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View Full Version : Client 1.7.2 has been approved!

05-19-2011, 03:07 PM
It will take a while to propagate to all App Store territories. Android version should already be available in both the Android Market and GetJar. will shutdown at 6pm today.


Elixirs now persist for a period of real-world time through death, dungeon changes and logouts.
You should be able to view the elixirs on your character in the avatar screen by tapping "Elixir Buffs".
You can purchase elixirs with gold again!
Store/Purchasing Improvements

The store has been completely reworked to improve ease of use.
You should find in most cases it will take you substantially fewer clicks to reach your destination
All items that were previously purchased for gold on the store have been removed from the store. Potions and crafting items that are available for gold can be purchased from different NPCs located in the world.
It’s now possibly to quickly compare items in the store with your current equipment.
Many feature purchases which were previously buried in the store are now made quickly from the relevant UI. These include emotes, campaigns, inventory slots, auction slots, stash slots, etc.

Improved secure trade! When both players agree to a trade a new window appears showing the entire trade in a locked state. While in this state no adjustments can be made. Each player can then chose to accept or decline the final trade.
Completing quests can now grant experience.
Added /trade <name> command. This allow you to quickly trade with someone in a crowded area. No more digging through player names for the person you want to trade with.
Fixed completed quests display when inspecting another player.
When wielding a 2 handed weapon, offhand vanity items are no longer visible and no longer hide the weapon.
The skill book icon no longer appears when your character has less than four skills
Quick chat supports more text, up to two lines
Account details now shows account creation date
Unregistered accounts should now be able to purchase character renames
The client now knows if it could not connect to the server because the internet connection isn't working or if the server is actually down for maintenance. The correct message is displayed accordingly.
Possible fix for Gurgox sounds not working correctly under Android
You can now reserve your character's name for Blackstar!
Also note that users who reserve their name will receive a non-stashable vanity shield (no stats) for their character: the HardLight Shield.

Here is a quick look at the HardLight Shield


Or check it out on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDpy5vq1O1k

Also of note, Elixir platinum prices have been reduced in half from our original announcement. Here are the prices of Elixirs as they are for the release of 1.7.2


05-19-2011, 03:08 PM
WOOOT! First POst!

05-19-2011, 03:09 PM
yay ill actually log on today :P

05-19-2011, 03:21 PM
YES!!!! Thanks again DEVS!

05-19-2011, 03:22 PM
cool ! now i know what ill do tonight

05-19-2011, 03:24 PM
Nice updates, dudes.

05-19-2011, 03:29 PM
Awsome ty. Now will I get exp for the 100or so quests I've done?

05-19-2011, 03:35 PM
Awsome ty. Now will I get exp for the 100or so quests I've done?

Quest XP is not retroactive. It is only applied at the time you complete the quest.

05-19-2011, 03:40 PM
Thx devs you guys are ruining my RL!! Haha J/k Thanx for great, and sneaky fast update!!

05-19-2011, 03:42 PM
50 plat to reserve your name for Blackstar?!

05-19-2011, 03:43 PM
I have only tried the "Chain Gang" quest (in AO, killing reg mobs for chain) so far on my lvl 55 but for those curious:
-Quests do not list the amt of xp they will give
-Dailys do give XP (as this was a daily)
-When you turn it in the white "+XP" tick shows up above your character
-That quest gave 1XP

05-19-2011, 03:45 PM
When can i reserve. Ame?

05-19-2011, 03:46 PM
Uhhhhh....nice to know that potions now cost plat when bought from ur personal store. Isn't that something that we should have been told?

And seriously?! 50 plat to reserve your name for Blackstar?
I vote we just create a Blackstar reservation thread and do it there. If anyone takes a name that was reserved we should black list them...

But it is nice to work toward 56 again with the elixirs.

05-19-2011, 03:46 PM
50 plat to reserve your name for Blackstar?!

Where is that??? Haven't stumbled on it yet....

EDIT: Nvm, found it. Errrr...can't say that I saw that coming.

05-19-2011, 03:49 PM
Player stat page has the blackstar name reserve.

