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View Full Version : new clients bring lags, unresponsiveness, etc

11-03-2015, 04:55 AM
i'm really dissapointed with the latest client update

not only it brings lag, but also so many unresponsiveness,
attacks become several seconds delayed, targeting become strange (e.g. the center of fireball is far from your closest target, clock drop delay), unknown attacks coming from nowhere, skill cooldown delay

and if i remember correctly paracelsus give warning in form of faint red circle on where it is going to spawn spikes last year, but this year, that information is missing, and so many invisible attacks from him that we can't get the visuals (no hands swinging, just bang bang bang boom) and the fact that many of the enemies has becoming less visible, jumping from position to position, it is almost seems that all melee enemies become ranged because of missing visuals and information. also pet jumping here and there, doing nothing, etc

i can still tolerate if i'm only running a simple map like km3, but for elite maps, this kind of lags, unresponsiveness is way too much and frustrating.
anyway, if you're seriously making global online game, please test it in delayed environment, not every of your players is playing in texas...

thank you

11-03-2015, 05:32 AM
i'm really dissapointed with the latest client update

not only it brings lag, but also so many unresponsiveness,
attacks become several seconds delayed, targeting become strange (e.g. the center of fireball is far from your closest target, clock drop delay), unknown attacks coming from nowhere, skill cooldown delay

and if i remember correctly paracelsus give warning in form of faint red circle on where it is going to spawn spikes last year, but this year, that information is missing, and so many invisible attacks from him that we can't get the visuals (no hands swinging, just bang bang bang boom) and the fact that many of the enemies has becoming less visible, jumping from position to position, it is almost seems that all melee enemies become ranged because of missing visuals and information. also pet jumping here and there, doing nothing, etc

i can still tolerate if i'm only running a simple map like km3, but for elite maps, this kind of lags, unresponsiveness is way too much and frustrating.
anyway, if you're seriously making global online game, please test it in delayed environment, not every of your players is playing in texas...

thank you

Also i have witnessed no response to touch when in duel. I cant attack or charge skills.

11-03-2015, 05:43 AM
Also i have witnessed no response to touch when in duel. I cant attack or charge skills.
on chrome as well.

"Quote to reply, I use tapasucks."

11-03-2015, 06:43 AM
Well yeah. Since Halloween update many people from guild and many friends have problem with spiking / red ping. When i just chill in city or GH ping is green, rarely yellow. But when i join map or PvP it spike more often... DC.


11-03-2015, 08:57 AM
You're right. But even as someone who lives in Texas, I still get bad ping. Sometimes my ping gets so bad I have to leave the game a few hours and come back later when it's a lil more stable. My data is absolutely fine as I've been using this same company to play this game for more than a year. Therefore, it's not my connection as most of the time I'm okay.

Anyways **unknown attacks coming from no where,no warning** sometimes I'm no where near sorrax the great( planar tombs 2 boss) and I get killed easily no red zone...same with those darn dogs there!!!! Those things are more vicious than the big boys and mage enemies.
Reminds me of when i get killed by Harley in km3 from time to time.(like.. woah how did that happen?)

As for Halloween event... those blue circles were hell. But yes the unresponsiveness, lag, delays, and invisible attacks are frustrating. Especially that swipe para does o.O

~I try to make sure I'm not the issue, so I check my things out first. As I don't like to complain too much~ but yes these things need to be looked into ty. :3

11-03-2015, 11:48 AM
Finally others also have this same problem. People in my guild (very few anyway) were not having this issue so I was wondering whats going on.
This issue is not only Halloween event specific....the lags, delays on skills etc also affect all normal maps.
Sts, pls look into this.

11-03-2015, 12:08 PM
I also found out that after orc grunts die,some of them will still remain there and won't do anything but being targetable.

Eample:i am farming fangs and i am destroying a group of mobs,but one of them will just stay there with no HP bar and still be targetable.

I find this really annoying.

11-03-2015, 12:31 PM
Few more bugs :-

1. When a crafting item is completed & " Complete " button is clicked it gets stuck & doesnt respond to touch.

2. While a free chest from klaas is ready & receive a notification in alerts & click on " Go to " & click on klaas to receive the chest " Claim chest " becomes invisble & have to re-map to make it visible.

