View Full Version : Its over.... Final Goodbye to all ! My Journey comes to an end.

10-15-2015, 06:01 AM
Helloww arlorians,

This thread is and is not about something noobish again,

Its time that I Quit AL.

There is a very funny reason I am doing this. You may think I ama noob but this is truly the reason.

What happened is....

I have opened many hallow eve crates since the release and was doing the same when I got 5 plat. With that I opened a rengol crate. I got 30 plat in it....then I spent 30 plat pon rengols, in my last rengol I got 100 plat! I was so happy that I forgot about Halloween event and all other things and opened many locks. I spent all 100 plat. What I got? Trash. I thought my luck was still OK so I bought many elite chests opened them got some stuff but not enough to make what I had spent. Right now with some stuff selling I will have a total of 150k. I don't know why I spent all that money and plat.

So the point is I can't live without at least 500k with me.
another big reason is my constant failure in game.
I do not own any arcanes, mythics, nothing good no paras n no eyes

~ Also my exams are coming so I gotta study.

I got down from 1m to 100k in 1hr.

So I am quitting.

I will be online to play the events for the gold tier pets and other important stuff.

Whenever some good update will come I will come online.

If I make decent amount of gold in the event I may think about it again.

I would like to thank my friends who helped me ythrough my journey in AL.

Dark legends elite: that's where I really started to like the game. (Been an officer)

Powerful: my current guild. Hope you guys reach #1 really helpful guild.

Thanks to....

Bestwaze and Koahun for talking with me every time we are bored.

Powerstylee (Gm of powerful) for helping get amazing stats with legandry stuff.

Isheva (GM of dark legends elite) for giving me a purpose to play i.e get powerful(I was noob that time.)I am Sorry we had a fight xD

I'd also like to thank many others but just don't remember any right now. xD Sorry.


I'll still be making sigs at an ever cheaper price so that I get some gold and return.

I really want to.

Maybe its for some good reason.

First time I have ever written such a big thread.

I will still lurk the forums for the fun.

Goodbye all and have fun !
~ Greatan aka Greatankush

10-15-2015, 06:30 AM

If you stop meassuring the value of your AL expurrience in gold you may find your joy once more.
That being said, I hope your exams go well! Take care and have fun in reality purr purr.

10-15-2015, 06:32 AM
Shouldve made a rogue :/

Endkey 2.0
10-15-2015, 06:33 AM
I thought u were actually gonna quit but then when u said "im still gonna lurk in the forums" that made me sure, u arent going to quit..ur gnna come back..anyways gl with studies

10-15-2015, 06:46 AM
Don't do something reckless , man! Don't sell your house and go to Vegas ! Ain't no place for you :encouragement:

Talking about Vegas made me remember somehow about Mike Tyson . He had to fight against some guy and everbody was filling his head with "your opponent is going to do that and that and that , etc " and he offered probably th best quote i ever heard in my life which is very inspiring "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth"
In addition to your situation, you have to know when to stop. Luck isn't continous.

Usually doing 3 dailies runs from all your alts during Halloween event will assure you plat tier reward. Do what you feel is right.

Only a little motivation i can offer you

10-15-2015, 06:47 AM

If you stop meassuring the value of your AL expurrience in gold you may find your joy once more.
That being said, I hope your exams go well! Take care and have fun in reality purr purr.
i know.

Shouldve made a rogue :/
xD yeah

10-15-2015, 06:52 AM
Don't do something reckless , man! Don't sell your house and go to Vegas ! Ain't no place for you :encouragement:

Talking about Vegas made me remember somehow about Mike Tyson . He had to fight against some guy and everbody was filling his head with "your opponent is going to do that and that and that , etc " and he offered probably th best quote i ever heard in my life which is very inspiring "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth"
In addition to your situation, you have to know when to stop. Luck isn't continous.

Usually doing 3 dailies runs from all your alts during Halloween event will assure you plat tier reward. Do what you feel is right.

Only a little motivation i can offer you

yeah if i reach plat tier i will return... thanks for the motivation though.

working on a project atm/

I thought u were actually gonna quit but then when u said "im still gonna lurk in the forums" that made me sure, u arent going to quit..ur gnna come back..anyways gl with studies

you know halloween is the key

The kind soul
10-15-2015, 07:03 AM
hope you come back, will miss you.
we had lot of fun together.

10-15-2015, 07:05 AM
Can u stop this kind of threads? U tell us u will quit, but actually won't.

excuse me,

this is my first thread about this...mybe you have mistaken me for someone else.

i am serious bro

hope you come back, will miss you.
we had lot of fun together.

i will miss the fun we had too.

forgot to mention about you

10-15-2015, 07:16 AM
When frustration comes to its highest peak it's time to make some distance and have a refreshing break.. Never say over..