05-19-2011, 03:53 PM
Hey wait this was posted about 50 minutes or so from the time of this post, but I was just on about 20 minutes ago. If is going to shut down at 6pm (Pacific?) then we shouldn't download the new client yet? The update is up but we shouldn't update yet? Will I be unable to play until 6pm if I update now?

I'm sorry if this is a numbskull question, but it's never come up like this before that I remember. If we update now would the server not accept players with the new app version until 6pm? How do you have old and new versions playing same time?

05-19-2011, 03:54 PM
In the plat store if I click on Gold then click the arrow in the top left to get out of there, it lists a dialog box that says "you need more platinum to buy 2500 gold! you need 15 plat. you have [more than 15 plat]."

Looks like the game wants you to click on the X at the right first to get out of the buy gold screen. But it's not very intuitive - I bet people will start complaining about being stuck in the buy gold screen.

Edit: I'm on iPad.

05-19-2011, 03:56 PM
Where is that??? Haven't stumbled on it yet....

EDIT: Nvm, found it. Errrr...can't say that I saw that coming.
Honestly, I'm disappointed.. I would pay 5 plat, but 50 plat is just too much in my opinion.

05-19-2011, 03:58 PM
Quest XP is not retroactive. It is only applied at the time you complete the quest.Please, please, reconsider this. You guys track quest completion for characters, so why is it impossible to give experience retroactively? The data of what quests are completed is there. Just wondering.

Also, yes I'm also very disappointed in the reserve cost. 5p, maybe 10, but 50? For 50 judging by PL prices, that's like buying five areas in advance, but not actually receiving them. At that price, any chance you could offer some kind of extra incentives to people who reserve? As it stands now I'm either gonna wait and reserve close to BS release date to see if the price goes down then charge some plat, or not at all.

05-19-2011, 04:02 PM
Honestly, I'm disappointed.. I would pay 5 plat, but 50 plat is just too much in my opinion.

Not to mention it is 50plat PER character. I did it for Moog as I have used that name for a long long time in other games, but the other ones, no thanks. I have the cash, but it just seems too steep to reserve a name for all my other characters.

5-10 plat would have been doable. Some people have 5-10 chars I am sure they would want to reserve, but no way to afford it. If it had been 10, you would get people spending 50 plat to get their mains and maybe a coupla twinks' names.

Now, with the initial price being so high, a lot of people are just gonna blanch/say "to hell with that".

An unfortunate shadow on what looks to be a pretty good update....the outcry of the name reservaion will rival the "YES!" of the elixirs-for-gold.

05-19-2011, 04:12 PM
Looks like your completed quests are repeatable to get some XP if wanted.... Nope you can't. See below.

Testing now

Edit: yep 1XP for the initial quests in forest haven towne, that leads you to FH1. Quest is called swift and Hawken and the quest chain stops as quick as it starts. probably an error.

05-19-2011, 04:14 PM
Ya please reconsider. Again I feel like im being punished for being someone who has played this game alot. Because I've played pl for a longer period of time and have done almost all the quests again I loose out just like I did buying all the campaigns. Total garbage. Fail the only thing bout this update that seems to be any good at all is the pots for gold which I never used b 4 .as far as everything being smoother it takes forever to scroll down in the plat store but guess that doesn't matter ill never spend a dime on this game again.

05-19-2011, 04:16 PM
Seriously Redbridge? So completed quests get re-offered with this update? On your edit, eh, that's a little low. Dunno if it is enough of an incentive for people to redo if they've done it before. I might just redo it anyway to get the !s off my screen.

Guess my question about those who update early getting locked out is also answered, since it seems like until 6 both versions would be usable at the same time.

05-19-2011, 04:19 PM
Hey Moog,

Sorry you feel that way, matey. As I stated in the Blackstar Name Reservation thread http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?25977-Name-Reservations-for-Blackstar-Are-Coming&p=303872#post303872

Blackstar is a free game, just like Pocket Legends. If you're the first to log in and make a character with the name you want, you'll get it. So, if you're really following Blackstar and play on day one, you will very likely get the name you want. The name reservation system is an optional, premium, service.

I don't know that name squatting is as big of an issue in practice as people fear it will be. If you're really worried about it, then we have a service you can patron if you value it enough to part with Plat for it.

