View Full Version : Halloween Event Boss Scaling

10-30-2015, 04:46 PM
I just had a quick question. Do event bosses scale in difficulty based on number of players on the map, and/or level of said players? Does anybody know?

I'm asking because it feels like both. But as an average player in a PUG just trying to make it to gold tier at this point (I had a cold for a week), it's starting to get really frustrating. The last five times I've purchased energy, players just start leaving because the boss is Paracelsus or Drakeula. As for myself, I'm up for the challenge! But now I don't even want to purchase ankhs because it seems like a waste, on top of wasted energy, if the boss scales difficulty to the number of players who enter, and then I'm just left alone to deal with a boss made for four players.

Not suggesting a fix--I probably should find a guild to join--but just kind of wondering if anyone has input. It feels like I should start trying to solo these last few days because those two bosses feel way harder than a single player can take on when I try after other players have left...But maybe I'm just not great at soloing and it has nothing to do with scale mechanics?

(By the way, STS, I actually have enjoyed the event otherwise. The graphics are nice, like last year, and I really thought Boogie has been fun. Plus I kind of love Slobber's look all around. Between the homage to Ghostbusters and the homage to Nightmare Before Christmas...two thumbs up.)

10-30-2015, 05:28 PM
ya it does scale to both # of players and the level of the highest player

So if you solo (like actually solo, not soloing after people ditch you) the boss would have less hp compare to a 4 player run

10-30-2015, 05:36 PM
Ah, okay, thank you. I have sort of limited time available this weekend for two toons, so I think I will just try soloing.
