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10-27-2015, 10:06 PM
Idk even how to spell this guy's name lol but ive noticed that a lot of the lower level players cant seem to defeat the "overgrown nekro".

If u have someone stand in the lower left corner next to his pools,he will not reset. He can heal but not by much.

The other 3 can continu to damage him.
Make sure the "guard" looks out for the skeletons, because they will attack (shouldnt be a problem though)

Hope this helped

10-27-2015, 11:14 PM
When u meet paraboss tell ur party after kill miniboss go back in the middle...let only 1 person to hit big para boss then move back to reset him....and now u can kill para easy....keep spammin attack and when boss Roar go move because that spike will come up * sorry for english

10-28-2015, 04:29 AM
Also kelvin (one of the most useful pets in al) will stun him with his arcane attack so having atleast one Kelvin is extremely useful to kill para boss

10-28-2015, 06:27 AM
Bah pet AA almost useless in here.....they always go to left or right corner....and its same like halloween event before...sts never fix it

10-28-2015, 10:59 AM
Using Ankh along with Safiras' suggestions will do it. If you don't use Ankh Para is exponentially harder. If the whole party uses Ankh you will be OK but if 0-1 in your party use ankh you are in trouble. I am an Ankh user and if I am the only user in the party I refuse to waist my hard earned resources.

10-28-2015, 04:40 PM
Actually there is a set of general guidelines to follow if you want to make your Paracelsus farming trips less painful for you and your party. And it does not require a guard.

1. Stay on the move. Paracelsus's most feared attack is his multiple ground spikes which one hit anything. To minimize the chance of you getting nailed, stay on the move. The targetting works by pinpointing your location 1 second before the spikes come up. So if you can move away from that spot you were at in the second you have before the spike hits, it will miss. In a 4 player team it's abit harder because there are more of you around and the chance you might actually walk into a spike meant for another player is higher. But this method should help you stay alive for longer.

2. Stay mid-range. The other damaging attack by Paracelsus is its close-range arm swipe which usually one hits most rogues and mages. To avoid that, just spam attacks in the middle of the arena.

3. If he looks like he's getting ready to blow/suck, get out of the way. If you have fought him long enough you will be able to tell when he's winding up for those attacks. To avoid it, run to the side and hug the wall till he executes his attack. Then immediately run back into the middle because the next attack is commonly the ground spike attack, so you have to keep moving.

4. If you get pulled in... pray. The pull by itself uslldoesn't do enough damage to kill you but the follow-up attack may finish you off. If you have a Nekro, hit it as soon as you're pulled. If you're a tank or mage, blow that horn or charge up that shield ASAP.

There are many other tips which apply to different classes as to how to help your team survive, too many to type out here. Probably others who know better can also help to share. But the above guidelines have helped me to save alot of ankhs and deaths. Hope they cam help you too, and tell me if you have better ways to beat Paracelsus! :)

1. I've been surviving by standing near a statue and staying there, until I see the blue circles, warning for spikes, then I move out the way
2. Adding to that, if you're a mage, I've found clock, lightning, fire to work best (with Arc Shield if you can't get out of his pull in time)
3&4. If he pulls you in, and you can't get near a statue in time, just accept your fate :/