PS. I hope your move is going smooth!

05-19-2011, 04:20 PM
Ok I see now I can get quest exp by redoing quests so im alittle less angry. Anyone know if the exp goes up for higher lv quests?

05-19-2011, 04:22 PM
So I just update. And when I go to the store and click on elixirs or anything else there it just kicks me off the game straight back to the log in screen. Anyone else having this problem?

Edit: also using android Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate

05-19-2011, 04:23 PM
50 platinum for a reserve? I have 3 character names that are mine on this game, I don't want anybody to steal my identity. Please, this is a bit ridiculous.

05-19-2011, 04:25 PM
Quest xp follows rules similar to PvE kill xp. You'll get more experience for quests at or above your level, tapering down as your level gets higher, down to a minimum of one even level kill's worth of xp.

05-19-2011, 04:26 PM
Hey Moog,

Sorry you feel that way, matey. As I stated in the Blackstar Name Reservation thread http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?25977-Name-Reservations-for-Blackstar-Are-Coming&p=303872#post303872

I don't know that name squatting is as big of an issue in practice as people fear it will be. If you're really worried about it, then we have a service you can patron if you value it enough to part with Plat for it.

PS. I hope your move is going smooth!

Hey Sam,

I think that there will be more name-heisting than you guys are counting on. In another unnamed game, guilds got wiped due to an update. Do you know what the first thing someone from a rival guild did? Went in and bought the guild name in question the instant the game came online, and then ransomed it off to the rightful owners. I'm not so worried about the new players because they may not know who the heck DawnInfinity, rangepwnsmeel, Moogerfooger, Physiologic, etc are....but players purposely trying to snake names on Day One from legit/well-known PL players and trying to ransom them off.

I could be making it out worse than it will really be and be totally wrong.

I have no prob with paying for it, as a premium service to reserve, nor do the other ppl I have seen comment so far...it is that the price is STEEP for a name. I think you guys may have overshot on the price a bit. 10, maybe 20 MAX. You would get more people reserving, I bet....just a guess.

Gold for elixirs WIN!!!! I like the visual redesign/tweaks of some interfaces as well, on a positive note.

p.s. in full pack mode, it sucks!!!! I am still trying to get an answer on that question you asked a few days back, I will keep you posted!

05-19-2011, 04:27 PM
Force close from character screen. I can log in but if I tap any buttons it closes the application. Playing on Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate. Android 2.2.

05-19-2011, 04:28 PM
So I just update. And when I go to the store and click on elixirs or anything else there it just kicks me off the game straight back to the log in screen. Anyone else having this problem?

Are you sure you are on version 1.7.2 ?

Also, which device are you on?

05-19-2011, 04:30 PM
I have no prob with paying for it, as a premium service to reserve, nor do the other ppl I have seen comment so far...it is that the price is STEEP for a name. I think you guys may have overshot on the price a bit. 10, maybe 20 MAX. You would get more people reserving, I bet....just a guess.

We'll certainly be keeping an eye on it...

05-19-2011, 04:32 PM
Having problems with iPad ui on friends screen. Even if I don't click on a join, it asks me if I want to buy balefort castle to join a friend there.

05-19-2011, 04:34 PM
Hey Fluff,

I'm on as Samhayne in Alien Oasis towne (come get yer yellow antenna). Stop by and send me a friend request so I can see what you're talking about.

05-19-2011, 04:34 PM
Android user here....installed quickly but when I attempt to enter certain options it kicks me off server. I am going to uninstall and reinstall to see if this fixes it. Just rechecked and it is only with the Store options...are these on lockdown while we wait for IOS users maybe?

05-19-2011, 04:34 PM
Just tested it and the update is awesome. I also saw thade and draknor! They gave me yellow antennaes! Samhayne, you should get on too!

05-19-2011, 04:36 PM
Watch out probably make it free the day b4. I've logged on and see no way to redo quests. Any help? And so im lv 53 am I correct to asume that im getting the very min exp for quests under my lv? And if so could anyone explain how that would b fair to anyone who has done any quests b 4 this update or is this just catering to new players.