3. When the free chests are ready either from klaas or shazbot there is an exlamatory mark on start up page of character but since last client update it doesnt appear even when the chests are ready to pick up.

5. My ping stays under 450-550 in other maps but immediately spikes upto 6-7K when i enter kraken mines & still experiencing even while using wi-fi, 3G/4G network connection. Plus even when ping is stable i am experiencing an slow motioned gameplay [ Unless i use NOS of nekro's AA(LoL):p]& lagg in kraken mines.

5. Coming to stable, most used pets need to be on the top of the list but the list seems to malfunctioning after new client update.
Example : Nekro, toor & maridos r the 3 most used pets by me but after the update my list has been messed up, yowie & blinky are on the top of my stable pet list but, i dont even summon them accidentaly.

Since the client update i have reset my phone to factory settings thrice but the problem doesnt seems to be fixed.

11-05-2015, 06:07 PM
It's very annoying! Can't even play for 3 minutes :bull_head: without getting a ping jumping from 106 to 9k! :hororr: This is due to the new client update.

It's extremely annoying.

STS please do something about it.

11-06-2015, 01:27 AM
I've been experiencing this too in the last couple of days! I dc every 3-5 minutes :/ It's frustrating, I can't even finish half of the map, then boom- dc.

Btw, I'm playing in chrome.

11-20-2015, 12:50 PM
sts, please seriously fix the issue here... as some already reported above, there is also a case where dead mobs become immortal zombie, can be attacked, but it is invincible but not moving neither attacking...

also i also experience not only cooldown delay (skill doesn't start counting cooldown as soon as it is pressed), but also some skill can't be pressed at some time...
also strange inconsistent things happen a lot more than usual... in some case, when i cast charged fireball out of enemy aggro range, a mobs (most of the times are boar in elite rengol) can still move and stun me even after it is hit by charged fireball, and the absurd thing is mobs behind them shown animation of getting stunned, how come that is possible? so which one is correct my fireball hit/stunned them first, or the enemy stunned me first? this kind of data/information inconsistency is a big problem...

thank you, please keep improving the client, and again, expect delays when designing the program...

11-20-2015, 01:00 PM
i have nothing more to say everyone here are spot on. so now i understand your new client is messing us gameplay ... fix your new client thing its all messup lol

12-04-2015, 02:00 AM
i think the client should work by only giving commands to server side, and client shouldn't block command from players, even when we're stunned, command should be able to be sent on some queuing mechanism on server, and quickly executed after we're waken up

and then all commands are executed and verified on server

and then the server should send a stateless information to client, considering there might be some dropped messages

a skill that is cancelled because of stun but still getting cooldown is also a problem, probably the cause of this is, a client sending command of skill, but at the same time on the server side there is an event that make the player stunned, so after some time the command is received, player already in a state of being stunned, at this time, with this case happens so often, i think server need to send information about skill cooldown, and revert the cooldown because there is a major difference between the state

anyway at the moment the synchronization between state in server and state in client is very bad, making all the lags way too perceivable by players, and need to be fixed

12-06-2015, 03:41 AM
hits from players' melee weapons become more likely to miss, enemies position always seems off (hits from far away enemies happened a lot, not only from orc brute)

red zone seems to be always to slow to be notified to players, some are almost impossible to avoid reactively (we need to guess when and start moving even before the red zone is there)

way too inaccurate/unforgiving red zone, always seems to lock on to targets even though we're outside

12-07-2015, 04:12 PM
the unresponsiveness is really frustrating, making many non-automatic targeting miss like crazy,

yet you set the difficulty assuming everyone has no delay... this is not good for a real-time hack and smash online game

i will say again, it is becoming really frustrating

01-26-2016, 10:55 PM
the recent live video of arcane deary demonstration make it clear how flawed the new client is,

at that time remiem got stuck on ice pool in nordr crystal cavern, but we could see that she was only frozen after around 5 steps from the actual pool, and then again, she was frozen continously outside of the actual pool, as if she was on the pool all the time... and surprisingly, that happened to remiem that's supposed to be the closest to be able to play lag-free

this discrepancy happened too often to be tolerated