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05-19-2011, 06:21 AM

Hi (^o^)/, I have some ideas, here they are:

Class specialization
It would be nice if there are another class, but as someone pointed out, it could potentially interfere the game balance. So I come with this idea; class specialization. Class specialization goes in a subtle way, e.g. there is no button to initiate specialization. And it does not only affect skills and stats, but also minor appearances. It will let an enchantress to have special ability and appearance based on her experience and preference in using her spell.

For example, playing as enchantress, I spend much of my skill points (until lev.25) to Lightning strike skill, until it reached its max (6). So at this level I'd have specialized in lightning spell, and would have some unique ability and appearance-changing related to lightning, such as;

-the enchantress will be surrounded by lightning aura (visible as minor electric crackling or as glowing symbol/rune circling on the ground under my feet) which will sometime electrocute nearby enemy, debuff their armor and/or stunning them (chances will increase as the level increase)

Similarly for firestorm or ice storm spell, the enchantress will gain the fire or ice aura that will sometime ignite nearby enemy or freeze them. The aura will also be visible, as a minor flame or ice smoke coming out from my body, or as symbol/rune circling on the ground under my feet.

-Firestorm spell: aura that sometime ignite nearby enemy(ies), and ultimately knocking back and blast enemy when the enchantress is in charge (only in combat)

-Ice storm: aura that sometime freeze nearby enemy(ies)

-healing spell: aura that spread small amount of healing to nearby allies, with the aura visible as green fairy dusts and leaves around my body.

-resurrect spell: aura that automatically resurrect nearby allies (it is worth for an enchantress that spends her skill points in resurrect spell), the aura is visible as a green spiraling fairy dust around the enchantress

-drain life spell: aura that drain a small amount of life from nearby(ies) enemy

-Nightmare and weakness: aura of fear that send fear to and makes nearby enemy(ies) running away from the enchantress, the aura is visible as a dark smoke from the enchantress body

-Blessing of Vitality: aura that give a small amount of regen bonuses when the enchantress is in charge (it only works in combat), aura is visible as bright white spiraling light around the enchantress

Blessing of Might: aura that give a small amount of strength and damage bonuses when the enchantress is in charge (it only works in combat), the aura is the same as blessing of vitality

-Magic shield: increased armor buff, the aura is seen as light blue sphere around the mage

It could also be an orb in replace of aura, an orb that is orbiting the enchantress.

But maybe it is not appropriate at all to make specialization to all kind of spell. I think potential spells for specialization is fire, ice and lightning spell.
The aura is visible as a sphere surrounding the enchantress or glowing symbol/rune under her feet. Or it is not an aura, but an orb(s) flying around the enchantress.

Also, it'd nice if there is a title in the character page that refer to the specialization, such as this:
-Lightning: Electric Mage, or Thor's Daughter, etc
-Fire: Vulkan's Disciple, or Amaterasu (-->I like this! :D)...., etc
-Ice: Ymir's Hand, or Narwhal (they live in icy region right?)..... etc

But what if we have all the spell in 6 rank? if an enchantress has more than two spell in its highest rank, then there will be no specialization. Specialization only automatically activated when there is one spell in its highest rank. (for this to happen at current game, then the Devs might have to increase the spell cap by minimum of 1 for maximum level character :D but I think it's not a problem for lower level)

I think this specialization will enhance pure enchantresses character playing experience who supposedly to use their spells as their weapon. I feel playing with this style is a rather hard and the enchantress is easily overpowered when caught up in the crowd of enemies (which, I think, will happen despite our tactic to avoid it), particularly in lower level. With this specialization, I think there will be more value to enchantress spell, not just as a supporting combat tools for an enchantress (or that is what they intended to be?).

Also, specialization mechanics like this will make the process flow naturally (in my opinion). If someone like the lightning spell, then he/she would tend to spend skill point on that spell (is this right? or just me? (-.-!) ). Giving bonuses to this someone decision to spend points on that spell would be a nice experience for him/her, especially for lower level player, where you must hardly choose where to spend points because you don't have much points to increase all the spell rank.

I personally like it if our preference in combat (such as preference in using lightning, or fire, or if possible even weapons!! etc), our combating style, is incorporated into our character, in the form of bonuses, special abilities, or appearances. I think it feels like "I have master the lightning spell". So come the ideas here. But of course, it'd be great if the Devs will add another spell specifically for specialization :D (I imagine the Arch-Enchantresses of Alterra--the Devs--is researching another spell right now)

One other kind of specialization is, as shown in guide by Yanis, based on enchantress stats.
For example, Paladin (the one with equal value of strength and int), will appear taller than other enchantress, and there'd be a title in the character page, "Paladin". This is more just for a cosmetic. If there would be a weapon dedicated to a paladin, it'd be nice, but maybe it will complicate or imbalance the game (I personally will like it).

So if an enchantress has specialization in spell of lightning (e.g. Thor's daughter) and of Paladin, then it would be Thor's Daughter Paladin (???!!!!) dual specialization!

The Devs can also develop face (that is sold in magic mirror) that is dedicated to specific specialization (and even the body? Taller and/or bolder body for paladin, and birdlike body for dex mage)

This might also works for other classes, but I never playing one yet, so I can't talk about it :D.

I'm wondering if I could find any other use of my old gears other than selling or giving them. For example, we could break an items (e.g. fireball staff) into its element/scrap (e.g. staff body, fire element in a glass sphere/fire crystal/a medium to create fireball), and we could combine it with another weapon's element (like in that alchemy game), and it results in something unexpected, such as increased weapon's attribute (mana regen, int, str, etc), or lowering its level requirement while maintaining some its other attributes (or it doesn't decrease as much as the level req), or even becoming a new kind of weapon (staff scrap --> combine with xxx --> combine with yyy --> a crossbow).

That are my ideas. Thank you for your time reading my thread. (^_^)