05-19-2011, 04:39 PM
I think that there will be more name-heisting than you guys are counting on. In another unnamed game, guilds got wiped due to an update. Do you know what the first thing someone from a rival guild did? Went in and bought the guild name in question the instant the game came online, and then ransomed it off to the rightful owners.

Maybe it should be made a bannable offense to offer to sell someone your character's name in Blackstar - especially if it was their name in PL and there's chat log evidence that you deliberately took it in order to sell it back to them. Or just outlaw character name selling in general. We don't want a market to spring up in this sort of trade.

05-19-2011, 04:41 PM
i liked it better when u could buy potions quicky in a dungeon from the store with gold instead of leaveing now it cost 3,5, and 8 plat


05-19-2011, 04:41 PM
Buddy list join button doesn't work. When u click the join button it tells me I have to buy dungeon. I have all dungeons. Weird.

05-19-2011, 04:44 PM
well i just dont see this 50 plat price. When we were told that you guys understood that a name represents who we are in a online community, i thought it would be a automatic system for whatever name you already had.

I myself cannot afford the 50 plat to reserve the 3 names i would like to keep to stay with my naming system.

If I find that when i log into B* and my name is taken, i can guarantee I will hound the owner of it. I'm not proud of it, but i do not want another Arterra doing things out there. I specifically made a facebook account called Arterra PL to fight against it when LL told me someone saying they where Arterra was on the PL FB page. currently, you can either pay 50 plat or you can make sure to be active on the community to not miss the debut and get your name in fast. guess what most people will be doing.

05-19-2011, 04:46 PM
Buddy list join button doesn't work. When u click the join button it tells me I have to buy dungeon. I have all dungeons. Weird.

Yeah, same.

Sam, I am trying to join you and I am getting a popup like BirdBrain (nice!) saying I don't own the dungeon, but I do. Out of curiosity I hit the 'buy' button to see what would happen, and now I am totally frozen and had to force close.

iPhone 3GS running iOs 4.1

05-19-2011, 04:50 PM
Are you sure you are on version 1.7.2 ?

Also, which device are you on?

Yeah im pretty sure.
I updated it on the android market first. Then signed in and had an in game update.

05-19-2011, 04:56 PM
Sometimes when I go to my friends list and then click out of it using the arrow in the top left, it tells me I don't own a certain campaign - even though I'm not trying to join anyone. The campaign listed as missing is the the campaign in which the person who's at the top of my friends list happens to be in. The dialog asks me if I want to buy the campaign to join that person.

Many thanks to Amyxrose for testing this with me - she was the first person on my friends list. :)

I was in Oasis and when she was in the Balefort town and I just looked at my friends list, when I exited the friends list it sometimes told me I don't own Balefort, but other times it wasn't happening and we couldn't figure out what triggered it. Then I tried to join her in Balefort and it worked fine. Then we both went back to Oasis and when I looked at my friends list and exited it said I have to buy Oasis to join Amyxrose there. But then I clicked cancel and exited the dialog just fine and we were both still there in the Oasis town.

05-19-2011, 04:57 PM
Cant play. Multiple selections kick me off of server (e.g. elixirs, friends list, map). Going to uninstall and reinstall.

I play on a DroidX.

UPDATE: Uninstall and reinstalled app. Still does not work. If I select elixers or my friends list, I am automatically disconnected. Not good.

05-19-2011, 05:06 PM
Guys i cant create/join AO3 maps with my 44 bear after updating
also elixirs still cost platinum :confused:

Click on the store icon, click on Elixirs, scroll down, scroll down, down some more, KEEP SCROLLING *gasps* there they are!
It takes a while to get there, but they are there.

Edit: No more luck elixirs huh, I really should have purchased Big Luck I guess, to bad there wasn't a his/hers version (maybe a leprechaun hat), the antenna look just seemed a bit too fem for me. Maybe I should have sucked it up and paired it with the parakeet ftw.

05-19-2011, 05:08 PM
Yeah, same.

Sam, I am trying to join you and I am getting a popup like BirdBrain (nice!) saying I don't own the dungeon, but I do. Out of curiosity I hit the 'buy' button to see what would happen, and now I am totally frozen and had to force close.

iPhone 3GS running iOs 4.1

Thanks everyone for the bug reports. The team is working on a fix.

