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View Full Version : Why are people talking about nerfs?

10-22-2015, 11:03 AM
I don't understand, the ones who say the elite gear is op are those without elite gear. I see people say that the new sets will be nerfed because they are overpowered but its just because they are using purples or pinks. When you got full elites then all will be good you may have to find s new strategy in winning though since things are different.

I like pvp now as the fights aren't very long when before on a mage if you were versing another mage or bear the fight would be super long and dull. Now its over within 7 seconds. I also like how you can't just beckon and stomp and win, that was really discouraging when I was fighting dex bears on my bird or mage. Things all good now, if they were to change it, then it would make one set op to the other like lust str set was the only superior set that could win constantly without losing. Now Intel Str or Dex elites can win.

There are one handed sword elites and they are very strong , if dex sets were nerfed then sword and Intel sets would be the strongest, and to nerf all the sets would be very time consuming for 1 man. Pvp is all good all classes except rhino and foxes can win if geared in all elites.

When dex helms drops are fixed birds will be able to go full dex and have more damage, and their pvp problems should be solved:)

10-22-2015, 12:27 PM
well that's TRUE to an extent, ppls who enjoyed the op ness wont able to digest it but there few things that can be proven to be next op thing, like we have to c how it goes int mages with such dodge.

10-22-2015, 12:28 PM
I feel as if it is about time that int and dex shine and str should be left a little lacking. Let's be honest here, str has been quite strong for quite a while. Give the int and dex a chance here

10-22-2015, 12:43 PM
well str wont be lacking, its just other sets catching that level.

10-22-2015, 01:46 PM
Lol @ at all the pallys going int :D

10-22-2015, 02:23 PM
Sorry to bother but I'm new here and what is a nerf exactly?

I know about those nerf guns and they're cool but I don't think this is about them :D

10-22-2015, 05:35 PM
Lol @ at all the pallys going int :D

Actually the pallies aren't goin int lol they r goin dex

10-22-2015, 05:59 PM
Great, I guess its all good then. All we need is a new playstyle as the old way don't seem to work no more. I really disliked those lust sets, the fights lasted way to long it was so boring. I'm really digging these short 7 to 10 second fights. I truly like this cap pvp is great and pve is actually fun to. The bosses after first or second map has way to much hp, but you can solo the maps until you get to those last bosses. It would take about an hour to kill them alone and 20 minutes or more with a team

Magic Sword
10-22-2015, 05:59 PM
nothing gonna change guys the whole cap was a gift from cinco i wouldnt expect anything especially stat balance to be maintained, although if a simple fix were to be added i would suggest to remove all the dodge off new gear and add like 65 base armor and health to bears when they hit L80
I love the whole bears not being the dps monsters they used to the gear is actually tanky but so is all the other gear

10-22-2015, 06:40 PM
"nerfs" --> Unreasonable

"balance" --> doesn't exist

"cry" --> my response

Magic Sword
10-23-2015, 10:15 PM
"nerfs" --> Unreasonable

"balance" --> doesn't exist

"cry" --> my response

"cute" --> cute summary

10-24-2015, 06:20 AM
Sorry to bother but I'm new here and what is a nerf exactly?

I know about those nerf guns and they're cool but I don't think this is about them :D

Nerf means make something less stronger, i.e. if mage with int set easily beats other classes we say int set op (overpower) and must be nerfed (make less op).

10-24-2015, 06:47 AM
so now int mages are kicking a**, so all the pallies and str bears are complaining to nerf, like dang guys you have ruled for the last two caps let the int mages shine

10-24-2015, 10:21 AM
My L80 is a str bear and it's going along fine in pvp. I don't see why people think Int and Dex mages are op now. All classes have a chance of winning if they dodge more then the other.

Yohan Blank
11-13-2015, 08:04 AM
Well i dont agree nerfing int/dex sets if were talking about pve but when talking about pvp int/dex sets then must be nerfed to make it fair with str users

11-14-2015, 11:09 PM
Well i dont agree nerfing int/dex sets if were talking about pve but when talking about pvp int/dex sets then must be nerfed to make it fair with str users
Hmm, u got used to beck stomp so much, other than that u see it as disbalance, Dex gear ain't competitive by far need boost.

11-15-2015, 02:56 PM
As an int mage, I'm thoroughlly enjoying this cap. But as a generality, I'm happy people have to farm/accumulate wealth in order to get the best gear (work a little for it). Everyone in PL is used to getting gear so fast that there is no longer anything to go for. I actually enjoy checking the CS now to look at prices. I must admit, I was among those players who wanted to obtain everything fast, but ultimately there is beauty in working a bit for it. It's not super tedious like other MMOs.

11-15-2015, 04:24 PM
As a PL Player, I'm thoroughlly enjoying this cap. But as a generality, I'm happy people have to farm/accumulate wealth in order to get the best gear (work a little for it). Everyone in PL is used to getting gear so fast that there is no longer anything to go for. I actually enjoy checking the CS now to look at prices. I must admit, I was among those players who wanted to obtain everything fast, but ultimately there is beauty in working a bit for it. It's not super tedious like other MMOs.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. and Yes.

11-15-2015, 08:26 PM
As an int mage, I'm thoroughlly enjoying this cap. But as a generality, I'm happy people have to farm/accumulate wealth in order to get the best gear (work a little for it). Everyone in PL is used to getting gear so fast that there is no longer anything to go for. I actually enjoy checking the CS now to look at prices. I must admit, I was among those players who wanted to obtain everything fast, but ultimately there is beauty in working a bit for it. It's not super tedious like other MMOs.

Have to agree on it, for the first time I'm farming and enjoyed farming for the first time,

11-15-2015, 11:34 PM
If bears can just stop complaining with the new changes so that they can't "beckon-stomp" and actually use all the abilities it would be better. Bears have like 5 stun moves yet they only use 2.

Yohan Blank
11-16-2015, 05:13 AM
lel hi just a random guy here

11-21-2015, 03:54 PM
Ill sum it up for everybody bird got screwed over again for the third cap in a row :)

11-21-2015, 04:59 PM
Ill sum it up for everybody bird got screwed over again for the third cap in a row :)

11-21-2015, 11:29 PM
If bears can just stop complaining with the new changes so that they can't "beckon-stomp" and actually use all the abilities it would be better. Bears have like 5 stun moves yet they only use 2.

actually, most semi-intelligent ones can use hs :D