I feel u bro, I'm on hiatus for now indefinitely. Liquidated my things and deleted my friends list (I hope they forgive me and accept again when I come back, I have hidden them somewhere in my heart). I only log once in a while to check some things and raid forum mostly nowadays so as not to be left behind.

Praying your exams would go well and be piece of cake even those that are not your cup of tea. Best regards irl. Tc.

10-15-2015, 07:28 AM
When frustration comes to its highest peak it's time to make some distance and have a refreshing break.. Never say over..

I feel u bro, I'm on hiatus for now indefinitely. Liquidated my things and deleted my friends list (I hope they forgive me and accept again when I come back, I have hidden them somewhere in my heart). I only log once in a while to check some things and raid forum mostly nowadays so as not to be left behind.

Praying your exams would go well and be piece of cake even those that are not your cup of tea. Best regards irl. Tc.

well i ussually score well in exams but that is just the third reason i am quitting.

10-15-2015, 07:36 AM
No one ever really leaves al for good. People just take breaks and come back months later. See ya when you return.

10-15-2015, 07:37 AM
No one ever really leaves al for good. People just take breaks and come back months later. See ya when you return.

Hehe its all on halloween

10-15-2015, 07:48 AM
Dont quit so easily == you may get something better than gold in AL like friendship :) i was got lots of trusted friend because they helped me when have problem in gold got account scam, borrow me their equipment for twink when my equipment upgrade. Just play it dont give up so easily ^^ find your friend and you'll happier than before :D
Good Luck :)

10-15-2015, 07:59 AM
Dont quit so easily == you may get something better than gold in AL like friendship :) i was got lots of trusted friend because they helped me when have problem in gold got account scam, borrow me their equipment for twink when my equipment upgrade. Just play it dont give up so easily ^^ find your friend and you'll happier than before :D
Good Luck :)

i will try my best.

10-15-2015, 08:08 AM
If you quit because of this,then you made a bad choice.

Do you think that if you don't have any mythics or arcanes that means you can't play the game?

I have only the basic arcanes (maridos and ring) and they costed around 3 mil.
3 mil isn't that much money now! You can easily farm 3 mil in a month!
And before the expansion (wich was bad af btw) i had nothing good.Only crappy legendaries and wanted to play the game even MORE because i could become a pro if i worked hard.

And do you think that ikkels,when he got banned and lost nearly everything,stopped there? SPOILER ALERT: no
He made another account and farmed all the stuff he had on his previous character.

So Ankush the Great,please don't quit the game.You don't need the latest mythic thingy to be a pro.You are a pro if you know to play the game,not if you have the best items and you don't know how to use them.

Think about what is coming next in the game: The Winter event! The next Expansion! Possibly some game balance updates but i dunno about that...

See you in the game bro!

10-15-2015, 09:03 AM
Lol like ive said in other threads like this knowing that opening chest is gambling and knowing that you got 50% to hit it rich and the other 50% you get taken down but people keep raging over chest ......

10-15-2015, 09:15 AM
Everybody should quit this game if he plays longer than 4 hours a day.
Trust me, i was addicted to this game, sometimes played 10 hours every day.
Everybody who feels like this, stop playing, completely.
If you start playing again u start getting addicted too.
My life is so much better without playing games.
Just my words.
Only thing i do is check the forums every few days.

10-15-2015, 09:56 AM
Nuuuuuuuuuuu! Dunt guuuuuuuuuu!

Good like in real life man! (I'll see ya again in a month or two xD)

10-15-2015, 10:44 AM
I know the frustration when u r broke without a single pie left in ur invent or stash.
I have been playing this game from 5-6 months but somehow with playing 10-12 hours a day farming tooths i got bars & managed to get Arcane ring & fossil which i lost in duplicate scam on Ursoth event(LoL) i too did same thing like posting a good bye thread on forums & was about to delete the char too but instead uninstalled the app but was in contact with guildmates via line & explained about the incident, everyone decided to give some donations to help me regain what i had lost but i refused to take it.
Even though i had quit playing for 2-3 days after the incident deep down my heart i was thinking of playing again[ I know u too feeling the same] then when i visited forum just to check out the winners of Elondrian unicorn rescue contest i had recieved a PM from one of the old player saying " Sorry to hear about what had happened to u Don't quit the game for it. I might help u by lending some gold which i had saved to buy SNS. "
[ Sorry i am not at the liberty to mention her name as i had promised her that i wouldnt let anyone know about the donation she gave]
I was so shy to ask for donation as i was already indebted to my friend by taking Maridos & Shard from her but i was so missing so i decided to take her help & asked her for it & recieved 2M & used it to buy clean ring & somehow bought fossil & got 11 vials in master chests & crafted Nekro.
Few days ago i got my 6th bar sold it & bought Steel commando vanity & bought 100 insignias to complete the legendary questline & i am so happy now for what i am today & i am always indebted to those 2 special persons for backing me up & i am so eager to pay them back as soon as i can.
With such all odds i never thought i would bounce back courage & determination helped me get the things done in an easy way.
So, no matter what dont loose ur Hope, Courage & Determination either in game or Real life just look forward with a hope instead of looking back with regrets.
Good Luck on ur exams.
Hope u bounce back soon:)