05-19-2011, 05:09 PM
50 plat to reserve is gross. youre taking long time, dedicated players who would continue to play and be long time dedicated players that will spend plat in your new game, and taxing them to keep their identity. why not like 5 plat for the first char and more for additionals, or something where we might feel less gouged.

05-19-2011, 05:12 PM
50 plat to reserve is gross. youre taking long time, dedicated players who would continue to play and be long time dedicated players that will spend plat in your new game, and taxing them to keep their identity. why not like 5 plat for the first char and more for additionals, or something where we might feel less gouged.

50 Plat is the current price to re-name a character currently. That's where it comes from.

05-19-2011, 05:13 PM
Edit: No more luck elixirs huh, I really should have purchased Big Luck I guess, to bad there wasn't a his/hers version (maybe a leprechaun hat), the antenna look just seemed a bit too fem for me. Maybe I should have sucked it up and paired it with the parakeet ftw.

The combo elixirs have luck built into them along with run speed.

Check out the matrix in the patch notes: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/content.php?267-Client-1.7.2-has-been-approved!


05-19-2011, 05:17 PM
Talking to Farrow the Forger and then choosing to view the crafting items store from that dialog box crashes the game on my iPad.

Are crafting components going to be plat only from now on? If so that's a move away from PL's "the best items are always looted and not plat" tradition, since many good high-level items are crafted...

05-19-2011, 05:19 PM
The combo elixirs have luck built into them along with run speed.

Yes, I noticed that in the description. I mostly meant it's no longer a stand alone purchase. I noticed the combo elixir because it was 7k but there are only 3 elixirs that are stand alone purchases; my math kicked in like 3+2k = 6k... wha?! The description of the Trash can punch did set me straight, but wasn't the luck elixir a stand alone purchase at one point?

05-19-2011, 05:22 PM
50 Plat is the current price to re-name a character currently. That's where it comes from.

I see where you guys are coming from, but this is not a "rename". G once said the rename is high (50) as in to keep people from constantly renaming and not 'keeping an identity' in-game, so to speak (I'm paraphrasing). This is just a reservation...if I or anyone got lucky on the first day the game came out, it would cost me nothing to "reserve" my identity. I could say that encouraging people to "reserve" their names in B* would be further encouraging people to promote/keep their PL "identity", but since it is technically not a 'rename', I don't see why you guys couldn't drop the price somewhat ;) I know there are mouths to feed and billz to payz, but looks like the 50 is not a big hit initially (we all know the hubbub right after an update is loudest of course, but this one is pretty noticeable).

05-19-2011, 05:29 PM
Talking to Farrow the Forger and then choosing to view the crafting items store from that dialog box crashes the game on my iPad.

Are crafting components going to be plat only from now on? If so that's a move away from PL's "the best items are always looted and not plat" tradition, since many good high-level items are crafted...

Thanks lots for the bug report. We were able to reproduce it and working on a fix now. Sorry for the delay in your crafting craftiness!

05-19-2011, 05:30 PM
I was wondering what the 'griping point' would be with this update.....guess it's going to be cost of B* name reservations.....*sigh*......suck it up and pay the price or stand guard for open selection and hope for the best. Those are your options....deal with it! Please ;)

05-19-2011, 05:41 PM
I don't know about "suck it up". If it's no-drama feedback, it's good.

Can we get a ruling that stealing someone's PL name on Day 1 and holding it hostage, even extorting the person who has that name in PL, should be considered scamming and the offender's account would be deleted, freeing up the name? It seems this can so easily be abused. It has to be wrong.

05-19-2011, 05:45 PM
Requesting an emergency hotfix! Please! I can confirm some of the bugs. Android 2.2.1, My Touch 4g.

Immediately crashing if I choose anything on the logon screen, and seeing crafting items for plat only. Oh and potions in the shop all cost plat too? This has got to be a bug. As long as the shop in Forest Haven isn't taken away, this would just mean that nobody can buy emergency pots in a dungeon with gold anymore. But it is a bug right?

