to give the basics. Skav's example would be amazing.

05-19-2011, 06:35 PM
This has been suggested before...I like the idea, but tanks would get hosed and made to look like they weren't dealing much damage....I mean, it would be pretty obvious who was a tank during the run usually, but still.

05-19-2011, 06:39 PM
yeah something like the mods in wow .. yeap tanks wont deal damage but if ur an archer and the tank deals more damage than you.. thats gona rule lol

05-19-2011, 08:44 PM
This has been suggested before...I like the idea, but tanks would get hosed and made to look like they weren't dealing much damage....I mean, it would be pretty obvious who was a tank during the run usually, but still.

this topic is interesting. you know, i don't see how tanks could be in the heat for this. they aren't meant to do damage. in wow there wasn't a problem with tanks at the bottom of dps meters.
also you know how the game allows you to hide your attributes by paying 2 plat? this is essentially in my view to allow people who aren't great to join groups and just blend in without helping much dps. if their gear sucks, like using low end whites or oranges, you wouldn't know, as you cannot see their weapon. wow doesn't allow you to hide your stats. it's part of the game. people get gear to compare and also rate the party's success. for an mmo, a lot of valuable personal time is spent and people don't want to spend a good 10 minutes to realise at the boss(say Roach) that the party fails terribly and cannot do good dps...

more important than gear though, in all games, is player skill. so as thread starter says, dps meter would be best change to pve content.
whether people will boot those with bad gear is for players to decide. not a problem faced in Wow, as far as im concerned.

05-19-2011, 10:17 PM
this topic is interesting. you know, i don't see how tanks could be in the heat for this. they aren't meant to do damage. in wow there wasn't a problem with tanks at the bottom of dps meters.
also you know how the game allows you to hide your attributes by paying 2 plat? this is essentially in my view to allow people who aren't great to join groups and just blend in without helping much dps. if their gear sucks, like using low end whites or oranges, you wouldn't know, as you cannot see their weapon. wow doesn't allow you to hide your stats. it's part of the game. people get gear to compare and also rate the party's success. for an mmo, a lot of valuable personal time is spent and people don't want to spend a good 10 minutes to realise at the boss(say Roach) that the party fails terribly and cannot do good dps...

more important than gear though, in all games, is player skill. so as thread starter says, dps meter would be best change to pve content.
whether people will boot those with bad gear is for players to decide. not a problem faced in Wow, as far as im concerned.

I wow, if you pulless dps than a tank then your a baddie hahaha honestly.:P

05-19-2011, 10:26 PM
this topic is interesting. you know, i don't see how tanks could be in the heat for this. they aren't meant to do damage. in wow there wasn't a problem with tanks at the bottom of dps meters.
also you know how the game allows you to hide your attributes by paying 2 plat? this is essentially in my view to allow people who aren't great to join groups and just blend in without helping much dps. if their gear sucks, like using low end whites or oranges, you wouldn't know, as you cannot see their weapon. wow doesn't allow you to hide your stats. it's part of the game. people get gear to compare and also rate the party's success. for an mmo, a lot of valuable personal time is spent and people don't want to spend a good 10 minutes to realise at the boss(say Roach) that the party fails terribly and cannot do good dps...

more important than gear though, in all games, is player skill. so as thread starter says, dps meter would be best change to pve content.
whether people will boot those with bad gear is for players to decide. not a problem faced in Wow, as far as im concerned.

Booting people for gear is a dangerous rope. Physiologic, one of the best archers in the game, if not arguably the best, played with greens at 55 > 56. Secondly, I hide most of my stats anyway....doesn't mean I suck and I as humbly as I can do not think you will find many people that know me say I suck either and am "just blending in". Some of the 55 oranges are better in some ways, especially for bears, than some of the ridiculously overpriced Fury gear.

You are stereotyping people who hide some/all stats for various personal reasons and suggesting that that reason be a reason to boot someone, or for their gear, and one thing we don't need in the game is any more boot drama. I agree, someone with ridiculously underpowered gear for an appropriate dungeon is one thing, but just to make a sweeping statement like you did, I will have to respectfully highly disagree. This isn't WoW where party makeup can make or break a raid that took hours to plan and execute.

05-20-2011, 03:10 PM
@ Mooger Didn't mean to offend.
You know I asked someone and he told me he didn't want anyone copying his stats and arrangements.
Our forums have so many people teaching the game in detailed ways. What's about this then I hear?
So I had the impression it was meant to hide one thing or another.
So pardon my lack of understanding.

I just do not see all sides of the coin. Only a possibility that I state, since I do not know the reason for any of this.
booting people is a choice for the team leader to make. You say this on one hand, how booting due to stats is 'immoral' -- if I may use that word.
How does the community actually play out in real circumstances? They boot people just because they have not reached the level they would like... for example, booting 53s, with reason "55s only".
surely... some 55s do not pull their own weight? With DPS meters people earn their spot. Level booting is a stereotype behaviour not unlike the dangerous rope you mentioned.

