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View Full Version : "Old" level 1 always starts in tutorial.

05-29-2011, 12:44 AM
I think this happened last time the character start was changed also.

I've killed everything here over and over and I still start in the tutorial when that character enters the world. It's not a big deal, but the arrows and stuff get a bit, um, annoying. New tutorial's great! The 1st few hundred times. :P

Oh yeah, level 1 birdie. I finally leveled my other character to 4 :P

Also, the character start turn-table is sort of dizzying. Especially when it takes 500 tries to get a name :P

Oh yeah, heard some people ask in Forest Haven whether they can type in their own name on character creation. Told them yes and how to do it, but maybe there needs to be a line that the name is a suggestion and they can delete and enter their own name?

05-29-2011, 12:48 AM
You can just skip the tutorial if you don't want to use it. But I'll admit the turn table gets on my nerves. Ugh.

05-29-2011, 12:58 AM
I do skip it, every time. Either by running through the end, killing all or using the World Map.
Nonetheless, my level 1 bird still starts there whenever he enters the world.

My "new" level 1s no longer start there. As I said, it was fun the 1st few hundred times...