05-19-2011, 05:47 PM
Oh and potions in the shop all cost plat too? This has got to be a bug. As long as the shop in Forest Haven isn't taken away, this would just mean that nobody can buy emergency pots in a dungeon with gold anymore. But it is a bug right?

Regarding potions in the store - it is intentional that they are not longer purchasable via the store for gold. The intent is that potion purchase is a convenience that users would be willing to pay for. If you want them for gold, then yes, you would need to visit the NPC vendor.

Please! I can confirm some of the bugs. Android 2.2.1, My Touch 4g.

Immediately crashing if I choose anything on the logon screen

As for crashing on your Android device, this is a common problem after a client update. Check out this thread for the common methods to fix:


05-19-2011, 05:50 PM
Thanks for the info Sam. At least that clears up one oddity. Would be nice to have seen it in the patch notes, though. Please?

If all pots cost plat, the game would be excruciating without plat, so yea.

05-19-2011, 05:50 PM
Wont let me install? It says alreay installed but i havnt??? Plz help.

05-19-2011, 05:52 PM
Thanks for the info Sam. At least that clears up one oddity. Would be nice to have seen it in the patch notes, though. Please?

Yeah, I'll edit that stuff in.

05-19-2011, 05:54 PM
Wont let me install? It says alreay installed but i havnt??? Plz help.

You need to clear your market cache.

First try clearing your Pocket Legends data in your applications manager

If the issue persists you should uninstall Pocket legends
Power your phone off and back on
Clear your Marketplace cache and data in your applications manager
Download and install the app from the Marketplace

You can write us at support(at)spacetimestudios.com (replace the (at) with @ symbol) and we can help you.

05-19-2011, 05:54 PM
lol went looking to see if you were still there (never saw staff on in game :>), guess I missed you my character name is Alloren

Trivle Dexbear
05-19-2011, 05:55 PM
Bugs ive notcied, AO3 says wrong level requirements when im level 44, people have bought maps but it is saying you need to buy it again when you already have it.

05-19-2011, 05:56 PM
50 plat to reserve your name for Blackstar?!

50 plat??! Well my legendary name is gonna be taken by some newb..

Trivle Dexbear
05-19-2011, 05:57 PM
wont let you compare items in auction

05-19-2011, 06:08 PM
Yeah, I'll edit that stuff in.Cool, thank you. If all pots suddenly cost plat the game would literally become excruciating without and basically pay to play.

Oh may I friend you ingame too? Is it ok to friend devs/GMs in PL anyway? Every other game I've played it is not allowed. I swear I won't bother you for favors or anything illegal, promise. ;) Just for on the spot support and maybe inviting you to a game if I find a bug. I won't come join you unless necessary. I don't wanna lose my account or anything.

05-19-2011, 06:14 PM
Thanks Sam!! Once I figured out how to find it, I cleared game data and was able to do everything.... until update kicked me off!! lol

Also... I haven't seen it mentioed but when looking at inventory, unusable items are highlighted in white. This makes white/gray items hard to read.

05-19-2011, 06:19 PM
Ok so 3 little probs (So far)

1) 50 plat for reserving of a name....not like were reserving our money, we are reserving out identities. 50 plat is a big no no.
2) Its been realllllyy laggy since update. Dunno why.
3) I keep clicking the "Buy inventory slots" realllly annoying :P

05-19-2011, 06:27 PM
Put up an update for some of the issues reported here:



05-19-2011, 06:40 PM
Not sure if someone already mentioned it, but post update I am seeing a lot of crashes on my Droid.

- Clicking on elixer buffs crashed it.
- clicking on the elixer icon in he store crashes it.

Thos are the only two I've seen so far.


05-19-2011, 06:52 PM
I love the new store

05-19-2011, 06:53 PM
Just unmounted SD card and redownloaded the game after a full uninstall, patched again, and still crashing. Friends and My Account buttons on login screen still cause crashes most of the time. Also just crashed trying to join my friend in a town. Mounting my SD back and redoing all my settings now since of course I lost them.

Since it's still crashing after a clean install, it can't be something on my end and has to be the client/server.

~1 minute ago.