10-15-2015, 10:51 AM

If you stop meassuring the value of your AL expurrience in gold you may find your joy once more.
That being said, I hope your exams go well! Take care and have fun in reality purr purr.

*gives tuna,this kitty be wiser than an owl:)!
best of luck ankush:)

10-15-2015, 11:31 AM
Nuuuuuuuuuuu! Dunt guuuuuuuuuu!

Good like in real life man! (I'll see ya again in a month or two xD)

If you quit because of this,then you made a bad choice.

Do you think that if you don't have any mythics or arcanes that means you can't play the game?

I have only the basic arcanes (maridos and ring) and they costed around 3 mil.
3 mil isn't that much money now! You can easily farm 3 mil in a month!
And before the expansion (wich was bad af btw) i had nothing good.Only crappy legendaries and wanted to play the game even MORE because i could become a pro if i worked hard.

And do you think that ikkels,when he got banned and lost nearly everything,stopped there? SPOILER ALERT: no
He made another account and farmed all the stuff he had on his previous character.

So Ankush the Great,please don't quit the game.You don't need the latest mythic thingy to be a pro.You are a pro if you know to play the game,not if you have the best items and you don't know how to use them.

Think about what is coming next in the game: The Winter event! The next Expansion! Possibly some game balance updates but i dunno about that...

See you in the game bro!

Gee hehehehehehe

10-15-2015, 11:33 AM
I know the frustration when u r broke without a single pie left in ur invent or stash.
I have been playing this game from 5-6 months but somehow with playing 10-12 hours a day farming tooths i got bars & managed to get Arcane ring & fossil which i lost in duplicate scam on Ursoth event(LoL) i too did same thing like posting a good bye thread on forums & was about to delete the char too but instead uninstalled the app but was in contact with guildmates via line & explained about the incident, everyone decided to give some donations to help me regain what i had lost but i refused to take it.
Even though i had quit playing for 2-3 days after the incident deep down my heart i was thinking of playing again[ I know u too feeling the same] then when i visited forum just to check out the winners of Elondrian unicorn rescue contest i had recieved a PM from one of the old player saying " Sorry to hear about what had happened to u Don't quit the game for it. I might help u by lending some gold which i had saved to buy SNS. "
[ Sorry i am not at the liberty to mention her name as i had promised her that i wouldnt let anyone know about the donation she gave]
I was so shy to ask for donation as i was already indebted to my friend by taking Maridos & Shard from her but i was so missing so i decided to take her help & asked her for it & recieved 2M & used it to buy clean ring & somehow bought fossil & got 11 vials in master chests & crafted Nekro.
Few days ago i got my 6th bar sold it & bought Steel commando vanity & bought 100 insignias to complete the legendary questline & i am so happy now for what i am today & i am always indebted to those 2 special persons for backing me up & i am so eager to pay them back as soon as i can.
With such all odds i never thought i would bounce back courage & determination helped me get the things done in an easy way.
So, no matter what dont loose ur Hope, Courage & Determination either in game or Real life just look forward with a hope instead of looking back with regrets.
Good Luck on ur exams.
Hope u bounce back soon:)

Well bro you are very lucky...doesn't happen with everyone anyways I have not lost it I spent it.

Why is everyone ytalking money? xD

Everybody should quit this game if he plays longer than 4 hours a day.
Trust me, i was addicted to this game, sometimes played 10 hours every day.
Everybody who feels like this, stop playing, completely.
If you start playing again u start getting addicted too.
My life is so much better without playing games.
Just my words.
Only thing i do is check the forums every few days.
Same with me I play a lot

10-15-2015, 11:33 AM
*gives tuna,this kitty be wiser than an owl:)!
best of luck ankush:)
You are here too O_O

10-15-2015, 11:35 AM
*gives tuna,this kitty be wiser than an owl:)!
best of luck ankush:)

You can not!
You can not!
