View Full Version : Biggest suggestion! or let PL end!

05-31-2010, 02:09 AM
PvP released is a good news, but from there we can c there r so many serious problem.
First of all: I love this game, so i suggest it, if u dont agree it doesnt matter, the suggestion only belongs to me.
1. In each Campaign, there r many maps, and the last map is always the Boss map which has many bosses. For those who only wants good gear, will only farm in that map again and again, THIS IS TOTALLY REDICULUS!!! they have to start from the first map then finish one by one, then for the reward, those can enjoy in the boss map. THE PURPOSE of this is: make the game enjoyable, not only farm in the last map to get best gear.
2. some of skills r insane, add 50% crit? 50% dodge, plus the stat from gear it becomes almost 100%, whats the point of this?? so what is the future? over 100%, that doesnt make anyyyyyyyy sense, if the auther wants to END PL.
3. there might b some bugs of mage's magic sheld in pvp, while someone use spells, it doesnt absorbs the damage, so something always happens is, i am dead while i have magic shield and also i have many mana. ( I know there is a delay after i use it, about 1 sec , but after that...)

Thx all for reading this, it is my big suggestion, im really afrad this game gonna end soon, coz many things going so bad, the auther doing the balance not that good , and also u dont think about the future of this game, 100%crit 100%dodge, in fact, coz of this, i lost some interest...

05-31-2010, 04:22 AM
yea i agree but theres fun to be had with these buffs!

its like a game of let the others use their buffs first, run away then use yours!

im not sure if this is what the devs had in mind for PVP, but seriously i dont mind it, but i wouldnt mind also if they changed it, it lets you think twice in wasting your buffs because without them your screwed due to the long cooldown

05-31-2010, 09:29 AM
yea I know but i mean 50% is a bit... too much!

05-31-2010, 09:40 AM
I agree with Sayishere, I never read a word of anything, but, he has to be right!

05-31-2010, 12:36 PM
for #2 Well if everyone has crazy stats With crazy buffs it's even right ? And when you farm you get poisoned which will subtract your stats alot.

05-31-2010, 12:46 PM
I agree with Sayishere, I never read a word of anything, but, he has to be right!

hahahahaha :D

05-31-2010, 04:24 PM
I will be willing to translate in to normal English from noob English if anyone wants me to. ;)

And there have been a fair amount of other discussions about farming, Crit, and Dodge. You might want to report that mana shield bug in the bug forums though.

And imo, none of those things are enough to say that PL should end. :) Just my two g.

05-31-2010, 06:51 PM
It's not even worth my time to try translate what exactly this post says. All i saw was "let PL end", and thats not happening anytime soon.

Pocket legends isn't going to die because of your suggestion "that only belongs to you."