View Full Version : Mythic weapon ideas, old styles

10-17-2015, 07:30 AM
STS developers,

I think this idea has been tabled before, what's the possibility of taking existing weapons, i.e. Mythic glaive, and being able to upgrade to current levels. I know this has been quest based for items in the past for different items like armor.

Many of your most loyal players have used these weapons for a long time and worked extremely hard to earn them. Also, many players like the look of the weapon and many weapons are now extremely rare.

This would be a great gesture in supporting your most loyal gamer base and I think would speak volumes to those of us that really enjoy this game.

I invite any players to comment on this as we are a community of gamers with great ideas.

10-17-2015, 07:48 AM
I feel like the last week I have had to say no to so extremely many IMO bad suggestions the last week tbh..

No thanks, as these weapons have been the best for over a year we really donīt want them to remain forever, like the mythic armor did.
I still use a helm that released in the LEVEL 26 CAP and It is still among the 5 best helms 20 levels later.
Doesnīt take alot to realise that it is completely broken, every cap should have new best gear, not the same as last season.

10-17-2015, 08:46 AM
i dont think its a good idea. As it is new players have it easy with arcanes and myth weapons around 1-3mill.. This would just be giving players with lesser gear an easy way out, without having to spend further on better weapons. The economy is already destroyed.. Lets not kill it further.
Loyal gamers like myself paid 14million for an arcane maul almost 1.5years ago or 20/30 m on a shard/ nekro.. Some before me have paid more. I dont think it is a fair idea to us players who actually keep arcane legends running just for some of you to have it even easier.

10-17-2015, 09:53 AM
You both have good points. I've been playing since February so I think my frame of reference is the newer culture of the game.

Then I have a question, why doesn't sts just put some weapons in the store and put a plat value to them, they do it with select pets. I feel like if I want to spend money then I would just do that instead. I think I would spend the plats if I wanted it bad enough.

10-17-2015, 10:08 AM
At least sts shud make an upgrade for mythic and arcane stuffs... It is sad how the rarity of the rare items screwed up... The economy destroyed... and as it goes on they will become useless and become a vanity stuff... At least make a new weapon upgrading proccess which requires old mythic and arcane to be upgraded...