Some of the 55 oranges are better in some ways, especially for bears, than some of the ridiculously overpriced Fury gear.
The 53 got booted, he was lower level. that's all.
Bagman gear is almost similar to raid roach. So no reason why he should be booted.
It's just rampant "We don't want people lower than us to be in the group".

I did not say people who hide stats are noobs with poor gear.
Perhaps give me some slack in quoting me, if you have to do so anyhow ^_^

@Zboo a gross misread of my quote. I did not say it was ok to have tanks do more DPS than the dps.

anyhow it would be nice to have some sort of damage counter.

05-20-2011, 06:44 PM
This has been suggested before...I like the idea, but tanks would get hosed and made to look like they weren't dealing much damage....I mean, it would be pretty obvious who was a tank during the run usually, but still.

Yeah, but I think most PL players also knows its the tanks job to crowd control and absorb damage, not dish it out. Can I add another suggestion to this one, a damage taken meter? That way if anyone even tried saying " so and so isn't doing any damage", they could respond with " look how much damage I've taken compared to you guys, I'm a tank!". Just an idea.

I also think it would be fun, trying to compete with and out DPS your friends.

05-20-2011, 07:48 PM
Yeah it's cool idea and would be nice to have but to be honest as iPhone user, if there is even single thing added on gamescreen it will pop out lol. There isn't simply any more space on iPhone screen for this.

Not sure about other devices since there is othe ui.

05-20-2011, 07:54 PM
Yeah it's cool idea and would be nice to have but to be honest as iPhone user, if there is even single thing added on gamescreen it will pop out lol. There isn't simply any more space on iPhone screen for this.

Not sure about other devices since there is othe ui.

Quoted from my first post in this thread

Player types "/damage" into the chat box, it will respond with something like:

1. Player1 - 30545 damage ( 525 dps) 25.2%
2. Player2 - 29675 damage (487 DPS) 25.0%
3. Player3 - 29498 damage (482 DPS) 24.8%
4. Player4 - 15054 damage (255 DPS) 12.6%
5. Player5 - 14865 damage (248 DPS) 12.4%

First number shows total overall damage, second shows DPS, the percentage shows how much of the groups damage you are doing. I think it would be nice to know our total DPS, with skills and everything, and not just our weapons DPS.

05-20-2011, 09:02 PM
I don't agree with all this talk about measuring peoples performance. I have been in very efficient death trains through the sewers. And sometimes i'm in a casual group with all the time in the world, just chatting away. Sometimes I'm soloing and patiently single pulling out of a room. Of all these situations, the death train is the least fun.

So, group the way you want. I don't have any expectations, as long as the level gets cleared, eventually, however long it takes.

Also, some people choose equipment for the look. If I want to be blue, then I may have to wear lesser equipment to achieve that. Sometimes I see a group member with a weapon that I know looks cool but does half the damage of an cheap pink readily available at cs. I don't give the player tells about being a noob and not choosing a better weapon. If the job gets done and he feels like he looks cool doing it, then fine by me.

05-21-2011, 12:37 AM
Yeah, but I think most PL players also knows its the tanks job to crowd control and absorb damage, not dish it out. Can I add another suggestion to this one, a damage taken meter? That way if anyone even tried saying " so and so isn't doing any damage", they could respond with " look how much damage I've taken compared to you guys, I'm a tank!". Just an idea.

I also think it would be fun, trying to compete with and out DPS your friends.

Ideally, there should be a breakdown of 3 lists:

1. Damage dealt (birds and pure ints)
2. Damage absorbed (tanks, pallies perhaps as well)
3. Heals (mage specific) and health healed

I don't agree with all this talk about measuring peoples performance. I have been in very efficient death trains through the sewers. And sometimes i'm in a casual group with all the time in the world, just chatting away. Sometimes I'm soloing and patiently single pulling out of a room. Of all these situations, the death train is the least fun.

So, group the way you want. I don't have any expectations, as long as the level gets cleared, eventually, however long it takes.

Also, some people choose equipment for the look. If I want to be blue, then I may have to wear lesser equipment to achieve that. Sometimes I see a group member with a weapon that I know looks cool but does half the damage of an cheap pink readily available at cs. I don't give the player tells about being a noob and not choosing a better weapon. If the job gets done and he feels like he looks cool doing it, then fine by me.

It's clear that everyone has different priorities. Yours emphasizes meeting people and chatting, versus high speed farming/levelling. I think that you may want to reconsider this one. People who are like you can use this information to join teams that are more casual, versus the farmers who want the fastest runs possible.

As for people using things for the look, I don't know where you play, but that isn't necessarily practical in the upper levels. It's going to lead to a lot of deaths, including deaths of teammates.