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View Full Version : Yet another scammer.... BE AWARE FOLKS

05-30-2011, 07:29 PM
Posting purely for informative reasons... REPORTED also...

Be aware people.. There are no shortcuts... It's always a scam.

Take evidence, report them and await the sound of the banhammer.


Two in one screen shot.... (Blue & Black)

I went on to get a lot of images of the one poor soul and then popped out my Shield.... There was a significant amount of back tracking...

05-30-2011, 07:40 PM
Posting purely for informative reasons... REPORTED also...

Be aware people.. There are no shortcuts... It's always a scam.

Take evidence, report them and await the sound of the banhammer.


Two in one screen shot.... (Blue & Black)

I went on to get a lot of images of the one poor soul and then popped out my Shield.... There was a significant amount of back tracking...

lol nice btw is the banhammer secretly hammo da wammo

05-30-2011, 07:47 PM
This had me laughing like crazy.

05-30-2011, 07:48 PM
Good question... Is the banhammer actually hammer-shaped?

I'm desperately holding back posting the images of when i pulled out the Shield.... I can't stop giggling.

Poor chap picked on the wrong person. The wrong place, at the wrong time.. LOL

05-30-2011, 07:48 PM

The sheer terror they must have felt when you whipped out the ole shield XD

05-30-2011, 07:55 PM
I'd kill to find out how they felt when you popped that bad boy out :D

05-30-2011, 07:59 PM
Lol nice catch and yeah i would LOVE to see the scammers expression when yo pulled that out.
And Red, How did I now know you were a GoA?! Were you just chosen or something?

05-30-2011, 08:01 PM
I've done that so many times, rofl. I'm like, I'll be sure to report this in :). Or, when I see people excessively booting, for no reason. I'll wear it, suddenly. The booting stops.

05-30-2011, 08:10 PM
It was like a moth to a light - you couldn't have scripted it better. I feel a bit guilty now though.... It would be entrapment but i didn't have to even try or say anything.

I first went away to say I'd get some money, so I could gather my thoughts....

Was originally gonna just leave it and report but needed more screenshots for evidence & wanted to take away the threat to anyone else, so got the images and popped out the shield. I won't go into details but lets just say it was a shocker....

Hey Register, I was just as shocked as everyone else, There are plenty of people ahead of me in the Queue... but I do give the devs a lot of feedback directly.

On a different note, I think this is another good reason why we need a few more Guardians out there.... It must be coming up to the next announcement soon. Can't wait to see who the new ones will be and not be the new kid on the block anymore.... LOL

05-30-2011, 08:14 PM
i think that this is the expression on thier faces

05-30-2011, 08:22 PM
Haha! Nice pic thug! But seriously, I brought Diablerie to a Forest Haven Map to chill my friend. I got a stupid booting reason: "girls Party, bye noob" == Scammers are getting more and more frequent these days. O.o

05-30-2011, 11:34 PM
On a different note, I think this is another good reason why we need a few more Guardians out there.... It must be coming up to the next announcement soon. Can't wait to see who the new ones will be and not be the new kid on the block anymore.... LOL

I have made it my goal to become one. I really like this game and do not like seeing people trying to scam and ruin the experience for others. I been reporting the scammers as I see em. Ran into one today offering to sell his headphones for 110k. I asked him since when did the headphones become a sellable item and he said "SINCE TODAY".

05-30-2011, 11:36 PM
I have made it my goal to become one. I really like this game and do not like seeing people trying to scam and ruin the experience for others. I been reporting the scammers as I see em. Ran into one today offering to sell his headphones for 110k. I asked him since when did the headphones become a sellable item and he said "SINCE TODAY".

It is great to see people aspiring to become GoAs. :)

05-30-2011, 11:51 PM
It has got to be too funny when yall guardians whip out ur shields on scammers, whom i detest, well done redbridge :D

05-31-2011, 12:00 AM
It has got to be too funny when yall guardians whip out ur shields on scammers, whom i detest, well done redbridge :D

I was scamming? I'm just joking!

05-31-2011, 12:02 AM
Imagine "FREEZE SCAMMER, GoA!!!!" as they are surrounded hahaha that would be a funny pic

05-31-2011, 12:06 AM
I was scamming

Ha i got him to admit it!! Lol gotcha

05-31-2011, 01:20 AM
That's how one player felt pulling a scam when I was an admin for lineage 2. I appeared next to him and he started begging not to be banned. He even tried to offer me a bribe. It was funny.