05-19-2011, 07:15 PM
Store issues fixed but I am getting kicked out frequently when using the back arrow.....any ideas? Already uninstalled and reinstalled.

05-19-2011, 07:46 PM
Actually, following up on my last post... it looks to be somewhat random. Same thing doesn't crash it every time. Back arrow, load outs, store, world map. All seem to crash sometimes.


05-19-2011, 08:02 PM
Player Store: CUTE!
Elixirs: Gold elixirs should be 1st.
Friends list: Cute.
Report button: Cool. A bit long, but nice.

05-19-2011, 08:42 PM
100 health potions for 8 platinum...

05-19-2011, 08:44 PM
My feedback:

I love the update, just one thing about the elixirs. Can we choose when the time begins and can we pause and restart it ourselves? While maintaining the auto start and auto stop? Reason? Waiting for a full party burns a lot of time on these elixirs. As a solution right now, I've been dying and remaining dead, so my elixir time doesn't burn.

05-19-2011, 08:45 PM
Actually, following up on my last post... it looks to be somewhat random. Same thing doesn't crash it every time. Back arrow, load outs, store, world map. All seem to crash sometimes.


Hi Atlannie,

You'll want to be sure you have the latest version. We put out a small fix for Android just a bit ago.


Hope that helps. If not, please let us know. Thanks!

05-19-2011, 08:46 PM
100 health potions for 8 platinum...

Hi Ayrilana,

You can purchase potions for gold from Ellie the Enchantress in Forest Haven.

05-19-2011, 08:47 PM
My feedback:

I love the update, just one thing about the elixirs. Can we choose when the time begins and can we pause and restart it ourselves? While maintaining the auto start and auto stop? Reason? Waiting for a full party burns a lot of time on these elixirs. As a solution right now, I've been dying and remaining dead, so my elixir time doesn't burn.

Thanks for the feedback, Apollo. Very creative lying dead waiting :)

My suggestion would be to not purchase your Elixir until your party is assembled and you are rockin 'n rollin.

05-19-2011, 08:48 PM
I love the new update. The only thing that bugs me is the "buy inventory slots" button. Is it possible to have it moved a little lower on the screen? Also, I have 500 inv slots on my main char and I'm still able to click on the button. It would be nice if it was disabled/non clickable for us who are already maxed out with inventory slots.
Thank you!

05-19-2011, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the feedback, Apollo. Very creative lying dead waiting :)

My suggestion would be to not purchase your Elixir until your party is assembled and you are rockin 'n rollin.

Yes, but upon remake when many people drop out, therein lies the problem. :).

05-19-2011, 09:02 PM
Two more glitches. The elixirs seem to be burning while on the join/host/search games. Just noticed that while my 8 plat elixir burned out while I was AFK. Same thing happened when I tested it again. Would appreciate a refund, if possible.

As for the other thing. Fire Grates, at least in Hideout are no longer functioning.

05-19-2011, 09:09 PM
50p lmao for a name res in B*....

This is a great way to say Thank You to your players for paying you threw PL so you could open up a old project.

Im sorry but this is just something else. You say the 50p is the same as a name change. First there is a high rate on name changes so people dont borrow gear or scam. Then just change there name.
How can this even be close to a name reservation? We are getting something we already use on your games. We cant choose new names. We get something we already supported with plat in PL.

Will the next charge be us paying to use the same plat in both games?

The store looks great. I understand the placement of gold items to plat. (The ones paying real money should have it easyer to get what they want.)

Buy Inventory slots. Could they move that down a little off the arrow/last gear spot. It would be nice to see it under the inventory slots used text.

There is three of us messin around on our droids. I havent found a crash point yet. This is after the new update/patch.

05-19-2011, 09:21 PM
i can see Update in Android market. I had just Updated 1.7.2 bt wen i checkd again i saw Update.Is this true????

05-19-2011, 10:09 PM
Yes, is just an update for people having crashes on Android.

05-19-2011, 10:11 PM
Two more glitches. The elixirs seem to be burning while on the join/host/search games. Just noticed that while my 8 plat elixir burned out while I was AFK. Same thing happened when I tested it again. Would appreciate a refund, if possible.

