View Full Version : Pre Buy Elixers?

05-20-2011, 06:43 PM
When buying an elixer i find that you either have it and are burning it while waiting for the group to get together, or you buy it when the group is ready and come back to find the group gone, and your chasing the group trying to catch up.

Why not have them sort of like pots, where you can buy a bunch, and hit the elixer button to start one whenever you want?

So i buy 10 2k xp pots, and everytime i want the bonus, i just hit the elixer icon? Rather then going through the plat screen to the elixer screen then scrolling to what i want to buy, and confirming it.

Feedback and Ideas please?

05-21-2011, 02:37 AM
So basically you mean you want to be able to store elixirs until needed

05-22-2011, 01:54 AM
Ya Basically. And not have to search for them when its time to use them.

I dont use elixers on my way to 56 now, for the simple reason they are a pain to pop. If i had a easy way to use stored elixers i would have no gold left. haha

05-22-2011, 02:58 AM
There doesn't seem to be enough room on the screen (Non tablet) on most devices to allow on screen buttons for every elixir type and not have to use the player menu. The only thing I can think of is shrinking the pot buttons (Becomes harder to use accurately) and put a pop out menu near pots like emotes, which would be empty unless you had some elixirs and would populate with only the ones you bought while not showing ones you have zero of at all. Height and width should use this same adjusting so as to not obscure the action the way the current implementation does.

Good idea?

05-22-2011, 03:23 AM
Ya not a bad idea, or allow you to customize what is on your screen more. You can Turn off your Emote button, so why could you not therefore replace it with a more useful button if wanted/needed.

05-22-2011, 03:47 AM
If you replace or remove emote you'll need to put it back when you do wanna use it. My implementation does it without needing to remove/hide anything. :)