05-31-2011, 03:27 AM
My description of a scammer- people who are just to lazy to earn gold or do anything for themselves and try depending on other people to give them things by using trickery and wrongdoing. scammers also ruin lots of peoples' experiences. Good job redbridge :) i love the shield part. it made me laugh like crazy. ;)
Highlight for my message to scammers.

To all u scammers, the GoA's r gonna get u. the devs are gonna beat the friggin crap outta u with the banhammer. stop scamming and please make the PL community cleaner, u lazy pieces of dung.

05-31-2011, 04:12 AM
Just the other day, a random guy was literally offering me 'a shortcut to the next level' too... If I would help him level his toon -.- On top of that, I was using my lv 56 mage O.o I just lolled at him and walked away.

Anyway, good you're posting this so people are aware :)

05-31-2011, 04:23 AM
Today in FH i play my twink and random 30lvl bear come to play with me and say "ur strong bird, wanna be stronger 56lvl and 15m gold??" I know whats going on but i like to have fun and i say "yesss offcourse."

Next what he/she says is "drop off ur stuff and give it to me. I give you instant 56 elix and 15m gold"
I just say to go in STS-forum and read what ppl think players like you. :)

I dont say name becouse im not guy who flame around. Seriously how dumdum ppl are when try something like that.

05-31-2011, 04:38 AM
Lol :d

05-31-2011, 05:05 AM
Today in FH i play my twink and random 30lvl bear come to play with me and say "ur strong bird, wanna be stronger 56lvl and 15m gold??" I know whats going on but i like to have fun and i say "yesss offcourse."

Next what he/she says is "drop off ur stuff and give it to me. I give you instant 56 elix and 15m gold"
I just say to go in STS-forum and read what ppl think players like you. :)

I dont say name becouse im not guy who flame around. Seriously how dumdum ppl are when try something like that.

That's really good that you didn't fall for their scam, but it is absolutely vital that we all report this kind of behaviour....

These scammers aren't wanted, we don't need them and they ALL need reporting to the dev team. Please take screen shots where possible, make a notes of names, local times (incl timezones) and report them to support[at]spacetimestudios.com (replacing [at] with @) or just press the report button and explain the situation there....

It's all of our responsibilities to highlight the behaviour of these people...

05-31-2011, 05:29 AM
That's really good that you didn't fall for their scam

Well doing lvl56 i see so many ppl and never seen 56elix LOL
I think i should wear off my stuff and but in trade window so i can see "the elixir" and 15m gold.. But i laught so much allready so i think i cant handle more :):):):):)

05-31-2011, 06:21 AM
Goa this ones for you


05-31-2011, 06:34 AM
Goa this ones for you


I'm not a GOA, but that's just funny LOL :)

05-31-2011, 06:39 AM
You should report this guy. Which by the way you can still do via the /report option (I believe this is still available?) or you could email or PM a dev and give them a time when this person was doing this.

And it's not a flame if it's just the facts.

05-31-2011, 08:39 AM
Yes i report but that name is my and devs. Business.. I dont proteck anybody but all know scammer style and thats important.

05-31-2011, 08:44 AM
So any chances of implementing an animation where the characters explodes and his gear and cash flies around in random directions where it can be picked up by bystanders upon ban?

Would, at least, make the bans funny and entertaining. :D

05-31-2011, 09:40 AM
So any chances of implementing an animation where the characters explodes and his gear and cash flies around in random directions where it can be picked up by bystanders upon ban?

Would, at least, make the bans funny and entertaining. :D

Thats an amazing idea..... LOL.... maybe they don't actually get banned immediately but when they try to log on, the system waits until there in the middle of a town and their first attempt to say anything triggers a countdown...


Until zero when, like Stomp says, the whole place it littered with gear and cash.......?

[Thinks....] ok, so maybe I got a little over excited with that one....

Stomp, I like ur idea..... lol

05-31-2011, 12:26 PM
Lol ok ill watch for him ;) btw why u left?

05-31-2011, 03:02 PM
I once saw someone try and scam me on the forums lol!! I was laughing so hard!!

05-31-2011, 06:21 PM
I had a similar experience. The guy said for 1000g his friend in dark forest would give me all elixirs. Gave him 400g for luckelixer. Hesaid tell his friend ts sent me. When I asked what his freinds name was he tried to give the gold back. Lol reported. Brings me back to the same douchbag scanners from d2

05-31-2011, 06:26 PM
Lol ok ill watch for him ;) btw why u left?

I replied via forum PM... My broadband is usable for PL today. only got a Wifi iPad.... :(

All sorted now though :)

But bedtime now :(

05-31-2011, 06:30 PM
Being a guardian would be pretty cool :) The B.A's of PL xD