As for the other thing. Fire Grates, at least in Hideout are no longer functioning.

Elixir durations are real time, doesn't matter if you're in a game, at a menu, or offline.

05-19-2011, 10:12 PM
Is it just me or have the bosses in the Sewers been made more difficult.

05-19-2011, 10:13 PM
I love the new update. The only thing that bugs me is the "buy inventory slots" button. Is it possible to have it moved a little lower on the screen? Also, I have 500 inv slots on my main char and I'm still able to click on the button. It would be nice if it was disabled/non clickable for us who are already maxed out with inventory slots.
Thank you!
Yes this button can get in the way a little. I guess they just really want us to buy more slots ;P
And yeah I do think it should be removed if we have maxed slots.

05-19-2011, 11:44 PM
Yes, is just an update for people having crashes on Android.

ok ty

05-20-2011, 01:16 AM
here my feedback:

the update isnt bad, some nice things updated but:

- 50 plat for reservation: ok, seems our names are save :) it will be a race when B* comes out
- Pots for plat: i know we can buy from npc, but sometimes was fine to buy some when i ran out in middle of game... it looks like u wanna use clueless of ppl to earn some plat (sorry)
- elixiers for gold: plz put them up in the list, they will be most bought IMO.
- items and ring store: its nice the scrolling and comparing system now, BUT i dont c the stats of the items anymore, so f.e. when i wear already a ring and wanna buy another, it can be very confusing. i wanna c the pure stats of the single rings.
and all rings on same page is a huge confusion. why not distingue 1. normal or premium rings, 2. int dex str rings. 3. attack or def rings. would be much easier for newcomers.
- buy slots buttons everywhere: plz remove them... i keep on cliking over all the time :/
- mystery weapon: still cant craft, sorry guys

05-20-2011, 01:48 AM
When you have insufficient gold, it seems that the 'you need' gold
amount is displayed incorrectly when you try to purchase something
from the store.

I pasted a screenshot of an example below:


I already sent a mail to support about this, but decided to post it on the forum too :)

05-20-2011, 11:33 AM
Regarding potions in the store - it is intentional that they are not longer purchasable via the store for gold. The intent is that potion purchase is a convenience that users would be willing to pay for. If you want them for gold, then yes, you would need to visit the NPC vendor.

Ahh, thank goodness... I'm such an old-timer I just follow set-patterns from back in May last year... so I can stock up with npc trader... PHEW!!!

Awesome jb devs overall, bit steep on the name reserve but still awesome updates.

05-20-2011, 12:10 PM
When you have insufficient gold, it seems that the 'you need' gold
amount is displayed incorrectly when you try to purchase something
from the store.

This will be fixed in today's upcoming content update.

05-20-2011, 03:08 PM
I agree, the "buy more slots" option should be removed once you already have max slots.

05-20-2011, 04:48 PM
I agree, the "buy more slots" option should be removed once you already have max slots.

Informed them via mail about it...

Below you'll find the content of the mails:


Thank you for the report. We are aware of this issue and will work on
making a fix for it in the next update!


I already posted this inside a topic on the forum, but decided to send
you a mail about this too.

The 'Buy Inventory slots' text remains there, even after buying the
maximum amount of 500 slots. Is this as it should be?

05-21-2011, 12:21 AM
How about making the expand option go away if you've ever gotten stash or inventory slot upgrades? On any character since inventory expand is not account wide. Or maybe make it go away after at least one character has the max 500 slots? I dunno about you guys, but with just one character that has 500 slots, I'd probably never fill all of them before I felt like selling. Also scrolling 5 at a time through so many would takes ages and is just too much trouble to bother with IMHO. Pretty sure 100 or 200 is enough for most people. I usually clear every couple of runs and manage with 50 but been considering expanding to 100. I really don't feel I need more than 100 per character or more than 2 stash expansions.

I understand that with the new system there's no other way to access expansions anymore, but it disappearing or a way to hide it would be nice. Often I end up tapping expand when I just wanna scroll.

05-21-2011, 12:53 AM
I have given up on pocket legends long ago. Guess I can take my unused plat and reserve peoples names and never log back in. Hahaha